A Just Plain GOOD Day!


My "umbrella" tree!

Wow – yesterday was a pretty day – well, honestly it didn’t start out all that great but that just gave me a chance to have a decent nap when Mom got home from her errands….but the REST of the day I spent inspecting the front yard.  When I went to the front garden I found that my FAVORITE plant was way bigger than it was just a week ago!

I call this my “umbrella” because if I’m out in the rain it keeps me dry (sort of) and if I’m out on a sunny day it keeps me out of the sun (mostly) and if I’m spying on a squirrel or bird it’s PERFECT cover!  It is of course Mom’s dwarf Japanese red maple tree.  It’s 15 years old – older than me even…..

My Dad went flying today because it was such a nice day.   I know most of you have seen Dad putting the plane away after he’s taken it out for a spin but just in case!

Dad putting the plane away in the hangar after flying

Dad "parking" the plane in it's hangar after flying......

Tomorrow it’s supposed to be a swell day again.  I’m sure I’ll be able to go outside and do another yard inspection tour.  My parents count on me for SO MUCH around here!  Another way cool thing I realized today is that my one year “Blog-A-Versary” is coming up in a few weeks.  I started my blog on May 10, 2011.  Just think!  Almost a whole year I’ve been telling you every single day what I’m up to….not earth-shattering stuff I suppose, just another day in the life of a spoiled cat….but I sure enjoy doing it.  I’ve met and made SO many new friends all over the world.  I’m thinking of doing something special for the occasion so stay tuned OK? HAPPY FRIDAY….Your Hugging Buddy Sammy 😀 😀

33 responses »

  1. Wow! That is an accomplishment! But you know what? You are SO good at it, I thought you must have been blogging for YEARS! Love your umbrella tree… hope today is a good day too! I am going out to do a photo shoot of a baby today…in the park. Hope everything cooperates – babies are very unpredictable!


    • Hi Miss Linda! A real live human baby??? Wow…good luck with that! Of course babies – human OR animal – are always pretty cute so you should have fun taking pictures. GOOD LUCK….

      Kitty Hugs


    • Howdy Pedro! I’m not sure exactly what I’ll do for my blog celebration but I think I should celebrate somehow don’t you? Maybe just a great big PAW-ty….or a giveaway (perhaps Mom would donate her books…hint hint Mom!)….or who knows what! I’m so jealous of your red cowcat hat Pedro – you look mighty fine in it partner! Yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!

      Your Pal always


  2. Good morning, Sammy! Sounds like a fun day at your house yesterday; love your umbrella tree. Can’t wait to see what you come up with to celebrate your blogging anniversary!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I’ll have to think of something spectacular for May 10th’s blog won’t I? Especially now that I told everyone…..LOL……I’ll figure something out I’m sure. I’m always THINKING (all that nap time gives me a lot of THINK time too!).

      Enjoy your day!
      Love, Sammy


  3. That umbrella tree sounds like a very good thing to have! Looking forward to helping you celebrate your blogging anniversary!


    • Hi Miss June! I love that little tree….it does a great job of hiding my fabulous self from all the critters I like to spy on (including humans passing by!).

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix….I didn’t really realize about the one year blog date until someone asked Mom how long I’d been blogging. It’s hard to believe ONE YEAR. You too huh? Mom and I love your blog so much and your beautiful Tiny Ten. I guess you’ll be celebrating around the same time WE are then huh??????

      Kitty Hugs


      • I checked and I am a month later. I started the blog in May but didn’t go public for a month 🙂 I am just going to be excited to celebrate your Blogaversary. I can’t believe it took me so dang long to find you Sammy! There you were the whole time commenting at Isobel’s and now I look back and you were lots of places! Duh.Thank you for the sweet kitty words about my blog I happen to love your blog too and I really love reading about you and your Mom and Dad I would like to give you scritches but just reading will have to do! Thank heavens for pictures 🙂 It works!!


        • Hi Miss Pix! Well, one thing is for sure – we must have been destined to find each other or we wouldn’t have – right? Think about ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the blogs there are but we found you and you found us. I’m so VERY happy about that too! So you’ve been blogging as long as I have….does it seem that long to you? Time goes by pretty fast for us cats; I want to fill up the rest of my days with happy people and happy days – my blog has given me (and my Mom!) that and more!

          Have a super weekend……..oh – and I’m so glad we can ALL share pictures – brings our lives to LIFE!

          Kitty Hugs


    • Yeeks! Snow and frost huh? I’m glad that’s all gone here believe me! If they made headsets small enough for kitties I’d LOVE to go flying with my Pop. So much closer to birds up there (tee hee).

      Kitty Hugs


    • I probably COULD have napped all day (most days I’d have to say that was the case :D) but there was a lot of sun out there and it was calling to me. Never ignore a nice day – right?

      Kitty Hugs


  4. I love your umbrella tree, Sammy! My foxhound, Mattie, has dug a hole beneath an oak tree in my back yard. The hole is at least three feet deep. She climbs inside it so only her nose peeks out, and she waits for critters to come past her. Then she jumps out and chases them to the fence line. We call it her foxhound hole.


    • HAHAHAHA! Oh that’s hilarious Miss Trish. Mattie’s loving that I bet. She’s doing the same thing I’m doing under my tree….waiting for hapless victims to walk by not knowing what they’re in for! We’re sneaky. “Mattie’s Foxhound Hole”…..I LOVE IT!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs and Welcome Home!!


  5. Sammy that umbrella tree would make a perfect fort! I could come over and play with you and we could just lounge the day away under that delightful tree! I can see why you love it so much!

    I also think that it is darned cool that your Dad knows how to fly an airplane!! I have never been in an airplane, have you?

    Wow your blog-o-versary is approaching!!!!!!!!!!!! What an exciting time! My Mom and I love reading about your thoughts and how you spend your day so we hope you will never stop blogging!!

    Love, your pal, Cody


    • Hi Cody! I’d love for you to come hang out with me under the umbrella tree…we could sip some lemonade…eat some tuna sandwiches…it would be way cool. I’m putting some thought into my blog-a-versary to come up with a proper way to celebrate. Who’d have thought one twelve year old, polydactyl, ginger tabby guy could possibly keep up a blog every single day for a whole year???? I hope everybody has enjoyed it as much as I have!

      Happy Weekend!
      Your Friend Sam


  6. Yo Sammy! Queen Penelope is still pretty CRANKY and is still not 100% so I am visiting today. Thanks for sending purrs, they really help. She has been using the litter box and even though the lumps are smaller than normal, at least they are lumps.
    Man I wish I could come over and chill with you!


    • Hey Kozmo…old buddy old pal…Be careful of the Queen – I’m sure she’s purrfectly capable of whaps and scratches and all manner of pain considering she’s feeling a bit rocky. Mom and I sure hope she’s getting better on her medicine and it’s good that she’s making lumps in the litter – SOMETHING is better than NOTHING in that department! Hopefully in a day or two when she’s had enough medicine she’ll be back to her “usual” cranky self. Perhaps if you contact “Mr. Big” at the FBI he might loan you one of those fancy-shmancy jets we used for the Mr. Chirpy Caper and you can swing on by. We’ll hang out!

      Kitty Hugs from your pal Sammy 😉


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