Friendly Fill-Ins and Stuff


A Double Bloggie Again!


This is a fabulous blog hop co-hosted by Ellen of 15andmeowing and Annie of McGuffy’sReader and every Friday each of the ladies gives us TWO sentences with blanks in them for us to FILL-ER-UP!    This week I think ALL of us will take a turn at filling in – Mom’s fills will be in RED and mine will be in GREEN and Teddy (my new baby brother) will fill in using PLUM !!

CLICK BADGE TO VISIT McGuffy’s and link your blog up for the Hop!


Here’s the sentences and our fill-ins!

1. Snow was something I really loved to play in until I got really old and my arthritis acted up!.
2. My favorite kind of soup is a toss up between “Bean With Bacon” and “Chicken Noodle”.

3. When no one is around, I get up on furniture my Mommy has said “Teddy, No” about!!.

4. Teddy is my new baby brother and I will always watch out for him from the Rainbow Bridge!!.

SO – that’s it for the filling in stuff………………….hope you decide to fill in the blanks too because it’s a lot of fun reading how everyone fills in the sentences.   Remember, click on the badge above to join up!

Now for the second part of today’s blog………………I will tell you a little bit about my new baby brother Teddy.    You already know a lot but I’ll “re-tell” the whole thing for you just in case.


Mom and Dad were beyond sad when they had to help me go to the Rainbow Bridge on December 2nd.   But my time had definitely come and I was struggling to stay.    My departure was with my Mom and Dad and my beloved vet and his vet tech and I felt LOVE until my last breath.    I was wrapped in a warm fleecie so I was comfy and off I went to the Bridge and became an Angel.


They were too upset to even consider adopting another cat at that point but they KNEW their lives would never be “right” without a kitty in them so they just waited for the pain in their hearts to lessen.   They actually went to the shelter (where I was adopted 17 years ago!) here in our area once and went into the cat room but both of them couldn’t stay in the room – they realized quickly that it just wasn’t quite TIME.    So Mom kept an eye on the shelter website to see who was arriving and who was being adopted….then last Friday, February 10th, the shelter listed three new cats, all under a year old!    They didn’t have photos yet so Mom and Dad didn’t know what the kittens looked like but one was 11 months, one was 8 months and one was 6 months and they decided to go to the shelter FIRST THING Saturday to see the cats.    They were the FIRST to arrive…….and when they walked into the cat room my Dad saw a little ginger guy in a cage sound asleep and said to Mom “do you think that might be HIM?”     Mom and Dad walked over and read the information about the ginger and white kitten and it turned out he was 11 months old and looked a whole lot like ME!    No extra toes like me, and slightly different tabby markings but a LOT like me.    He woke up and stuck his little paw out the side of the cage and both Mom and Dad knew for sure he really WAS the one.   Why?   Well, 17 years ago when they adopted ME from the shelter, I had stuck my paw through the cage to say hi when they walked in the room just like this little guy had done.   It was a sign.   The lady in the shelter took him out of the cage and let Mom and Dad see him and he was a REAL LOVE BUG……he was making biscuits all over Mom’s coat, he was hugging her and Dad, he was purring loud……..he was just doing his best to say “TAKE ME HOME PLEASE” – so they did.    They renamed him TEDDY because that’s the name my Dad wanted the next kitty to have.



This photo was taken the minute he got to the house that day………..

Since then Teddy has taken over the entire house – all three floors of it…………he runs around like mad, carries toys all over the place (I left him my whole big red wagon full of toys!), eats like a little piggy, and just last night started hopping up on Mom and Dad’s bed to invite them to play with him at 1AM.    He’s too wound up to settle in for a snooze but eventually they think he will be a “bed bug” and sleep with them.
I searched long and hard for a ginger kitty for my Mom and Dad………..not because I was trying to give them a “replacement Sam” but because my Mom had always had ginger kitties in her life before she met my Dad…….and after all, I was with Mom and Dad for SEVENTEEN YEARS and they knew that having another ginger would just plain make them HAPPY.   Teddy is a very different little boy than I was at his age.    I will be his Guardian Angel from the Rainbow Bridge.    We renamed my blog TWOspoiledcats because of course even though I’m an Angel, I was spoiled and Teddy will be too and we BOTH will be blogging from now on.    Teddy is his own man……..he’s just a little bundle of love.    I’m loving him from afar AND my parents too and always will.     Here we both are:
These photos have been posted before but I’ll post them again because Mom hasn’t had a chance to take more photos of him – but we will be of course – and boring you to tears with photos whenever we have them.   It’s what new parents and a big Angel brother do right?

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My good friends Madi and Raz have arranged to have a WELCOME TEDDY Blog Hop on Sunday, February 19th – the dear sweet peeps at Dory’s Backyard are setting up the blog hop links, etc. for Madi and Raz and if you’d like to do a post to welcome my brother to BLOGVILLE, you can pop on the hop any time HERE.    Just scroll down the Hoppity Hop page until you come to Teddy’s Hop and put your link in.     Teddy will be thrilled to meet all of you!    He’s happy to be part of this great community we have here………………..

Happy Friday!


Love and Hugs, from Angel Sammy, Guardian Angel to Teddy!!

71 responses »

  1. Teddy I’m so glad that your pawrents came furst to bring you home… that was the pawfect timing, otherwise I bet another furmily had picked you up, because you have the something what the heart of a human needs. I’m so glad that Sammy offered you the red wagon and this little red guy is no longer lonesome …. Huga to to you and I can’t wait to hear about your adventures :o)
    btw: I’m a furniture climber too, I always wait till the mama leaves the room and then I start my hiking tour… maybe I have some feline genes Easy had too?


    • Phenny I bet you have a bit of kitty in you and I bet I have a bit of puppy in me…..pretty good combination right? I do enjoy a good romp on the sofa and so far I’ve NOT used my claws on any of the furniture which has made my Mom VERY happy. I try to be super good but kittens and puppies have so much energy we have to constantly be on the move and – well – STUFF HAPPENS right? I’m very happy to be here and to be making so many new friends.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. I am sorry but I on’t be anywhere near the internet on Sunday so I can’t join the Blog Hop to elcome Teddy. So I will welcome him now! Angel Sammy, it is wonderfur that you have a little brother to take care of your pawrents fur you. And Teddy, welcome, welcome, welcome!
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong


  3. I think there is going to be a whole lot of “Teddy, no!” heard around the Kimmell house! Sammy you could help with that… LOL! WHY am I not surprised about one of your Mom’s favorite soups being Bean with… wait for it… BACON! LOVE every word about the story of how Teddy came to the Kimmell home, Sammy ♥… except the part where you went to the Bridge. But it was done with such love that my heart doesn’t hurt as much but I still really miss you. The slideshow is a treat today… fun!
    I am going to do Fill-in here, okay?
    Snow is something that MissouREE has hardly seen any of this winter and we are not bothered by that!
    My favorite kind of soup is my homemade Vegetable Beef and CH’s homemade Potato!… mine is the best 😀
    When no one is around I sing and dance to the oldies station with my bunny slippers on.
    Z Cat is my heart cat, the bestest girl. I still miss her and think of her every day. Did I mention she was the best girl?
    I loved this whole post Angel Sammy… sorry my comment is a short novel… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are welcome to share your novels – short or long – with us ANY TIME! My Mom saw your mention of potato soup and it reminded her that’s another fave but like at your house, my Dad used to make the potato soup. Mom says she’s gonna remind him of that! Glad you liked the Teddy Slideshow – we’ll have more photos no doubt (haha). Thanks for filling in too – I’m sure Miss Ellen and Miss Annie will enjoy seeing your answers when they visit me!!!! Z Cat is ALWAYS with you – ALWAYS and forever!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy >3

      Liked by 1 person

        • I am so very excited that you are blogging again – even if you just do one “one in a while” we will hear from you and that would make this old Angel (and his Mom) VERY HAPPPPPPPEEEEEEEE!

          Love, Angel Sam
          p.s. Even happier than a bacon cheeseburger makes my Mom!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Friendly Fill-ins! – Under the Oaks

  5. Thank you all for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Bean bacon soup sounds good, that is one I have never had. I love the story of how your folks adopted Teddy, he was definitely meant to be their kitty just like you were Angel Sammy. I can’t wait to help welcome him. XO


  6. What an awesome story for sure cousin Sammy!! I love how you found the right kitty for your mom/dad. Do think Teddy would be my cousin too? And of course we will be at the blog hop! We wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world. XOXO – Bacon


  7. Teddy makes Mom smile. He sure is a cutie. We like TWOspoiledcats! We are all happy that Mom Pam and Dad David now have a furry baby to love. We know they were lonely. And we are all happy to have a new friend. Sammy you picked a great baby brother. We’ll love you forever our angel friend, and we promise to make Teddy feel welcome. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Thank you dear friends – I think Teddy does feel welcome – I talk to him about the blogosphere all the time and how many NICE and WARM people there are in the world of pet blogging. We are just one big family! He will be fine I’m sure.

      Love angel Sammy


  8. We just LOVE this post! It’s so nice to read the entire story of how you came to adopt your pawrents, Teddy — lead, of course, by your Guardian Angel, Sammy. Motor Mommy was a little teary-eyed when she read about your putting out your paw to say hi to your new pawrents, Teddy. We plan to pawticipate in the Blog Hop on Sunday to welcome you to the blogosphere!
    Love, Sundae (and Gypsy)


  9. Ms. Pam mom could eat her weight in chicken noodle soup too.. She recently found a delicious recipe for it and it is easy and out of this world yummy so she says.

    Angel Sammy…Bless your little ginger heart you worked hard finding Teddy. Now you can sit back and watch the Teddy channel with a big smile.

    Teddy proof positive that whey you ‘reach out’ to peeps special things happen. MOLMOL
    1 am play session. I slightly recall those. Good thing the peeps are retired. For the longest time I thought my name was Madi No too
    Hugs your bfff Madi and OMCs I hope you enjoy the place I have set up to welcome you.


    • Oh I am so excited about the welcome party for the little monster guy. He will be thrilled. Mom will help him visit everyone who’s hopping on Sunday. You and Raz were so kind to do that for him.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  10. It definitely sounds like it was meant to be when your parents went to the shelter that morning. And Teddy KNEW they had arrived to take him home! I like the name Teddy a lot, too. Big hugs to you, your parents and Teddy!


    • Yes….that’s a perfect way to say it too. They say (and I’m glad they do!) that they will forever carry me in a special spot in their hearts but they needed to fill some of that space with another kitty – so I found them the perfect one and I do believe my work is done…………

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • Oh no! He’s a very happy and very excited little boy who is totally thrilled to have a home……he loves running around the whole place carrying his favorite toy in his mouth and just having fun.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  11. You did so good finding Teddy for your Mom and Dad Sammy. Hey, if you see my Brother Angel Ivan at the Bridge, thank him for sending me Simon, even if it did take him 8 years MOL!


    • Sometimes it takes a while for us to find THE RIGHT ONE…eight years is a long time but eventually Ivan did himself proud finding Simon for you! I will tell him you are proud of him for that!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  12. We are so happy to meet Teddy! Mom knows how hard it is to lose a ginger buddy. When Shakespeare left suddenly last summer, she knew she had to get another ginger. Shakespeare had a new ginger all picked out and ready to go. Now Steinbeck is here and Shakespeare is teaching him from afar.
    Stereo purrs………Hemingway and Steinbeck


    • That’s right! Shakespeare and I have compared notes on how to bring up the new generation of gingers in our households and take our Guardian Angel responsibilities VERY seriously! Thanks for the welcome for Teddy!

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Welcome, welcome Teddy. Mom was so choked up at reading about the family at the shelter she had to compose herself before typing. We weren’t a bit touched….we’re tough..*sniff* *sniff* Angel Sammy will be present to guide you so there will be no startling surprises.


    Shoko and Kali


    • Thank you ladies for your warm welcome – I am just a bit excited (even for a kitten) at being in this place called blogosphere with so many other anipals! Who knew?! I’m thrilled that I have a special welcome day just for me and I’m meeting so many new friends. I hope we will be “besties” too!

      Baby Hugs, Teddy


  14. Wellcome Teddy boy!! Yur one sweet kittyboy an mee KNOWSS yur goin to have a furabuluss life with yur new Pawentss. They are 2 of thee sweetest people mee has meeted inn thee bloggie werld. An they will luv you with all their hearts an you will want fur nuthin!!!!
    WOO HOO!!! mee iss so-o happy you are here an so iss mee LadyMum.
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx an {{{hugs}}} LadyMum


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