Sunday With Mom


Happy Monday Peeps………it’s time to start another week!

Yesterday Mom and I spent the whole afternoon together watching the Olympics.  Well, not just watching but taking a “play break” from time to time too. 

Mom says I was too close to the TV screen cheering for USA! Back to my tissue seat…….

We watched the US vs. Turkey Womens Volleyball which was really exciting AND I loved watching that ball back and forth on the screen.  I’m a big sports fan really – anything with a lot of movement COUNT ME IN!  Of course I mostly watched from my favorite spot in the family room which is on top of my tissue, surrounded by my favorite (at the moment) toys.

A guy’s gotta be comfy when he’s watching TV – what’s more comfy than tissue?!?!

I also did some body maintenance – you know in order to keep my coat nice and shiny and my skin nice and healthy, Mom brushes me a lot every single day BUT a guy’s gotta do some stuff on his own.  Right? 

A little claw trimming during commercial breaks……

So really it was one of those nice, relaxing Sundays……Dad puttered around the house and did some projects out in the garage and down in the basement, and Mom and I – well – we kinda just hung out together.  My kind of Sunday! 

How about you?  Did you have a good weekend?  Also, a if I NEEDED to remind you (but I will anyway) tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser.  I’ve got another tough one lined up.  Tough Tuesday Teaser I suppose you might say……….. 😀

Hope you have some fun today!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy



42 responses »

    • Into each life a little “sitting around” must fall. Besides, when you can watch all that action with the Olympics, why not just be a blob and relax?? 😀 😀 😀 Yes, I think the Teaser might be a bit tough tomorrow….(evil laugh).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Good Monday morning, Sammy!
    Love the new pics of you on your tissue. It was a bee-u-ti-ful sunrise this morning, but maybe rain later. I heard you had bad storms yesterday: did you take shelter in your basement “safe spot”?
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….oh yes I sure did head for the basement when I heard the wind and thunder and lightning! It really rained HARD for a little while then things calmed down and I was able to join my family again upstairs! We needed the rain but could have done without the noise (tee hee). Glad you had a pretty sunrise – we can’t see any sun here – it’s too cloudy!

      Happy Monday!
      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Clowie! We stayed inside all day too – super hot (not 100 but close). Then we had a BIG thunderstorm with lightning but it only lasted about ten minutes – not enough to help our drought but enough to send me down to the basement for a while! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I like’s watchin the trampoline..up down..up down they go. When’s they finished, I looked behind the telly to see where they went BOL..I am Blonde!!! Did ya have lots of nice treats, wiff Mom watchin the telly ??
    Happppy Mondayyyyyyyyyyyy xxx


    • Hi Mollie! Yes – we had what Mom called “quality time” together and there were a few treats along the way – Mom hides them under my tissue pile and I have to find them…..she says I could get an Olympic Gold in “treat retrieval”…. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sounds like the perfect Sun., Sammy! Wish we could have had some of that stormy weather. I like a good storm…and since BJ really ignores the noise, I don’t have to worry about her being scared. She’s just toooo laid-back! Glad you have your safe basement for a retreat!!


    • Hi Miss June….the storm we had yesterday evening was loud and the wind was howling but it didn’t last long. It’s actually about to rain here AGAIN but don’t think it’s going to be lightning-ish this time around! Perhaps I can stay out of the basement this evening…. 🙂

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • ICE CREAM????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once in a while I get a lick of ice cream BUT I really love it when Mom lets me lick her pomegranate popsicle (ice thing)…boy oh boy – I can be a real PIGGIE if I get a chance to lick that. YUM.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  4. That is a very restful Sunday! It was hot-hot-hot and I spent it lying in the bushes down by the river where it was nice and cool. Snoozing and watching the fish.
    Kozmo at the Cat From Hell


  5. Sounds like you got some well-deserved rest! Glad to hear you enjoyed the Olympics – we had grandkids here yesterday, so we watched a movie instead!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Katie! Tissue is wonderful….crunchy….tears easily….it’s perfect to hide toys under….I love it. So much that Mom buys it for me and gives me new sheets when she cleans the house every week. Last Tuesday’s photo was from the Painted Desert so you’re CLOSE! Tomorrow is another Teaser – see if you can figure THAT one out!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. No Olympics watching here – my human has an out-of-town trip at the end of this week and she has been too busy! Although we did take a short break to watch the latest episode of My Cat From Hell.


    • Hi Miss Caren……Mom and I watched the Olympics again today! I love all those little thingies flying around on the screen. Try peeking at my blog again – maybe the second photo will pop up….

      Kitty Huggies and Love,


    • Hi Miss Christine and all 23 Riverfront Cats! WOW….that’s a heck of a lot of felinicity! I’ve GOT to check your site out that’s for sure! We love Miss Caren and Cody SO MUCH and I’m also glad you found me! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! Well of course you were cheering for GB – we all cheer for our “home teams” but it’s lotsa fun when WE win isn’t it?? 😀 😀 Wonder what’s on today – guess I’ll find out later when Mom turns on “THE TUBE” !!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Savannah I’m so happy that your parents have found you all a new home! Isn’t that grand? I know it won’t be fun with all that packing and noise but hang in there – soon you’ll have lotsa new windows and views and nap spots…..THAT will be a lot of fun! CONCATULATIONS.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Hi Sammy….Minnie had a nice wekend with us too…it was very hot here so we all stayed inside the house with the air conditioning on…watched the Olympics too and Minnie had lots of laying on her Mom’s lap getting lots of kitty loves and pets.It was peaceful and nice:) Happy Tuesday Sammy…..big kitty hugs:)


    • Hi! The Olympics is giving a lot of us kitties some extra lap time I think! I’m liking it a lot that is until Mom gets excited and squeals or yells which I find QUITE DISTURBING when I’m trying to nap! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Hi Minnie! You’d think they’d give US some consideration once in a while – right? Well, come to think of it, I guess our Moms DO give us lap time, cuddles, snacks, treats, food at mealtimes, comfy sleeping spots, nice places to peek out windows and maybe a FEW other things so we can’t be too hard on them. It still would be nice to have an uninterrupted nap once in a while though. 😀

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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