Is There A Judge In The House?


Hear Ye – Hear Ye

The Honorable Judge Samuel Kimmell Will Be Presiding Over Court This Day.  He will be listening to evidence in the case of Doggy v. Mollie

At issue is Doggy’s claim that Mollie promised a PAW PRINT icon to everyone on her website who was participating in her latest contest on her blog whereas Mollie (represented by her attorney, Misaki, Esq., Attorney at Law) claims she did NOT promise the icon to EVERYBODY, only those who had not yet won one.

If you would care to sit in the gallery to observe the proceedings, or have evidence to present on either side, or just plain want to be there to have a good laugh see the court system at work, please report to Judge Kimmell’s court room where at 9AM (Britain time) and 4AM Eastern Standard Time in the US, court will be convened!



Kitty Hugs, From Judge Sammy 😀 😀 😀

p.s.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about and have no idea what’s going on, visit Mollie, Doggy or Misaki to see what prompted this dasdardly lawsuit and why I,  Judge Samuel Kimmell came out of my retirement to preside over the case.



25 responses »

    • Hi Miss Pix! It’s quite a “rumble” over in court between these two dogs! As a “cat caught in the middle” I’m trying to be an impartial judge (did you like the photo of me in my robe???) and hear the evidence before I make a final ruling. Fair is fair…..but something tells me I’ll be sorry I agreed to be the judge! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • HAHA….it is confusing I agree and I follow both Doggy’s and Mollie’s blogs so knew what was going on! LOL Anyway, I look rather regal in my robe thanks to their photo-shopping efforts and I’ll do my best to be fair and square. Hope you have a happy Wednesday….it’s raining here…..again!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • I’ll see if I can push some rain up your way! Mom reminded me that the more rain we get NOW, the prettier our Fall will be so I’ll just sit on the front porch and watch the rain…..Hope you get some Friday!! Yes, that court case is a doozy – hope to conclude it today so tomorrow we’ll be back to normal (whatever THAT is!!).

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Linda! It’s an interesting case and I had to try and assist my friends – you know me – I always try to play fair! Nothing worse than a dog fight though – makes me very happy to be one spoiled cat I gotta tell ya………:D 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! I shall try to be fair…..I’m a “middle of the road” kind of guy so I think I’ll be able to hear both sides and make a fair judgement….or else there will be a huge dog fight in the courtroom in which case I’ll be running out the door lickety-split! 😀

      Happy Wednesday in your Window Seat
      Love, Sammy


  1. Dear Judge Samuel Kimmell, Litchi has officially designated herself as Mediator to the Dogs and has posted a potential Plea Bargain arrangement on her site. I would request that you look as said Plea Bargain and ascertain whether or not this dispute can be handled amicably. Regards, Litchi – Dog Mediator.


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