Tag Archives: cat in need

Helping Hand Friday


Hello Everybody!

If you’re like me, you’ve been concerned about Leo, the kitty Savannah’s   folks are helping to underwrite the medical bills for while he’s being cared for at the Civic Feline Clinic.  Leo has Hepatic Lipidosis Syndrome and is currently being fed with a feeding tube – he won’t be able to leave the clinic until he’s eating on his own.  That means MORE medical costs.   There are a lot of efforts being conducted to help out and one way is to make a donation to Contra Costa Humane Society and earmark your donation for Leo’s medical care.  

If you aren’t familiar with Leo’s story – just visit Savannah’s blog and take a look at prior posts about Leo’s tough time trying to get well.

But ANOTHER way to support the effort to help Leo is a WAY WAY WAY WAY cool auction that Mollie is having on Monday!   There will be all kinds of things that you can bid on that have been donated by Mollie’s friends and YOU (or your human of course) can be sure of finding SOMETHING that you will love if you visit the BIG BLOGVILLE AUCTION on Monday at Mollie’s.

Make sure and put that on your “gotta do this next week” calendar for Monday – and I’ll see you there because I just KNOW my Mom’s gonna want to shop – she’s really very good at it – I suspect you have a human or two in your household who has “SHOPITIS” too right?  Maybe there will be a thing or two that YOU want for your toybox ?  You never know!


Now – what ELSE can you do to help??????   Well, I, Sammy Kimmell, have volunteered to help Mollie by getting the word out about the BIG AUCTION and asking you to take a peek in your closets, your attics, your basements, WHEREVER and see if you have anything you’d like to DONATE for the auction.  All those who participate by contributing items for the auction will be asked to post/mail the items to the highest bidder at the auction.   So obviously if you donate a set of weight lifting equipment that weighs several hundred pounds (YIKES!) it will cost you a small fortune to mail it to the winner.  Take that into consideration when you think of something to donate OK????????? 

So you have something (one or more) that you want to toss into the auction????  Huh?????   Well, I’m helping Mollie collect photos of those items – complete with a short description of what they are and a “suggested starting bid” – and then I’ll send them on to Mollie for inclusion on her AUCTION PAGE on her Monday blog.

If you want to be involved – you can just email my Mom with a photo, description and suggested bid but PLEASE send them to me NO LATER THAN SATURDAY NIGHT so Mollie will have time to put them into the auction. 

GOT IT?????????????  Good!  Leo, Mollie, Savannah and ME (and lots of other people who are helping out) thank you in advance for helping……….you guys are wonderful.   Any questions?  Put them in comments and me (or Mom) will answer them for you!   Just remember – whatever you put into the auction will be your responsibility to get to the winner – Mollie can’t do it all – she needs your help.

Leo would thank you if he could !!

Leo would thank you if he could !!

Happy GENEROUS Friday to all of you!  

Kitty Hugs, Sammy