

BLINGO!   Isn’t that what people yell out really loud when they’re playing that game with the cardboard thing that has numbers and letters on it and the guy with the machine in front of the room reaches into the machine and pulls out a number????  Huh????  OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Sorry – I thought it was BLINGO……but it’s BINGO…….oh well.  Got your attention though didn’t it?

Can you tell I’m smiling???

Seriously, I’m excited because you know how I am about adding bling (aka awards) to my blog – and because I get excited that somebody thinks enough of me to pass one on to me.  Well, I have a new one thanks to my dear friend the lovely Malamute Pup Misaki!   She nominated me for the “Wonderful Team Member Readership Award” which I think is quite a wonderful honor. 

I’m supposed to display the award (just have to have my assistant put it on my page for me along with a few others she’s a bit BEHIND doing that on!) and nominate 14 other blogs (or any number of blogs I wish to nominate) AND, last but far from least, I must complete this sentence:

“A good reader is…………………”

Well, I happen to think that’s a great thing to think about.  What really IS a good reader?  I think a good reader is many things.  A good reader is someone who likes to learn new things,  have a good time, have a good cry,  have a good laugh, experience things they wouldn’t have a chance to in “real” life, and most of all, enjoy the excitement of escaping through the joy of reading to another time, place or circumstance they’d NEVER have other than through reading.   Long sentence huh?  HAHAHA  Well, Mom (who is herself a writer) tends to do that.  But she’s right. 

Now for my nominees:

These Days of Mine

Texas A New York Cat

Little Miss Satchie

Hands On Bowie

Cat From Hell

Jazz Cat Jay


I hope you all enjoy receiving this award as much as I did!  Now to get my assistant busy on posting the award for me…..I may have thumbs but there are some things I STILL need help with! 😉

Happy Friday (or Bling Day as I’m calling it today)

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

p.s.  I also got another kinda funny award from my friend Doggy – it’s called the Ass Award (tee hee)…..”because everybody’s got one”….which technically IS true….it doesn’t come with qualifiers and you don’t pass it on, but if you want the bloggie icon for your OWN blog – you can copy it from me and display it on your page if you like! 🙂

36 responses »

  1. YAY, Sammy! More bling! I also received that award last night from the sweet little piggies at Hutch A Good Life! Motor Mommy will try to work an acceptance post soon. Hope you have a wonderful Friday – I think it’s going to be a super-gorgeous day!
    Love, Sundae


  2. WOW! A well -deserved bling! You go, Sammy!! Love the Ass Award….and I guess everyone qualifies for that since everyone has one!! Hope you’re managing to relax after the monster goes back in the closet!


    • Hi Miss June!! Thank you so much for your comments about the awards…..yes I am a blog-o-holic but I can’t help myself. I get so excited when someone likes me enough to pass on an award!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  3. Wow, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on yet ANOTHER two awards! You have really been racking them up, haven’t you, Sammy? It just goes to prove how much everyone loves your blog and how highly they think of you and your mama. The awards were well deserved! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


    • Hi Miss Trish! We know how busy you are or we would have nominated YOU too – especially since one is about reading and you’re involved in not only writing since you’re a novelist, BUT you are the Queen of Book ‘Em in Lumberton!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. If you’d like the award, let me know OK?


  4. Concatulations Sammy! AND Thanks yous for passing me the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award! That is just so sweet! Mes will post about it soon!


  5. Oh Sammy, Sammy, SAMMY! My pal, my bud, my friend. Thank you ever so much for this beautiful, lovely and simply gorgeous award. I feel so guilty ’cause I still haven’t properly accepted the last award you gave me yet. With my peep getting herself broken and all, I got sooooooooo behind. But I had a little chat with that ol’ peep of mine and it’s looking like I’m gonna accept it and this beautiful new one on the 30th of this month. This Sunday, I simply must post ’bout how I got scooped and on Wednesday, I gotta post ’bout how the old peep is gonna be even older next week. Ancient, really. But everything is set for the 30th. Again, thanks so much. I love the bling, too. purrs
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life.


    • You’re super welcome Nerissa! You really deserve ALL your awards – this is an especially cool award I think……don’t worry about when you accept these things – you’re a busy guy!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hi Sammy! Cody is taking a break today so I thought that I would comment! Congratulations on the award! I got that reader award too but haven’t blogged about it yet. And……….my Mom ohhhhh sooooooooo wanted the “Ass” award that she had the NERVE to claim it and is posting it on my blog TOMORROW…… forewarned though….the post will be rather “off color”……….hehehe Barks and licks and love, Dakota….Cody says hi!


    • Hi Dakota! I think that Doggy’s award is hilarious – Mom hasn’t posted it on my blog yet for me but we’ll have it there along with the other one, you betcha! No worries on the post…..I bet it’s gonna be funny!!!

      Please give Cody a howdy do from me will you?
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Pingback: Another this & that and a lot of thank yous « Texas, a cat in New York

  8. Pingback: Another this & that and a lot of thank yous | Texas, a cat in... Austin

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