The “V” Word


Happy Saturday Peeps……. 😀

I spent most of yesterday (yes I mean it – really!) in my afghan tent keeping cool.  My parents had closed all the drapes so I couldn’t see outside even if I tried – and doors to rooms that we don’t use were even closed off – all to keep the cool in and the heat OUT.  It worked – the house was very comfy all day Friday and I’m sure it will be “bearable” today too.  Besides, I love my afghan tent!

So yesterday I overheard my parents talking in my Dad’s study.  It’s right next to my Mom’s studio (where the afghan tent is) so I can usually hear them (if I’m awake of course).  They were babbling on about the yard being dry as a bone, how one of our cars needs to be washed, then they started talking about next week and things they needed to do.  That’s when Mom said THE DREADED “V” WORD.


Sam on Mom's Recliner

Huh? What did you say? Did I hear what I think I heard?


I know it’s something that I HAVE to do every year – I know it’s good for me – I know it’s important that I stay healthy and strong and lovable – I KNOW ALL OF THAT……but I just can’t help it – I hear THE DREADED “V” WORD and my little heart goes pitty pat and I feel all jumpy and jittery.  Don’t get me wrong – my Vet is a nice guy and he has really nice people who work in his office… fact his Office Manager and I have a “thing” – she’s a redhead like me and her name is GINGER!  I sit up on top of her desk and she makes a big deal over me.   I like that. 

The other thing about going to the Vet is I have to be in the car.  I HATE the car.  I really truly HATE being in the car even when Mom’s holding me and I’m hiding my face in the crook of her arm.   Mom’s tried Feliway and all kinds of things to keep it from being so STRESSFUL for me, but then again – hey – it’s only once a year so what’s the big deal?????

The garage....Sam likes to hop up on ANY of the vehicles and nap

I know what’s up if Mom carries me out to the garage……now if she’d let me drive to the Vet in the lawn tractor (I love the tractor) then I’d go with a smile on my face – well – sort of.

She’s going to call next week to get my appointment – maybe they’ll say “Mrs. Kimmell, Sammy’s so healthy he doesn’t NEED to come to the Vet this year” – or “Mrs. Kimmell, we have special equipment now that can SEE into people’s homes and do blood tests and all that other stuff to cats without them even knowing it!” – or “Mrs. Kimmell don’t you know how important it is for senior cats to have regular checkups???” (that’s the one I know they’d REALLY say! :D). 

I’ll suck it up and be brave.  There’s always that treat I get from Ginger on my way out the door for being such a GOOOOOOOD boy at the Vet – and then there’s the reunion with my house when I get home.  That’s DEFINITELY the highlight of the entire experience. 

Spring House

Ahhhh……home sweet home… soon as we turn into the driveway I can BREATHE again!!

How do you like going to see “THE DREADED “V” WORD“????  Am I being a big wimp????

Stay cool everybody……and Happy Saturday/Caturday!

Kitty hugs, Sammy

39 responses »

  1. I understand how you feel, Sammy. I don’t like going to our doctors any more than you like the vet…but I guess they have to keep check on us, especially us seniors! Our Sweetie Dog gets positively frantic when she sees the vet’s office. She loves the car, and likes to travel with us, so she doesn’t get upset until we stop in the parking lot at the vet (or the groomer, for that matter!)…but then she starts to shake. I always hate seeing her like that, but it is for her own good. You will be fine, because you are a big, brave boy…and just keep remembering the treats!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda…..I promise I’m going to try EXTRA HARD to be brave this time. Treats?? Did someone say TREATS??? Hmm….maybe I truly CAN be brave this time if it means TREATS!!!

      Kitty Hugs to you and Sweetie Dog


  2. Aw, Sammy. It’ll be okay. I know it’s stressful. Mommy says I’m not as stressed as her other kitty, Beezy, was. But I definitely “TALK” all the way in the car. But, you know, it IS important for you to be checked out – I especially want you to take good care of yourself!
    I think you’ll have another day of camping in your tent today – whew! 100 degrees is our forecast…
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..yep – it’s gonna be another hottie day so I’ll be camping again. I know I have to get a grip on this vet thing – and after all, it’s only once a year – you’d think I’d be all manly and brave wouldn’t you…..and I promise I’ll TRY…..but I sure wish I could just teleport myself there without the car being involved. I bet Nellie at CATFROMHELL could tell me how to operate a teleport since she uses hers all the time!

      Stay cool Sundae….
      Love, Sammy


  3. Allegra and Ruby’s vet comes to the house, which makes things a little less stressful, but they, too, are waiting for the special equipment that can do everything without them even knowing about it! Good luck with that “V” visit, Sammy!


    • Hi Miss Ingrid! Mom told me that there are some vets who come to the house and that would be a lot nicer than having to ride in the scary car. I still think the NICEST thing would be special equipment option but I guess none of us should hold our breath for THAT to happen!!!!

      Special hi to Allegra and Ruby and HUGS to all three of you…….Sammy


  4. I for once, think that Doggy actually likes the vet, he goes there and doesn’t stop playing, same thing when I take him to the groomer, they love him because he’s such a calm dog, they must be talking about a different dog, that’s not my Doggy.
    You relax and demand a treat, a whole fish for you!


  5. Oh Sammy,
    I don’t usually write on the computer. I leave that stuff up to Mom and my Sammy, but I so agree with you. Mom took me to that V place yesterday. I have been losing weight and been getting a little slower than usual around the house. Soooo . . .Mom thought one of those dreaded trips was a needed thing. I screamed all the way in the car and refused to get out of my nifty carrier when I got there. But I finally was dragged out by Mom and weighed by the attendant. I’ve lost one pound and one ounce since my Feb. visit. Then my very sweet Vet examined me and did that awful “thermometer thing” !! And to insult me even more they took me away from my Mom and to another room and “stuck” me with that nasty needle and drew some of my blood out of me !! Yikes, that hurt. BUT, I was a very goooooood boy and they even told Mom that. I was sooooooo glad to get home. I stayed under Mom & Dad’s bed most of the rest of the day. That is MY safe place. They told Mom they would call on Monday and let her know the results of my torture . .er, I mean of my blood test.
    So, I am with you on this subject. But so glad we have Moms & Dads who love us and take such good care of us.
    Stay cool today !! I LOVE your afgan tent !!!!
    Your Friend, Jasper ( Sammy The Talking Cat’s little Bro) :-))


  6. Sounds like sammy isn’t the only one stressed by the visit to the vet.
    I am reading (alongside Bring Up the Bodies, and a book of a very different type) A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen. The writing is so-so, but Bob comes across as an amazing cat, a real one off, ginger of course, and the story of how cat and human save each other is heart-warming.


  7. Sammy first of all it just cracks me up to see the lawn tractor tucked into a special place in the garage all taken care of and put up right. Our lawn tractor has its own little stall in our garage and the lawn tractor has a name~Cubby. If I could go to the Dr. on the lawn tractor I would be happier about the whole thing too! We had the Vet come to our house for our ZCat, no car ride but she knew the second his truck hit our drive! Stay in your tent today Sammy, stay cool and nap like a cat!


  8. Vet visits are very stressful but they keep you well and that’s a ‘good thing’!! And if you stay well, you’ll only have to go once a year and that’s an even better thing!!
    Glad you still have your camping out afghan tent up and ready for this VERY hot day!!
    Hugs….be brave, Sammy.


    • Hi Miss June……Mom says vet visits are my “necessary evil” and I guess she’s right…besides, SHE has to go to the doctor to get checked out once a year so in the spirit of companionship I should do the same without whining – right?

      By the way, Mom didn’t take my tent down last night – she left it up for me! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Sammy! you are lucky! My Mom hauls me off to the vet way more than once a year (cause of my allergies) and…guess what???? I AM GOING MONDAY!! YEP! I am! I have to get a shot and I have to have my claws trimmed.

    Ingrid is right, there are mobile vets, are there any in your area? Maybe you should consider that?

    I really don’t mind the car that much. My Mom can’t believe it. I only cried in the car once and that was when I was sick with backed up POOP!!! MOL!

    I like your idea of equipment that can look through our houses and check us without us even knowing!

    You aren’t a baby my friend, but be brave, it really isn’t that bad!

    Love, Cody


    • Hi Cody my friend!! Oh I remember that awful time with your poop making internal machinery went on the fritz – that was NOT GOOD…..NOT GOOD……but finally you got “unstopped” and I know you (and your Mom) hope that never happens again. Since you have to go to the vet more often and you’re obviously very brave, I’m going to try to be more like you – I’m going to just try and be cooperative when Mom does the “snatch and grab” on the day I have to go to the vet – I’ll not kick, and scream and claw when she puts my harness on and I won’t sob inconsolably in the car all the way there…..I promise. Jeez….all this drama and she hasn’t even scheduled my appointment yet! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  10. Sammy, no, you are not being a big wimp…Just dig deep…I’m sure you’ll do great like always. We all know it’s the thinking about it that is the worst. Me? I actually love going to our “v-word” place but alas she usually checks me and Max out when she’s on a farm call here to tend to the horses.
    Thinkin’ of ya…
    ~Shelby (and d.)


    • Aw thanks for the pep talk Shelby and Miss D…..I needed that! Honestly if it weren’t for the trip in the car TO the “V”, I’d be fine with the whole thing. When I’m AT the “V” I do great – I’m limp as a dishrag and let them poke, prod, stick, WHATEVER…..I know if I’m nice and still and cooperative, I’ll be outta there quicker. Sigh. Alas I know it’s good for me and I’ll just suck it up and be brave. 😦

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy, when I saw the title to your post, I knew exactly what you meant! I hate going to the vet too – it makes me tremble! They tell me I am a good kitty there, but that’s because I’m so scared I am frozen stiff!


    • HA! That’s exactly why I “behave” so well Sparkle….Mom thinks I’ve just resigned myself to what’s going on but really I’m just scared to death. Well, I’m really going to just forget about it until Mom gets me in the car – I’ll know just where we’re going at that point. Sigh.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh you’re right! Actually more than solos – whenever I go there, there are a lot of other wonderful operatic arias going on from various crates, carriers and rooms of the Vet’s office…..thanks for reminding me!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Dear Sammy
    Me hates going to the vet. The rides in the boxes that move don’t bother mes but once we walks in the door, me lets everybody knows that me does not want to be there in my loudest Siamese voice! And me has shredded vets with my glorious claws! Most vets uses welding gloves.
    But the last time me went to the vet, me was OK. The first time, me saw her, me was hellish, but the second time me went with my hairy slobbery sister Bob. Bob always makes me feel calm. And me even let Dr Carol takes my temperature! That was a first!
    And me did not bite when me gots my shots!
    Maybe it it getting old….


    • Oh Nellie you’ll NEVER be old no matter what the calendar says. You’ll always be younger than springtime! I think it’s nice that Bob keeps you calmed down and that she came along with you to keep you company. I’m not crazy about that temperature taking “procedure” either but it’s just one of those indignities we must accept when we’re getting our checkup. 😦

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. I know just how you feel! I hate car rides too and the reason I hate ’em so much is that the only place the car ever takes me is the doctor. Yucky yucky yuck yuck. That’s what I say. I’ll be purring up a storm for you, buddy. But think of it this way, my brother Seville went in for his check-up last week (Rushton was supposed to go too but has went AWOL somewhere in the yard) and the doctor said he was “handsome.” Yes, that was the word they used. When those doctors say stuff like that, you gotta give them at least ‘some’ credit, I think. Don’t you?
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Hi Nerissa! You’re right – those doctors that give us compliments really know how to get on our GOOD side don’t they! My doc always makes a big deal about my extra toesies AND my freckles. Well, when they sweet talk us like that we just eat it up and relax. They’re pretty smart! I hope Seville’s checkup was good..:D

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. *gasps* Don’t mention the v word. It makes us all scared and try to hide or run away. You are entitled to be afraid, the journey and general experience are some cruel torture hoomans have come up with to threaten us with.

    *shudders at the thought*

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy


    • Hi Guys…..I suppose we should all be brave about going to the vet since it is – after all – for our own good! My Mom doesn’t whine and get upset when SHE has to go to the “people vet” once a year for HER checkup so I figure it’s the least I could do to stay calm and cooperate when she takes me to the vet – right? Sigh.

      I like your new little pal your Mummy got for you! I thought of another name for him – how about “Broccoli” ?? You said there’s a shortage of broccoli there – this way you’d have your very OWN broccoli (hahahahahaha).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. I nose just how’s yooo feel’s Sammy! When I as to go to the Dogtors, I run and hide 🙂 My little legs shake all over the place. I get treats from Suzie down there, like your Ginger but that’s just to put meee’s in a false sense of security! I turn my head away and try to bolt for the door!! I has to go a month for me, slug, flea stuff!
    It’s never as bad as I fink it’s gonna be but I still like’s too put up a show! 🙂
    Have a great weekend
    Big Hugs, and yoooo’s will be ok.Mollie xx


  16. Oh, uncle Sammy. Little Satchie doesn’t like going to the vet either. Or widing in caws. Little Satchie undewstands uncle Sammy


    • I don’t think a whole lot of kitties (at least the ones I know) like riding in something that moves….my Mom had cats years ago who LOVED riding in the car though so I guess being in a “box that moves” bothers just some of us. I just KNEW you’d understand though!!!

      Kitty hugs, Uncle Sammy


      • Little Satchie undewstand, uncle Sammy, yes.

        Mommy says she also had a kitten who liked widing in caws too. But he went to the live on the waibow bwidge. Mommy said he looked just like me 😦


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