Sam’s Little Crinkly Toy



There I was…minding my own business…enjoying my fresh tissue paper……

Yes – it was nice and sunny on Saturday – which was a REAL TREAT considering Friday night the sky opened up and we had rain, hail, lightning – the whole works!

Anyway – where was I – oh yes…..Saturday sun streaming into the living room with me sitting atop my fresh pile of tissue courtesy of Mom when DING DONG the doorbell rings.  It’s some guy wanting to know if we want any of our trees trimmed (we get that a lot out here in the “country”).   I go dashing into the basement (my safe spot) and I hear Dad telling the guy “thanks but not today” and I creep back up the basement stairs, peer around the door, and see the coast is clear.   

I head back to the tissue and settle back down……

Then I hear something crinkling……I know it’s not tissue because I’m VERY familiar with the sound of tissue and paper bags, and plastic bags and all those things we kitties know so well….it’s a DIFFERENT crinkle and it’s coming from my Dad’s direction as he’s lounging in his recliner.

I’m so fascinated with the sound I go over to him and put my paws up on his knees to see what it is……….he’s opening a crinkly bag of something and taking a smaller crinkly thing out of the bigger crinkly bag!  He sees I’m VERY interested and want to know what he has!  He lets me sniff one of the small crinklies – it doesn’t have a smell BUT when I press my nose to it – it crinkles!  I give it a poke with my paw and it crinkles again! 


Mom came into the living room right about then and saw me all excited about the crinklies and laughed.  Dad GAVE me a little crinkly and I quick took it in my mouth and went to my tissue pile and burrowed under a piece of tissue with my PRIZE!


Me and my little crinklie thing….Mom said it was NOT a kitty toy but what does SHE know?!?!

OK, so I heard her say something I didn’t understand like “Sam’s not supposed to have candy David!” and Dad said “he’s just playing with it” (which I was) and so whatever all that means doesn’t matter because they let me keep my little crinkly!!!!!

I also know where Dad stashed the BIG bag which is full of little crinkly kitty toys….so when I wear this one out (and I will) I can get MORE MORE MORE!

We kitties are so smart………we know a good crinkly when we see (or hear) one!

Happy Sunday!


53 responses »

  1. Sammy! What a cool new toy!! And you have a whole supply of them….???!
    Our humans just don’t understand, do they? Motor Man was astonished the other day when I chased a paper clip all around on the hardwood floor.
    Happy Sunday from your girlkittyfriend!
    Love, Sundae


    • Oohhhhhhhh! Paperclips, ballpoint pens, pencils, all of those things slide around on the floor so nice and smoothly – good for you Sundae. Who needs expensive toys when we can have this much fun with stuff we find around the house?!?! 😀 Yes, the bag of crinklies is in a very “accessible” spot by Dad’s chair so until he eats all of the candy, I will have a chance to BORROW the crinklies any time I want to. YAY.

      Happy Sunny Sunday
      Love, Sammy


  2. That’s very cute, Sammy! A crinkly bag, with crinkly toys, in crinkly tissue paper — what could be better than that? Nothing, that’s what! I hope you have a fun weekend, Sammy.


    • Good Morning Sparta! Happy Sunday…..and it’s a SUNNY one here – hope it is where you are too!! I actually now have TWO little crinklies – I stole another one from by my Dad’s chair during the night when my parents were asleep. Tee Hee That will teach him to leave something around that’s easy for me to get my paws into!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Uncle Jerry….yeah, I will have to be mighty careful that Dad doesn’t notice I’ve “found” his candy stash though…I’ll keep that extra crinkly UNDER the tissue so he thinks I just have the one he gave me….sneaky huh?

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. What a great treat! I once had a kitty that loved the cellophane cigarette packs…back when someone still smoked them in my house! She would dig them out of the trashcans and play with them for hours…and she also loved foam rubber ear plugs – until she batted them in her water dish and they swelled up!
    Enjoy your new toys!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Oh Miss Linda that’s so funny about the ear plugs…..that might be a little bit scary if you watched one of your toys balloon up into something HUGE! However, that reminds me – I do like to hang out in the garage and Dad has some of those ear plugs out there….I may have to see if I can find them!!! We kitties do like stuff that crinkles – no matter WHAT it is that’s for sure……..

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  4. Hi, Sammy. I guess kitties are like little children…much rather have the krinkly wrapper than what’s inside!!
    Happy, SUNNY Sunday. Isn’t it great to see all that sunshine!?
    Sunday Hugs,


    • Oh Miss June it’s WONDERFUL to have a sunny Sunday! I hope you enjoy yours like I’m enjoying mine…….Mom and I have been on the front porch in the sun for a while this morning and it just feels yummy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh Sammy you are just the cutest thing! Was that “crinkly” toy butterscotch flavor? My Mom said that is her favorite flavor of crinkly toy but she said not to tell you that cause she doesn’t want you to eat it!! you are a really good boy cause if something is wrapped in plastic I’m all over it!! You didn’t try to eat it! Good boy!
    Love, Cody


    • Hi Cody! I’m not sure WHAT flavor the crinkly is – it says “Werther’s” on it whatever THAT means. I’m not really interested in sweet stuff anyway – which is good cuz you’re right – we’re NOT supposed to eat sugar. I do have a confession though – promise you won’t tell??? Mom sometimes has a pomegranate popsicle after dinner while she and Dad are watching TV….I happen to LOVE them….I sit on her legs and while she holds it for me I lick, lick, lick until my tongue gets too cold – I know I shouldn’t but I just can’t HELP MYSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Yay for crinkly thingies!

    And you should have a talk with my human mom. Every time someone knocks on the door, I run to my safe spot and then she laughs at me. She says I’m supposed to protect her. So glad to know I’m not the only cat with a safe spot.

    Hrrmmmp, those humans… but she gives me treats and kitty milk and cuddles so I guess I’ll keep her


    • Hi Jay! Concatulations on having TWO poems written about you – now THAT’s way way cool. I don’t think anyone’s ever written one for me….sniff….which is especially sad since my very own Mom is a writer! What’s with that???!!!

      I think we should BOTH keep our humans….they really do treat us well – we’re lucky guys.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. What a great toy your dad gave you. And you say he has a whole bag full of more? You’ll be up to your knees in crinkly toys from now until forever, I think. Yoo-hoo!

    Sammy, I just want to thank you again for giving me that beautiful Illuminating Blogger Award. I really, REALLY love it. I passed the award along to five other blogs on Nerissa’s Life this morning. Hope you’ll like the not-so-secret secret I revealed about myself. purrs


    • Hi Nerissa! You are EVER so welcome for the Illuminating Blogger Award and I really think you deserve it – your blog IS very illuminating….you have a grand way of seeing and writing about your world. You’re MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY kinda guy!

      I haven’t received an email about your blog for today yet so I’m going there NOW to see what non-secret secret you told! Mine wasn’t one of those secret-secrets really either because I think almost everyone knows I have extra toesies on my front paws…..

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Sparkle you are EVER so right! Humans actually throw that crinkly paper AWAY in the trash – can you imagine???? I used to think they were fairly bright but I’m rethinking that lately.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  8. Oh! What cool toys! My Daddy unwraps them and ties the paper into a knot and then me plays with them, but since we gots my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon, me don’t gets them anymore. Daddy is worried she would eats them and gets sick,


    • Oh Nellie I think your Daddy is right – Cinnamon just might gobble those down and that would NOT be good!! Kind of limits the toys you can play with doesn’t it?! Maybe it’s good I’m an only cat – I get all my toys all the time all to myself!!!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  9. Goodness, that was such a good find for a crinkly toy. You just never know what will make a great toy just like your tissue paper. That and Boxes are the best. Hope you have a great Sunday.


    • Hi Miss Marg! I thought it was a wonderful “find” with the big crinkly bag of crinklies and I’m REALLY enjoying them – I say “them” because when Dad wasn’t looking, I raided the big bag and stole another one….you know…a SPARE! Tee Hee

      Happy Sunday to you too!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. What a great crinkly toy?! 🙂 Whee love jumping on the newspaper when our hoomans are trying to read it cos’ whee love the crinkly noise it makes. Whee also like the sound of cardboard when whee chew it.

    *daydreams about noisy toys*



    • Hi Guys!!! I’ve been waiting to see your blog with the pictures your Mummy took of you celebrating the Jubilee! It sounded like you were having quite a fun time. I’ve been known to grab the newspaper out of my Dad’s hands when he’s reading it….I always get in trouble for it but it’s FUN and that crinkly noise is great. I haven’t tried eating cardboard – does it taste yummy???????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. High Paws on the crinkly stuff Sammy! You taught me all I know about that! I luv my crinkly stuff too…who knew I would??!!! You opened a whole new world for me Sammy, so here come some paw pats and a big ole purrrrr


    • Hi Savannah! It’s amazing how many things you can find around the house that make a fun noise. I’m glad I discovered those crinklies my Dad opened up! I have them hidden UNDER my tissue….when my parents go to sleep at night I play with all my fun stuff including those!! So glad I was helpful in your learning about FUN ways to spend our time as cats. It’s a great big FUN world out here and you’re able to discover lots of new stuff in your furrrrrrever home!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


        • Oh Savannah I’m SOOOOOOOOOOO flattered! Well, you know, we older folks need to help the younger ones as they come along behind us. You had a very rough life before your wonderful parents came along to rescue you….if I can give you a few hints on what to entertain yourself with it’s the very least I can do!! 😀

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Little Guy!!! Thanks so much for the Versatile Blogger Award nomination – aren’t you just the nicest friend! I already have that one BUT a guy just can’t have too many can he?!?! Concatulations for getting awards yourself – you’re getting TONS of friends aren’t you?! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Isobel, our PetSmart HAS that toy! I’ll have to look next time I’m in there – not that Sam needs any more toys (!!) but he does love things that make a noise so perhaps I should spoil my spoiled cat and get it for him. 😀 Kong makes some wonderful toys – he has a “Kong Kicker” that Santa Claus brought him last year.



  12. Pingback: TIssue Paper Rocks! « Savannah's Paw Tracks

    • Hi Savannah…………Ahhhhhhhhhh…….tissue paper is another thing humans did just right when they invented it… doubt they’d claim it was for wrapping purposes but WE cats know it’s one of the cheapest toys out there AND the most fun!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Poppy your eyes ALWAYS look sparkly in your photos – I think you’re just one very happy puppy and I’m SURE it’s because you love your family as much as they love you!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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