Tag Archives: power of love

SPARKS on Monday


Time for a little SPARK to start the week.   This Blog Hop was the idea of our hostess, Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and the purpose is to bring a little inspiration, a little light, a SPARK, to everyone who reads our thoughts on how to make life better for ourselves AND those around us in some way.   We don’t just make our way through life FOR OURSELVES – we make it WITH others so why not try to brighten that sometimes dark path we all travel with a happy or inspirational thought??

If you’d like to join us with a SPARK of your own – please do……….just click on Annie’s graphic above and you’ll go to her blog where you can not only read her SPARK for today but join in the Blog Hop by providing the link to your own blog……..share some light this week with all of us!

Since it’s the week before Christmas, my SPARK this week reflects that fact………and while it’s a simple graphic with a simple message, it can change the coming holiday for everyone around you.   I present my SPARK with a smile this week because smiling in itself can change your day or someone else’s so SMILE and enjoy this week before the celebration of Christmas…………..

It’s the THOUGHT that counts!

Make sure you sparkle this week – holiday cheer is infectious!

Love, Pam