Sunny Sunday Sam


Happy Sunday!  The day of the week I get to catch up on my favorite cartoons from the “comics” section of the Sunday Washington Post. 

So much easier to read the comics INSIDE the paper instead of standing on top of it……!

The other great thing (and you just KNOW you KNOW what I’m gonna say don’t you?!?!?!) is it’s Day #2 of the Bacon-o-Rama we have every weekend.  Mom’s cooking it now while Dad and I peruse the newspaper.  What a life.  Us guys hanging around together in the living room while the little woman Mom’s making breakfast for all of us!

It’s gonna be sunny and purrrrrfect the weather guy says so I’m thinking I’ll be outside chasing grasshoppers just like I did yesterday afternoon.  See, the rain stopped and the sun came out Saturday afternoon so I was out with Mom on the front porch.  I kept seeing things hopping around in the grass – I think the grasshoppers were out playing in the wet grass after all the rain we’d had.   I do like to “stalk” them – only once did I try to eat one when I caught it and MAN OH MAN WAS I SORRY!  YUCK!  Talk about something that tastes disgrossting (one step up from disgusting)!!   But they are fun to stalk and when they hop I can’t resist jumping up in the air to try and catch them mid-air.  Tee Hee.

After I finish eating my tiny sliver of bacon (burp) I’ll probably settle under, on, near, or around my tissue while I digest my breakfast. 

See my purloined Werther’s candy?? Dad hasn’t noticed that I raided his candy basket by his chair for a fresh piece…..I love the crinkly paper it’s wrapped in!

So, as you can plainly see – I have PLANS for today……….grand plans………..and I hope YOU have some fun plans for your Sunday too.  So – whatcha gonna do today huh??????  

Sunday Hugs, Sammy 😀

30 responses »

    • Chasing the grasshoppers is a whole bunch of fun – eating them is NOT fun! All it took was one experimental bite and Mom said I started running like my tail was on fire….HAHAHAHAHA….definitely the yuckiest thing I’ve ever tried to eat. Ever. I’m off to play in the front yard now….hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Sammy, you silly boy: hiding under that newspaper!! Sounds like you have a purrrrrfect day all planned! I’ll be in charge of things around here, because the “motor parents” are going to a boat race today. I’m glad I don’t have to listen to all that racket!
    Happy Sunday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Oh Sundae I imagine boat races are SUPER noisy….even noisier than our lawn tractor OR the vacuum cleaner all rolled into one. You just stay there and look beautiful on your window seat. OK??

      Love, Sammy


  2. I think it is going to be a pretty quiet day here – I still am trying to rest up from all the anxiety, and trying to keep Mr. Dan fed and watered…I mean fed and cared-for! Hope you have a great day…
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! I hope both you and Mr. Dan have a relaxing and peaceful Sunday. I’m sure all that scary stuff makes you super tired – it sure would do that to ME! Take good care of YOU as well as Mr. Dan OK?????

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss June! You’re right – I really couldn’t ask for more – although Mom says if I can’t come up with something to ask for she could use a bazillion dollars herself. Hmm….

      Happy Sunday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Hiya Sammy,
    Oh I see you will have a super great day 🙂
    Me I hope to go outside with my human too. And… I need to post on my blog. I have some news… the humans brought something home…
    Will tell more today 😉
    Have a super fun day!


    • Hi Nerissa! I do like to chase them but BEWARE of eating them! Take my word for it……ICK just doesn’t begin to describe it. It’s a beautiful Sunday here so I’m heading out to the front porch with Mom in a bit to get some fresh air…. I’m sure I’ll find SOMETHING to “stalk” outside…a bug or butterfly!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss D……oh the bacon was VERY yummy this morning – my Mom had bacon and my Dad had scrapple (which my Mom doesn’t like). Dad gave me a tiny piece of scrapple to try but I backed away from it like it was gonna bite me (Mom thought that was hilarious). Hope you enjoy your mowing – love the smell of freshly mowed grass!

      Happy Sunday……
      Kitty Hugs and love, Sammy


    • I’m so glad you “get” the joys of newspaper. It is quite fun isn’t it? So Felix tried to munch a hopper once too huh? Foaming does NOT sound pleasant! I just remember (vividly) that it tasted incredibly disgusting and now I just chase them but have NO DESIRE to eat them!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Oh my. Admiral, who came before me LOVED her bacons. She would come from any room at any time to get her bacons. Usually when our human brother visited our mom makes him bacon and eggs. Now me, the bacon gene passed me by.


    • Oh Katie I bet there’s some little sinful thing that you like that you shouldn’t really have like ME and Admiral with our bacon “thing” !!! Come on now – tell us what it is!!! Confession is good for you! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. yo Sammy!! how did those plans play out for you?? They surely sounded nice…wish I could be outside, at least I think I do…although…interestingly enough, I never ever even try to go out…hmmmm…maybe I never was an outside cat??? hmmmm…maybe that’s a new insight into my days before my furrever home?? interesting… paw pats, Savannah


    • Honestly I used to want to be outside a lot when I was younger…..I was a feral kitten and was trapped outside so I guess came from a long line of “outsiders”….but when middle age hit, and certainly now that I’m heading towards 13, inside feels safer and more comfy. You may have been an inside cat rather than allowed to roam and we all know that’s a WHOLE LOT safer – too many dangerous things outside. Even when I DID go outside it was on a harness/leash or under constant supervision in my own yard with my parents watching out for me. Now I’m happy to go lie down on the front porch in the sun with my Mom but don’t wander the yard much.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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