Pre-Tease Monday!


Ringy Dingy School Bell Time!

Class is called to order!   Remember – you are being watched!

Today we do our preparation work for tomorrow’s BIG DAY – the day you will be tested as to your geography prowess AND also to see how QUICK you are on the keyboard to be FIRST to make a comment!    Lots of pressure huh????

Well, let’s just say that lots of people WANT to be the FIRST COMMENTER on Tuesdays and everyone has a chance to………….just have to be ALERT when it pops into your inbox!    Everyone who comments in the first sixty seconds on tomorrow’s TEASER post gets one of these beauties:

We have a GUEST TEASER tomorrow. and that’s all I’m gonna say…………………….!   No hints………………you’re on your own!

As a reminder please obey the “school rules” !!

  1.  When you make a guess as to WHERE the photo was taken, you must include in your guess the TOWN/CITY/VILLAGE as well as the STATE (if USA) or COUNTRY (if not USA) because we need a COMPLETE guess OK?
  2.  Please don’t use any “help” on your guessing – popping the photo into GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH will give you some ideas and we prefer you to USE YOUR HEAD and your EYES and not some kind of help OK?   It’s a whole lot more fun to FIGURE things out……………….


Suzie do you think you can WAKE UP this class with a cheer??

I’m great at waking you up!
You don’t even need coffee in your cup!
Get your heart beating fast
Get enthused and make it last……..
Tomorrow’s the day you wait for each week
If you do well at guessing, your nose I won’t tweak!
So get your rest and make sure you’re ready
Or the BOOGIE MAN will steal your teddy!

OK Suzie – I think that’s got everyone paying attention!!!!

I’m sure all of you will be happy to know that our wonderful Cafeteria Supervisor, Miss Dingleberry, has prepared a lunch for us today when we go out to recess………she’s set up her famous hot dog/burger stand out in the playground……………that’s right – you get to EAT then play on the playground equipment………just be careful – you  know you might have an upset tummy if you do too much exercise after stuffing your faces!

Your Professors will be here tomorrow and we hope YOU will too!

Step right up!   Then grab a smoothie and hit the playground!



Don’t forget – post will be at a SURPRISE time!

For our Canadian friends – HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

34 responses »

  1. I will BE there! AND– I will very likely be square…again. BUT I will be there for the hot dog and smoothie at recess. Suzie, you looked extra vivacious this morning. (if that’s possible)!

    Liked by 1 person

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