Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Time To Do A Selfie and HOP!

We’re joining The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfie Hop – why don’t you do the same?   Click on their badge under my selfie and visit – you can see all the other selfies too THEN post your own!  


OOPS.....I looked away from the camera!!!

OOPS…..I looked away from the camera!!!


Click the badge to visit!!!!!


If you don’t know about Cat Wisdom 101’s Kickstarter campaign to get money together to publish a PAWSOME book by Miss Layla featuring the fabulous black cats of the world, please click below on the Black Cat graphic,  and read all about it and if you can – donate to help bring her project to a REALITY!   Black Cats deserve the focus on their beautiful panther selves as they are so often overlooked at shelters for adoption – they have stories to tell too!    Thanks!


51 responses »

  1. I do that sometimes too, Sammy. Hey guess what! We are bookends again today. I haven’t been able to leave a comment there yet though because I keep getting a 404, and it called me a gnarly dude!!!


    • Hi Flynn! YAY!!!! We haven’t been bookends in a long time! Wonder why KB’s bloggy won’t let you comment – that’s just plain MEAN!!!!! You look great in your selfie today my ginger brother!

      Love, Sammy


  2. It’s okay Sammy, you don’t have to be looking at the camera for it to be an excellent selfie! Thank you for visiting us and for your kindness on our Domino leaving OTRB.


  3. Sammy, Fiona refused to look at the camera for her selfies, so you are i good company. And you and Flynn are right together again this week. Mau wanted us to send his thanks for that meowvolous bachelor party yesterday. You are truly the bestest best man. Thanks also for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Fiona and I must both have sensitive eyes! Flynn and I love it when we show up on the selfies next to each other. We call ourselves ginger bookends. I’m glad Mau enjoyed his party…..and Mom wants to apologize (again) for calling Mau “Raz” several times the past few days. Mom is just so tired thanks to me. My nightly schedule is tough – Dad says “put Sam in the basement until morning!” but Mom just can’t do that. I get her up about every hour or two – sometimes just to give me some pets…sometimes for food if I don’t like what I had for dinner…sometimes to go with me to the litterbox because I MUST MUST MUST have it cleaned up the instant I use it! I’m a real royal pain in the tushie!!!!! Anyway, she’s extra tired these days. I’m excited about the wedding coming up – please let me know if I need to help with anything!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Nice selfie Sammy, I like how your Mom adds frames and effects to make them extra special. We are really hoping that Layla gets the funding for this great book. We pledged our support the first day. XO


    • Time is running out on Miss Layla’s project – we’re hoping someone who can afford to make a BIG contribution does, and she gets the funding. Mom likes to fiddle around with my photos – Pizap makes it easy peasy!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy, I feel all cats should look away from the camera. I’m with you! BTW did you know that magenta light is healing light? Luv, Paprika The Cat

    (Sisfur Peaches too busy passed out on her back to comment, please excuuuuse her)


    • Hi you two! I think it’s fun to look away at the last possible second. Mom says some words that I don’t understand (and that’s probably a good thing) and I giggle a bit then go about my business knowing NEXT Sunday that flashy box will be back trying to capture me again. Magenta light is healing? That’s super interesting….I’d like to have my own personal magenta lamp then to keep me healthy.

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Mee-you that iss a luvley Seflie Unccle Sammy. Mee luvss THIS overlay a lot all so. It makess us look so mis-ticall does it not???
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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