Tag Archives: endive salad

Shopping Around The World


NO!  This is NOT the Teaser post – – – it’s coming – – – soon!

It’s Shopping Around The World with Bacon

It’s that time of the month…………..where we share recipes for something YUMMY and talk about how much it cost to MAKE the recipe so we can compare prices!   We also get some pretty fantabulous new recipes to try out from all over the world so it’s tons of fun.

This month’s “project” was to find something yummy that our humans make for these hot summer days……something maybe to take the edge off the heat or some “light” eating maybe.   Well my Mom says nothing speaks “light” eating like a cool salad and one of her most favorites is an ENDIVE SALAD.

Endive Salad with Blue Cheese and Walnuts
Serves 2 to 3 as an appetizer

1/2 cup walnuts (or pecans)    (Price for 2-1/4 oz. package $3.99)
2 tablespoons olive oil (we have on hand ALWAYS)
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar  (Price for 12 oz. bottle $2.99)
salt, freshly ground pepper to taste  (we have on hand ALWAYS)
2 [or 3] largish heads Belgian endive   (Price for ONE endive seventy-five cents)
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese  (Price for 4 oz. package $3.99)

There are a billion recipes out there for all kinds of combinations – you can add apples, or pears, or pomegranates or all manner of fruit……………..but the one above is my Mom’s favorite.

After you arrange your endive on the plate, sprinkle the blue cheese (or gorgonzola if you prefer) on top, add chopped nuts, then combine the oliver oil, balsamic and pepper together and drizzle over top.  EASY PEASY but yummy.

That’s Mom’s favorite summer meal………….she makes quite a LARGE portion for herself but so what – it’s SUMMER!   HAVE FUN right?


My favorite Summer Salad is eating grass but sometimes that’s hard to find outside in our yard……………we have a huge yard but our grass is sad.   We’re working on it though – then I can have an endless all you can eat salad for myself!

We linked up to our SHOPPING host using his blog badge above – to visit Bacon, pop on over by clicking the badge!

Love, Teddy