Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday!


Let’s Complete Some Sentences!!

YAY!  Friday is here and we’re going to fill in the blanks…………………..this is a FUN Blog Hop co-hosted by Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing and Miss Annie at McGuffysReader.   You can get to McGuffys’ Reader by clicking on the badge above – then use the LINKY tool and enter your blog address where you can share your OWN FILL-INS!!!!!   Wheeee!

This week’s sentences are below – two from Ellen and two from Annie………..ready?   Mom is going to fill in the first two sentences and I get to do the second two!   Mom’s in RED and I’m in GREEN.


1. a prop from a tv show or film I would like to own is The Time Machine in the movie of that name from 1960 – oh boy would I have fun visiting people and places in that!.

2. My oldest friendship is a high school friend from the mid-1960s – Linda and I have lost touch off and on through these MANY years because we both moved around a bit AND we’ve both had busy lives, but we KNOW each other is there..

3. Whenever I sleep, I always snore – my Mom and Dad do too so I think I learned it from THEM!!.

4. The best brand of kitty treats is Temptations – ANY FLAVOR works for me – I’m not picky.
So there you have it – Friendly Fill-Ins for another week.
I’m trying to stay out of trouble…………………I saw this sight out the living room window recently……..good thing I’m INSIDE and not OUTSIDE!!!
Deer helping themselves to sunflower seeds in the birdfeeders

almost invisible deer introooder at MY bird feeders!

I also love to visit the deck out back even though I’m not allowed on it without my harness and leash…………… Mom and Dad wish it was screened in so they COULD let me out there.

Hope you have a HAPPY FRIDAY!

Love, Teddy

57 responses »

    • Funny you should say that…….in the Fall when the acorns are already just FLYING off the trees out back the deer ALWAYS look UP into the trees – I suspect they think it’s not Mother Nature tossing acorns but some EVIL SQUIRRELS!



  1. You could have an awesome screened in porch with the deck, even with the bay window. I see a big old screened in porch with a high ceiling and a fan! Yep, just ask your Mom and Dad to get on that screened in porch… they would love it too… 😀 SomeBODY snores in our house too!


    • Oh Mom has begged, pleaded, whined, grumped, and groaned about a screened porch and YES it would be EASY PEASY to do but Dad keeps saying “but we won’t be in this house forever” – yeah well SO WHAT – we’re here NOW! Right? Right!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Right!!!!!!!! That porch would be heaven on earth! Z Cat loved “her” porch. She could get a little overly enthused at a passing lizard and mangle a screen but it was worth it! You guys won’t ever leave that house! That is what everyBODY tells is about the Tiny Ten… 😀


        • I’ve wanted a screened porch since we BUILT this place but David said we didn’t need one. DIDN’T NEED ONE????? Helloooooo?????? We built this place on top of a hill with nothing but woods behind us and what an ideal situation for a back of the house screened porch. Sigh. Anyway, when we eventually move to whatever retirement place we go to I am having a screened porch if I have to build it myself!!! I’d LIVE out there if we had one!

          Hugs, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh boy! That must be wonderful to sleep out there……….reminds me of when we lived in Officers Quarters on base at Craig AFB in Selma, AL. We had a LONG screened porch that ran the entire length of the house – we only had one window A/C unit and it was in the living room. It would get REALLY hot at night in the summer especially so my brother and I slept in cots on the screened porch. It was lovely……..and we could hear owls at night and also drunk people leaving the Officers Club which was across the street. LOL

            Hugs, Pam


  2. Thank you both for your great answers. A time machine would be fun, did you see the episode of Big Bang Theory , when they bought that prop? It was funny. I bet you have a cute little snore Teddy. Have a great weekend watching the deer intruders. XO


  3. Teddy, tell your mom and dad that it would be easy peasy to have that deck screened in for you. You and they deserve it. How fun to see those deer. Mom had to enlarge the photo to see what you did. Misty May caught a bird (third day in a row) and brought it to the catio. Please do not tell any of those people who complain about cats killing bids. She is a very bad girl when it comes to this! It makes Mom and Dad very unhappy. Hope you have some fun adventures today Teddy. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Uhoh, Misty May is the official bird catcher of the family is she? You know Mom told me that Sammy only ever caught ONE bird and that was Mom’s fault for hanging a birdhouse too low in a tree. He never even TRIED to catch one after that first one because Mom cried about it and Sammy remembered that always – from that day onward a bird could have landed on his head and he wouldn’t have paid any attention to it. Bless his heart – he knew Mom was disappointed he’d caught that bird! I like watching them but haven’t showed any interest in trying to catch one even though I probably could have. I’d love to have a screened porch – I’ve mentioned that to Mom who has mentioned that to Dad but it’s like talking to a brick wall. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I get too distracted for strolls but the cat they had when they built this house and moved in – when it was a brand new development – LOVED to go for walks with Mom and Dad. He walked RIGHT WITH THEM and Mom didn’t even put him on a leash! Imagine that………of course that was way before they knew about all the wildlife here in this development – foxes, etc…….since then, all kitties in this house have been harness trained……I do enjoy walking around the yard with Mom or Dad.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yep – they are the reason I don’t have an outside garden any more………..I do have plants on my front porch AND my deck and so far (fingers crossed) they don’t come up on either of those to EAT! But they do eat the sunflower seeds in the bird feeders and my hostas out in the yard! They are EATING MACHINES.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy


    • Yep they really can clear out a garden quickly. It’s the main reason Mom no longer has flower beds in the yard! We now just have flowers in pots on the deck and front porch and the deer don’t come up there – – – – yet!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Madi I really didn’t have much trouble – I think the first time Mom put the harness on me I wasn’t crazy about it but when I realized that if I wore it I could go outside and sniff and play I got used to it REAL QUICK! Now when Mom puts it on me I’m perfectly still! The kind we got has Velcro closures at neck and tummy and takes about three seconds to put on too – that’s helpful.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yeah….what’s with that? I’m NOT into bondage….I think we should be FREE but then again Mom says I might get into some big trouble that I wasn’t prepared for – maybe our Moms know what they’re talking about???

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. A time machine would be a great way to get back to a time when our Angels were here, then we would want another machine that would freeze time:)

    Your deck is very pretty. Mom would love a screened porch too.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Yes, visiting all of our Angels would be wonderful but it would be so hard to leave them all over again too……..That old movie from the 60s is still one of my Mom’s favorites. Another OLD favorite is “Journey To The Center of the Earth” – remember that one?

      Love, Teddy


  5. What really nice answers, as always. I love how you do this. I wonder what ours would do to see deer! They go crazy with raccoons. Skunk freak them out a bit. George loves to hunt out the bay window at night. He’s a funny little dude.


    • Back when Angel Sammy and I used to do our morning walks in the dark together we would run into ALL kinds of critters out in the yard…..skunks, raccoons, deer, frogs, once and only once a snake……bunnies too – but during daylight hours we only see deer. Teddy would LIKE to go for walks in the early mornings but I have to admit that I’m having a little bit of a problem doing that with a kitty other than Sammy – it was our special time…..Teddy and I have a lot of “us time” anyway so I don’t feel like he’s being deprived of any attention by me keeping early mornings as “Sam Time” – at least for a little longer….I’m just not ready to let that go yet!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. I think having a time machine would be tons of fun. I would love to go back and visit my ancestors, although I guess I couldn’t tell them who I was or it might change something and ultimately keep me from being born. But it would be wonderful to be able to visit with my great-grandparents and learn about their lives and with my immigrant ancestors to learn why they chose to move to this country, if it was their choice. Where/when would be your first stop?

    Maybe some day they can screen the deck so that you can visit out there more often. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend.


  7. SA-WEET Teddy! You have a Deer furend??? Way kewl!!!!An LadyMum sayss shee wood luv a propurr Kat’ss Den fur mee on our patio so mee wood have a bigger Condo space….
    Mind you beein inn harness an lead iss purrty good all so.
    LadyMum sayss to tell Lady Pam shee LUVSS thee movie, “Time After Time” made inn 1979….
    Mistur Malcom Mcdowell an Lady Mary Steenburghen starred inn it. Mee wood like to see this movie meeself.
    ***Hi-5’sss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  8. That deer is pretty bold we think!
    Here we are not bothered too much by them cause our yard has a 5 foot high fence…actually its 6 foot, but buried one foot underground…anypaws the deer can’t be bothered and go to eat us the neighbor’s yards, MOL!
    Our big trouble here is starlings and small rodents.

    We wish our front porch could be screened in…no dog allowed and then we could get fresh air and up close bird TV!


    • My Mom and Dad thought about fencing in some of our property so there could be a proper garden but they kind of enjoy seeing the deer – even when they’re eating everything in sight! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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