Tag Archives: weather the storm

SPARKS on Monday


It’s Monday and time to start things off with an inspirational quote which was the original idea behind SPARKS.    It was the brain-child of Annie of McGuffy’s Reader to share something positive – light a light – bring some power to Mondays and we’re continuing to do that even though Annie has taken a break from the SPARKS Hop.

I was looking through some quotes to find something that would resonate with all of us who are preparing for the first big hurricane of the season along the East Coast – it’s coming – not sure WHERE it will land or WHAT it will bring but I saw this poster and it absolutely STRUCK me with its’ message, the little bird bravely holding on, and the HOPE it contains.    I hope it does that for you too even if you AREN’T waiting for the next “weather” event!     We have events all the time that feel like storms……and wait for the calm after.

We are lucky in that we are in Northern Virginia and not along the coast so we will most likely just get more rain………….but our wish is that for all of you who ARE more closely in the path of the storm stay safe – and stay positive…………..bow your head, say a prayer and know there are MANY of us who are doing just that FOR you!

Love, Pam and Teddy too