SPARKS on Monday


Sparks on a Monday!

Today is the day we start our week off reading some great inspirational quotes from everyone who is participating in McGuffy’s Reader’s SPARKS posts on Mondays.    I am a firm believer that inspiration can come to us in many ways – what we read, who we meet, what we do, where we go…………but also by just BELIEVING that we can help someone else by some little thing we might do.    So we share and you never know WHO you will touch…………..If you’d like to join in the fun – share some light with others – click the graphic above and go to McGuffy’s and join in the FUN!

My SPARK for today is something that goes hand in hand with “we meet people in our journey of life for a reason”………… least I think it does!

I think we all can help someone else in some way that we might think is insignificant but which could give them a totally new direction, idea, thought, REASON to continue and that’s a HUGE thing and as the saying above says, “Don’t Ever Waste It”……………

Have a great week…….light someone else’s fire this week with your SPARKS!

Hugs, Pam

46 responses »

    • Yes………..we all have found that out in one way or another – someone we met and didn’t give a second thought to maybe whose words come in HANDY one day………interesting isn’t it?!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Well said, Teddy and Mom Pam. It’s like Cat Scouts says, “Do a good pure daily.” XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  2. I believe we underestimate how much we impact others in our daily lives. Our actions even have impact on strangers we encounter on a daily basis. We all have opportunities to be lights or shadows. And we need to make sure we’re choosing wisely! Wonderful Spark reminder!


    • Oh I believe that with all my heart. I really do try to keep a smile on my face when I’m “out and about” – it’s amazing how many people smile back and I wonder if they carry that forward and “pass it on”…’s a little thing but it could change someone’s day ENTIRELY. We can impact other people by something as simple as a smile.

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Great Spark Teddy and Mom. Mommy was furry sad because of some Christmas/Family stuff so Nellie sent her the Spark and now YOURS is the PURRFECT thing for her too!
    Thank You


    • I hope your Mommy will get a big smile not just from Nellie’s and my Mom’s SPARKS but because of YOU….I know you make her very happy. I also know that whatever has made her sad will get BETTER…..things just kind of DO (my Old Mom says so).

      Sending you big HUGS – please share them with your Mom!
      Love, Teddy


  4. That would be an awful opportunity to waste for sure. Coincidentally, Mom had lunch with one of her former 4th grade students (who is now in her 40’s *gulp*) and she told Mom that that’s exactly what she did!

    Love and licks,


  5. Pam, I agree with this very much. Even in passing, we have chances to connect. A smile could change someone’s day. A conversation may change their outlook. Deeper connections can change lives. Great Sparks. Thank you for being part of Sparks. I love the way you think. HUGS.


    • Glad you liked my Spark yesterday…..YOU know how I think….mainly because we THINK ALIKE (wink). Anyway, smiles are important – I see so many frowns and I kind of make it my mission to get a smile from the frowners – interesting how often it works and I hope they KEEP that spirit with them.

      Love, Pam


  6. Dad says that it is amazing how you can do this and be told much later that you have. He taught us being nice and helpful are the keys to this. Kind of automatic. Like Rumpy knocking things over MOL
    Purrs fellow
    Timmy, Dad and Family


  7. That’s a totally pawesome quote – and so true. Honestly, our mom’s loving the fact that, right now, her job is to work on a social awareness campaign called #CareEnough. (for realz, they’re paying her green papers to do this!!) It’s so very cool to be able to promote the concept that even the smallest act can have a big impact – and that if we care enough, we truly can change the world. (yeah, the mommy’s totally drinking the Hallmark “kool-aid’ but it really is a wonderful thing they’re doing and she loooves it!)


    • Sounds like a really wonderful campaign your Mom is working on. It’s true that something tiny can be ever so BIG to someone else. Kudos to your Mom……….keep that Hallmark “Kool-Aid” coming! We could all use a bit of that from time to time.

      Hugs, Teddy


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