What’s Better Than Bacon?



That’s right – nothing is better and we’re gonna enjoy it today for Bacon Caturday right gang?


So are mine!   BIG TIME!

What shall we have for breakfast this morning?????????


Maybe………what else ya got?


Now you’re talkin’  !


Side dish???



Yeah I think we’re on the right track…………by the time we finish with this meal we will have our FILL for the week right everyone?

Purrrrrrhaps while you’re digesting “all of the above” it would be a good time to share my newest BACON MEME with you – this one came to us from our buddies and pals at Kitties Blue (The Cat On My Head)


This is my buddy and pal Mauricio from Kitties Blue modeling the latest in cupcake hat wear……doesn’t he look fabulous?   You see Mau is the official Cat Scouts baker.   He has a Bake Shop at Scouts and when we need a special cake or cookies or better yet – CUPCAKES – he’s the guy to see.   I think he makes a most handsome cupcake don’t you?   Thanks for sending me the MEME guys – I love it.


I know this has ZIP to do with bacon, but it’s one of my Mom’s favorite things to giggle over so I’m indulging her today – after all, she’s MAKIN’ BACON for me this morning!


OH IT IS SO GOOD TO BE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Bacon Day!  

Your King

PEE ESS………………..DEAR BLOGGING BUDDIES – if you are used to seeing comments from me on your blogs and HAVEN’T in a while, please check your SPAM folders because chances are I’m in there!!!!    Lately when we comment on several blogs, our comments do not show up………don’t want you to think we don’t follow you any longer – we think we’ve gone to your SPAM!   (whaaaaaa!)

46 responses »

  1. Bacon fries would be my new favorite food. Mauricio looks incredible in the cupcake hat! Not to be a one-upper, but Mom also has a cupcake hat!! She wears it all winter. In honor of ME, I think. Plus to keep her head warm….

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree about those fries…..they just seem like the perfect combination! Mau is a cupcake head too but NOBODY is a cupcake-ie as YOU are dear girl. I’m not surprised your Mom has a Cupcake Hat……I kinda think you ought to have one too! 😉

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sammy, pancakes and bacon sound nommy. Mom and Dad had biscuits and bacon. Lily snuck to the sink to lick the bacon cooking sheet while Mom and Dad were eating. They cook the bacon on a special pan in the microwave so all the grease drips off. We think the kitty spilling out of the basket has everything to do with bacon…a few too many servings of bacon that is. We are so happy you like your meme and were able to share it. Mom always loves seeing you and Mau together. Yesterday we had a high of 78 degrees. Tomorrow will be in the 40s for a high brought in by up to 40 mph winds later today. Phooey. Sending you lots and lots of love and hugs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We’re gonna have that same weather – today though promises to be like yesterday – WARM and sunny and a little breezy. We’re ready for a big freeze tonight though…..BRRRRR……I love my new MEME with me and my “brother” Mau in a photo together showing off our hats! Have a super good day KB Crew – we love you!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. That’s a great meme with you and Mau, Sammy. I laughed at that big cat in the bed. I don’t think either of us will ever have that problem!


    • EXCELLENT TIMMY!!!! So glad your Dad did not let you down – – – it is an important food group and it’s impawtant to keep us HEALTHY (that ought to work when you tell him that!!!!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. What a GRATE meme you an Mauricio did Unccle Sammy!!! An thee cupcake hat iss reel kewl….
    An yes Katurday iss thee best day fur sum bacon……..mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm oh yeah, good!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That cuppycake hat iss cute; wunder if it wood keep us warm fur Winter walkss Unccle??? Iss beelow freezing here an mee does not even want to go out!!! PHOOEY!
    An once wee get Pee Cee back wee look fur a new Meme fur Youyou 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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