Bacon Boy


The King Is Still Here! 

Bring on the Bacon!

baconkingpumpkin-pngHi my friends………Saturday is here and so is the bacon…………Mom says I’ll get my bacon on Saturday as long as I’m here to enjoy it – AND I’m here so I’m gonna enjoy it today!

Speaking of bacon though, my buddies at Trout Towne Tabbies reminded me that especially in the season of turkey (Thanksgiving), there is a “better bacon” (better for you of course) and that would be:


I have to tell ya……..I’m not so sure about this turkey bacon stuff but some of you have said it’s pretty good so maybe I should get Mom to buy some and we can give it a whirl.   On the other hand, I do like my fat-filled, piggy bacon (no offense to my pigs who are friends)………….and I think this turkey stuff just might not “HIT THE SPOT” like the pork kind!

I know you’d like to get an update on me so I’m going to ask my doctor, Dr. Strangelove (hahaha) to start giving regular updates on my health.   I’ve been overwhelmed with well over 300 emails from you guys wanting to know how I am, etc. so I’ll be posting regularly on the blog to let you know!    Doctor Strangelove?  The floor is yours (well, not really because I need a floor to stand on but you know what I mean).

Dr. Strangelove

Dr. Strangelove

My patient Sammy is holding his own.   The overnight hospital stay helped him a lot but he’s showing some signs of not maintaining his “rally”.   We are hopeful that Friday was just a “down” day and that today he will be better.   I will be sure to let you know.  Meanwhile thanks to the appetite stimulant he’s eating like a horse.   He’s resting a lot.   He has been taking his pills like a champ.   I have asked his Mom to bring him in Monday so I can check him out as she was a bit concerned yesterday at his behavior…… for sure I’ll keep you posted.   No worries though, I’m taking good care of him.   Honest.

Thank you Doctor!

Now, I am needing my Mom so much lately that I’m not sure we will be able to keep up with a daily blog but for NOW, we’re going to try to do that………….so keep tuned in!    Tomorrow we’ll be on the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop at Kitties Blue – then will have a Teaser next week.   For now, we’re kind of doing one day at a time folks…………if Mom doesn’t help me post a blog for one day, it’s just because we need a rest OK?

Now for a little fun!

Freshly delivered bacon

Freshly delivered bacon

Finders/Keepers I say!!!!

Finders/Keepers I say!!!!

You've GOT TO BE kidding me - right?????????????

You’ve GOT TO BE kidding me – right?????????????

MY share.....hee hee

MY share…..hee hee

Everybody have a GREAT bacon Saturday!    I’ll see you tomorrow for Selfies!    Sending you my heartfelt love…………….always and forever and ever.

Bacon Boy with Bacon Mom

Bacon Boy with Bacon Mom

HUGS, Sammy

73 responses »

    • Good Morning!!!!! Yes – turkey bacon – sounds weird doesn’t it? Those who love it say it tastes the same……….seems downright impawsible that it could!

      See you tomorrow………….
      Love, Sammy


  1. Bacon will make you feel better for sure, S. I’m glad you and your mom are hanging in there. People say to take it a day at a time, but sometimes you need to take it an hour at a time. We get that. Thank Dr. S. for keeping us updated.

    Love and licks,


  2. Enjoy that bacon, Sammy! And we completely understand if you and your mom need to take breaks from blogging. You two have been so completely faithful with your everyday blogging, we will miss you if you miss some days….but I’m sure your Mom will do whatever she needs to take care of you! And all of us who love you (both) are good with that.
    Love, Sundae


  3. I am glad you are feeling better today than you were yesterday. Those down days are always a worry. Me and my mum totally understand not posting every day. That is why we only post 3 times a week now, so we can spend more time together and have lots of cuddles.
    My mum says she tried turkey bacon when she was on a cruise but didn’t like it. She only really likes English back bacon and made bacon rolls yesterday. Of course I had a little bit.
    See you tomorrow when we have to try to be bookends again!


    • I’ll be looking for you at Kitties Blue my friend! I love TRYING to be your bookend buddy but sometimes – well – Mom gets up later than 3 or 4AM – she seems to have a mind of her own sometimes! Imagine that! Yes, good and bad days are something my Mom and Dad need to get used to. Mom understands but my Dad worries so much when I have a bad day – mom says “just wait for tomorrow”……..and sure enough I’m better the next day. Crazy roller coaster we’re on buddy!

      Love and hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy, you are very much on mine and mom’s mind. My mom and I have been thinking of you every single day. We love you and we have you in our hearts and hope always.


    • Dr. Strangelove will be my “mouthpiece” (I sound like a mafia dood don’t I?)………he will keep everyone posted. I love all the LOVE I’m feeling from so many………including you!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Bacon WAS wonderful and Mom says I don’t even have to be GOOD to get bacon again tomorrow – it’s “on the house” because of my condition. Condition? I have a condition? Is being old a condition? WOW.

      Love, Sammy


  5. I know everyone loves you very much, 300 emails is quite impressive. I am glad you got your bacon, stick to the good stuff skip the “healthy” bacon. We will be praying and purring for you. I have 2 nuns coming for dinner and I am going to ask them to pray for you too Sammy ( they love cats). XO


    • Yeah that’s what I say – if I like non-turkey bacon then non-turkey bacon it is! How sweet you are going to ask the visiting nuns to pray for me – I bet it makes me stronger right away! Thank you………that’s very sweet!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy, we’re praying for you and especially for your Mom and the Vet. I think I’d like to go to your doctor; he sounds nice. There hasn’t been any bacon at this house all week–I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because Charlie, the little dog from next door is visiting. He is a noisy busy energetic friend so I stay in the room with my owner who has dementia most of the time. Take care; all 301 of us love you and your whole crew!


    • Hi Wickett…..sorry to hear you have been baconless! That’s awful! I know the feeling but since I’ve been sick Mom is trying EXTRA hard to make sure I get more than my share of bacon. My vet is a wonderful guy and the best part is he really does care about me -he even hugs me!! Imagine that! So you have a little tormenter named Charlie huh? Woofies are noisy sometimes but if he keeps you company then that’s nice. 301 of you? That’s quite a crowd!!!!

      Love, Sammy




    • Hi Madi! Glad you like my new “cyber doctor” – Dr. Strangelove will keep everyone updated on what’s what in my “wonderful but wobbly world of health”. Today is a good day. I’d like to make it two in a row! Now we need to send big POTP to our big buddy Easy the Weim – colitis is no fun……I feel bad for him but hope that his meds get him all fixed up ASAP.

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Sundae’s Mom said she WOULD be pawticipating on the 2nd!


  8. Hey, Sammy, sometimes the blog just has to take second place to kitty-Human snuggly times. That’s totally cool. You and your Mom should just hang out together and nap and have bacon and stuff and let the cyberworld take care of itself whenever you want. I’m still purring that you have good days together; the Human’s purring leaves a LOT to be desired, but she’s doing her best, too. XOXOXO


    • Hi Spitty! I agree about blogging vs. snuggling. It’s no contest…..snuggling wins EVERY time! Mom and I are doing a lot of stuff that we haven’t done in a long time – my behavior has changed a lot with being sick and on medication and while I hadn’t been a “lap kitty” for a few years, now I am again! Mom is thrilled……no – make that Mom is VERY thrilled! Sending you happy holiday hugs dear Spitty.

      Love, Sammy


  9. aaww cousin. You had us worried as all get out and we were one of the 300 emails. We couldn’t help it. Heck, I even made mom call your mom. I am keeping my hooves crossed for you for sure…. as well as my tail and mom/dad’s hands and Easy and Houdini’s paws. Love you little guy. XOXO – Bacon


  10. Sammy, it absolutely warms our little hearts that you have heard from so many sending you prayers and well wishes. You deserve every one of them and more. Please hang in there. We are tickled to hear that you are eating. That is so much of the battle. We love you so much and are purring and praying constantly. We think allowing yourself and Mom Pam some rating time is a great idea. We know you’ll keep us posted how you are doing. We say stick with that piggy 🐷bacon. You know what you like. Sending all our love 💗and lots and lots of prayers, purrs, hugs, POTP, kisses 💋and cuddles. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Crew! I really have had a better day today………and that appetite stimulant is making me hungry all the time so I’m eating like a piggy! I’m sticking with piggy bacon indeed – that turkey stuff wasn’t bad (Mom did get some to try) but NOT as yummers as pork bacon. SO, that’s that! I am hanging in – trying to be positive – and hearing more and more stories of kitties who were told they had months to live who went YEARS…….I’m SURE Fiona and I are both going to try for that (wink win). ❤

      Love, Sammy the Invincible


  11. Mee-you fank Buudha Kat fur Docktur StrangeLuv takin care of you Unccle Sammy!
    Pleeze take yur meddysin an get lotss of rest an have a bit of bacon..maybe a bit more if Lady Pam gives you sum….
    LadyMum sayss turkey bacon iss purrty tasty; mee with you about that…butt each to their own! Rite Unccle…
    Mee sendin you lotss of POTP….mee luvss you Unccle with all mee heart ❤
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  12. Glad you got to enjoy some bacon Sammy. We don’t think dat turkey stuff is anythin’ like bacon. MOL We totally unnerstand needin’ to rest. There was lots of days mommy just couldn’t keep up when sis Lexi got sick. And even now, we have days dat she just can’t motivate and needs a break; ‘specially with sis Raena and me needin’ her so much. Big hugs to ya’ll.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • You should grab for whatever bacon comes your way since you don’t have it available often – that’s what I’d do too! Turkey, pork, even beef bacon (is there such a thing?!)……..go for it dear girl!

      Love, Sammy


  13. The appetite stimulant sure is working well. That is great. The bacon jokes are funny and Dr. Strangelove made me feel a bit better about your condition. If, you and mom need a break, we would tatally understand Sammy. Do what you feel comfortable with for now and your mom is always there to guide you.

    Love Shoko and Kali


    • You girls know like I do just how impawtant and special our Moms are…..they keep an eye out for us 24/7 and if something isn’t right- they FIX it for us or at least try. The appetite stuff is amazing really – it has me chomping down on anything and everything (even furniture legs…hahaha).

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Csilla! It is better for us to have turkey bacon…….but it’s just not QUITE the same yummy stuff! As for your Mom, I think it is a GREAT alternative for her since she has to be very careful what she eats. I hope she’s doing well……we send hugs to both of you!

      Love, Sammy


    • Thanks ES……I intend to be around pestering Mom for as long as pawsible. So you like that turkey stuff? WAIT until you see what someone sent me today – will have it on next week’s BACON CATURDAY post!

      Love, Sam


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