Filling In Friday!


Time to Fill In the Blanks!

fillinsIt’s Friday and time to tackle the four sentences with blanks that need filling – this fun blog hop is co-hosted by McGuffy’s and 15and Meowing……….you can go to McGuffy’s and enter YOUR blog link with your “fill-ins” and share some things about you with all of us who pawticipate!   Just click HERE!

This week I thought I’d be NICE and let my Mom fill in the blanks so she did – and her answers are in RED!

1. One Thanksgiving tradition I have is _making my own cranberry sauce!  I loved the jellied stuff as a kid but love making my own even better.

2. Black Friday is great for retail stores and making major purchases I suppose but I do NOT go shopping then – unless I do it online!.

3. The best part about Thanksgiving Day is remembering all the things in our lives to be thankful for – and there are SO MANY.

4. One Thanksgiving, we went to a really fancy restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner – it just wasn’t as much fun as being home or with friends and family.
TA DA!  Done!    I love Thanksgiving because Mom always gives me a nice chunk of turkey……I have even been known to eat a little bit of stuffing!   Mom says I eat so little these days that she will fix an entire dish of EVERYTHING for me this year just hoping SOMETHING strikes my fancy and I eat.   She says I’m looking like an old skinny scarecrow – MOM!  Not nice!
Tomorrow is Bacon Saturday……….are you ready?   I have a brand new MEME that Kitties Blue made for me in honor of BACON.   I can’t wait to show it to you……………..



Gobble Gobble….

(How embarrassing Mom!!!!!!)

ATTENTION!!!!!!!   We just found out about a FUN event taking place at Dory’s Backyard – it’s called “25 Days of Holiday Fun” and it will be a blog hop for the whole month of December!   If you click on their badge, you can visit them and sign up for a DAY – on that day you will blog about your holiday traditions, or recipes, or WHATEVER you want to related to the holiday, and join the hop and the whole universe (well…blogosphere anyway) will read your post!  FUNZIES?  Oh yeah!  I’m signed up – ARE YOU??



67 responses »

  1. fabulous fill ins… we shop only online too on black furryday… I mean theoretically… the mama still has that shopping ban and we only can hope that my will furget it till next week :o) I think the best thanksgiving thing, apart from being together, is the turkey sandwiches we can create with the leftovers :O)


    • My Mom’s FAVORITE breakfast on the morning after THanksgiving is a BIG FAT TURKEY SANDWICH! I hope to get one too only maybe somewhat smaller than hers – which is almost the size of ME!

      Love, Sammy


    • I hope you are “turkeyfied” for Thanksgiving too!!!! I was happy to see that Holiday Blog Hop – we wanted to get Dec. 19th because it’s my Mom’s Mom’s birthday BUTTTTT we settled for the 18th… did say multiple bloggers could blog on a given day but we chose one that wasn’t yet “taken” !!!! Will be FUN!

      Love, Sammy


  2. I’m sorry your appetite is not so good these days Sammy. 😦 I wonder…if you could have all the bacon in the WORLD…would you at least be able to eat a lot of that?? (for the record, Puppydoc is not promoting the gorging of bacon as a general rule…though exceptions can always be made…)

    Hope you and Mom have a restful Friday….hug hug!!

    -puppy (and samantha)


    • Well, you know, I sound on my bacon posts like I’m a complete PIG when it comes to bacon (oops….bad comparison!) but I only eat a tiny bit of bacon when I do have it. I am simply not interested in my prescription food but Mom thinks maybe I’m just BORED with it so she’s giving me the occasional treat of my “old” food and that’s perked me up a bit. I know I need to eat the prescription stuff but it’s nice to have a CHANGE once in a while. We hope you have a good Friday and weekend – hugs to Samantha too!

      Love, Sam and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHA!…… would NOT believe how easy homemade is to make……trust me……..the recipe is on the bag of fresh cranberries you get at the store………one bag cranberries chopped in the food processor, one seedless orange with outer rind cut off whacked into quarters and stuck in the processor with the cranberries to be ground up…………and however much sugar you want for sweetness (I use 3/4 cup but that’s just because everyone here likes “somewhat sweet/tart” cranberry sauce). VOILA! Some of the BEST cranberry sauce EVER!


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your Mom’s Fill-ins! We can’t have any kind of cranberry for Thanksgiving but the jellied stuff in the can because someBODY would have a fit! I don’t go near the stores on Black Friday… never have. So, you are going to have a kitty size buffet for Thanksgiving… that will be fun!


    • Oh my Mom LOVED that jelly stuff as a kid!!! Still does but everyone always asks her to make “her” recipe. Yes I am hoping for a eeny weeny kitty buffet in the form of leftovers when Mom and Dad get home! YAY ME!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, you always have great answers. I am impressed that you make your own cranberry sauce, we go with the canned. I don’t think I would want to go to a restaurant for any holiday. I love having lots of leftovers. I can’t wait to see your new bacon meme. You make an adorable turkey Sammy. And I am going to check out this fun Christmas blog hop now. Have a great weekend. XO


  5. Oh Sammy! You don’t look very pleased about being dressed up like a turkey! My mum says she knows what you mean by trying to tempt you to eat with different food. She thinks she has more different varieties of cat food in the garage than they have in the supermarket. The trouble is that one of the brands I like do them in pouches in boxes of eight with two different varieties. There is always one variety in each box that I won’t touch, so every now and again she goes off to the local rescue with a pile of half full boxes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! Mom does that too with all my “rejects” and I bet your garage and my kitchen pantry look the SAME with piles of all kinds of “experiments” Mom tries out. She says “whatever he will eat he will get” so it works for me!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Well Mom thinks it’s so easy peasy that it just HAS to be good – and it is. HAHAHAHA She always thought that it was funny that the recipe on the package of fresh cranberries would be the EASIEST and BEST recipe to make!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sammy, our dad always has to make this cranberry relish his dad made on Thanksgiving. The joke was that if you didn’t, you were out of the will. His dad died many years ago, but that hasn’t stopped him or two of his nephews from carrying on the tradition. Traditions are one of the best part of any holiday. You know how we feel about you in your turkey suit….to darn adorable! We know your mom and dad won’t be home on Thanksgiving, but we hope they bring you an entire plate of leftovers on which to feast! Sending lots of love to all, dearest friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We send warm wishes for a fabulous Thanksgiving to the whole family there too – – Mom has promised to bring home the bacon (OOPS I MEAN TURKEY) and I also know that she is making a turkey dinner for Christmas here at home just for us so I know I can look forward to that too! I have to tell you a secret – I think I look cute in my turkey suit too (hahaha). Traditions are IMPAWTANT. It’s the reason that to this day, Mom insists that she and Dad hang stockings on the fireplace mantle every year for Santa to fill. He’s never let her down for 69 years… she has Dad looking forward to seeing what Santa brings HIM in his stocking too! Almost doesn’t matter what goodies are under the tree – the stocking stuff is what she gets nuts over. My Christmas wish is that Fiona and I can be here for NEXT holiday season too…..surely that’s not asking too much – right?

      Love and Holiday Hugs,


  7. Sammy you know what I have discovered today. You look very handsome as a turkey…or for that matter anything you chose to be.
    yep i’m signed up for Dory’s event on 12/14
    hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! I saw you on the schedule at Dory’s……I’m officially on there now too! So is Raz. Will be fun. THanks for saying you think I don’t look ridiculous in my turkey suit. Mom MADE me do it for Scouts.

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. I’m a little bummed this year because the humans are going to have Thanksgiving dinner at a famous rock ‘n’ roll restaurant with friends – and have pizza! So no bringing home turkey leftovers this year. Usually my human prefers something more traditional, but she wasn’t in the mood this time.


    • Maybe it will be a turkey pizza….HAHAHAHAHA….actually that sounds kind of icky now that I think about it. Well Summer, I’m sure your humans will have fun AND meanwhile you can concentrate on being THANKFUL that you have peace and quiet at home (assuming Binga and Boodie will let you that is!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. We are excited for Thanksgiving too, so much to be thankful for, AND we are sure we will get to taste some turkey too. Mom says eating out is nice but then there are no leftovers:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • YES – and my Mom said she will PROBABLY make a turkey breast for “us” after they get home from Thanksgiving at the cabin on Thursday. Even if she brings leftovers you can’t have too much turkey!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Thanksgiving is always great. We have never made cranberry sauce ourselves. I doubt we could find any cranberries here to do it. Eat well, kitty. Enjoy your bacon. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


  11. Your mom’s cranberry sauce recipe is now ours too but mom doesn’t use the orange rind just the juice. They love it.

    These fill in’s are terrific and you must eat more my buddy….we need you full of bacon, turkey or stuffing. You tell me…are you full of it? MOL



    • I really do enjoy some turkey – just a bit, but I think it’s pretty darn tasty! I’m glad your Mom makes my Mom’s cranberry recipe now – Mom only uses a TINY bit of orange rind in hers too…….AND the whole orange quarters of course with the rind OFF. I am trying to eat more but food really doesn’t much interest me. Mom really hates my bones poking out every which way – I’d eat more if I felt hungry but what can I say??? Mom should put a sweater on me then she won’t have to see my bones!

      Love, Sammy


  12. All of your answers are great. I’ve never made cranberry sauce. We always buy the jellied kind. We accidentally bought the other kind one year and, well, we just prefer the jellied. 🙂 I think it is just too much a part of times spent with Granny to change now. I think it is great that you can make your own.

    Yes, we definitely have so much to be thankful for!

    Have a blessed weekend and a very Happy Thanksgiving!


    • The jellied kind is fabulous and my Mom loves that……….but making it is just so easy (the recipe she uses is on the package of fresh cranberries!)……..anyway, enjoy your Thanksgiving no matter WHAT you eat – I hope it’s all delicious and I hope you have a lovely and THANKFUL-FILLED holiday.

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll have to check out the cranberry package next time we’re in the store. Thank you. I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving, too, and that it is full of fun, food, family, and happy memories…so much to be thankful for. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend. Love, Suz


          • Thank you, Sammy. I will definitely enjoy our Thanksgiving. 🙂 I love everything about it and look forward to it all year long. While everyone is off doing Black Friday shopping, I am counting down the days till the next Thanksgiving. haha
            Have a blessed day!


  13. Oh Sammy, we are soooo sorry, I never thanked you for sharing our event with all your furiends!!! We LOVE how many new friends we re making…especially of the very talented feline variety!!!!!
    Thanks you sooooooo much!!


  14. Bill always makes our cranberry sauce. It is my favourite part of the dinner! I agree with #2 & #3, totally. The only times I was not home for Thanksgiving were when I moved at age 10, when I had my knees replaced, and when I was trucking with Bill a few years ago. We did eat at a restaurant, and it was not the same.
    Happy Thanksgiving! Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~


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