Filling In and Cleaning Up


WOW………….what a busy sounding title to my post today right?   Well, that’s because it’s Friday Housecleaning Day but it’s also Friday Fill-Ins with 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s Reader.   So I think THIS week I’ll do the fill-ins FIRST then tell you about the BIG CLEANUP event.


This week the sentences to fill-in are:     (This Friday I’m doing the fill-ins instead of Mom, and my answers are in RED)

1. The best brand of kitty treats is Whiskas Temptations (especially the tuna ones!).
2. I refuse to buy toys unless there is a sale or a coupon.   (that’s because I have tons of toys…..but if Mom gets a coupon for a freebie or sees something on BIG sale she will get it for me!)
3. I am inspired by animals who do hospital visits or help in disasters or who visit nursing homes, etc..
4.Whenever I hear Mom call me (and sometimes I don’t hear her), I run to her – always.
TA DA!     Thanks to 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s for this FUN Friday activity!   NOW – ON WITH THE HOUSECLEANING!
Today we are actually cleaning INSIDE and OUTSIDE but Mom, Dad and I (the Broomhildas retired) are handling INSIDE and the power washing company will be handling the OUTSIDE.    Every two years my Mom and Dad get the house power-washed……….we have a lot of trees and all the shady parts of the house get algae on the siding and Mom says “ICK” and Dad says “YIKES” and I say “HURRY UP AND DO IT SO I CAN GET SOME PEACE AROUND HERE”.    I’ll just listen to the noise those power washing thingies make and be glad when it’s over.   I think we will have the inside done before the outside starts though.
Let's DO IT!

Let’s DO IT!

Mom is ready to go.....

Mom is ready to go…..

Dad's ready to go!

Dad’s ready to go!

I'm ready!

I’m ready!


DONE!   Lunch break!


WHAT – no bacon milk shake?

OK – that’s about it from the house of horror on the cleaning front…………… doubt the outside will be as spic and span as the inside is when the power wash doooooods get here.   Let’s hear it for INSIDE and OUTSIDE cleaning day!




Sam the Cleaning Cat

70 responses »

  1. Great fill ins Sammy and we hope next week to pawticipate! i like the sound of a power wash..think we need one before Rhiannoms fact need a power everything..tick tock the clock is ticking yikes! have a great bacon day tomorrow my friend 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Power wash is way cool – and the house just looks so grand after. You’re right about that clock ticking until the wedding – I ASSUME you have lists and lists and more lists of “to do’s” ??? WHEEEEEE!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. I hope that you will have fun cleaning and that the noise isn’t too bad this time. You’d think with all the “progress” out there, they could make quiet machines. 🙂

    Have a blessed day!


    • Oh WOW……why haven’t WE thought of that….my Dad loves playing with the backpack blower and Mom could just turn him loose in here and WHAM BAM THANK YOU SAM the inside cleaning would be done in two minutes! Thanks for the idea!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good luck with the power washing sounds, S. Find a safe hiding place till your house looks all spiffy and algae-free again. BTW – you would be a huge hit at the VA home Mom and I visit. Lots of the old soldiers love kitties.

    Love and licks,


    • You know I think I’d like to do visiting like that but I’m so shy and have arthritis so bad, I think my day came and went for being able to handle that. I really do admire animals who do it though – it’s a wonderful thing – gives people a chance to get some unconditional love AND it’s just soothing petting a pet!

      Love, Sammy


  4. ha! that’s the secret why the little sammay wagon is always well filled :o) the momma solved her ride on the hoover in the morning and now we both relax a little, because we have rain and we can’t remove the leftovers of the dad-cyclone outside :o)


    • We’re all relaxing now that the house is cleaned on the INSIDE – we’re waiting for the power wash doooods to get here and do the outside of the house and then we’ll be DONE! Your Dad sure did go nutso on the tree – I’m sure it will grow back nice and big again but in the meantime, it needs a hat – it’s bald!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Windows? What windows?! HAHAHA Mom and Dad just pretend the windows are clean – the power washing will do the outside but the inside hasn’t been done in forever and Mom wants to hire someone to do them because she HATES DOING WINDOWS! HAPPY FRIDAY!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sam, you’re almost inspiring Mom to get started on cleaning….she has company coming next weekend AND the week after that, so she has GOT to get busy. Maybe she should have caledl the Broomhildas before they retired!
    Love, Sundae


  6. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. Those are great answers Sammy. That is great the you come to your Mom when called. And I agree therapy and service animals are amazing.
    I wonder where the Broomhildas are? This crew looks like they can get the job done. We need to get our outside cleaned one of these days. We had our siding put on 6 years ago and there are no trees right near the house , but it would still be good to clean it. XO


    • We always think our house looks good until we get it power washed and it’s suddenly brighter and newer looking! HAHAHAHA The Broomhildas will be back one day I’m sure – meanwhile Mom, Dad and I are doing a pretty good job as a CLEAN TEAM!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Yur cleenin day ritual iss pawsum Unccle Sammy speshelly thee bacon friess 😉
    Ladymum has not set day; shee cleenss when shee feels good…so iss all ways a sirprize fur mee, mew mew mew…
    Wishin you a happy nappy aftur all thee acktivitee Unccle!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  8. My furkids love those snacks too! They have so many toys, but only a few that they really like to play with. Toby likes to play fetch with a plastic spoon best of all! :-). I love all kinds of therapy animals and especially those who help people who are dealing with trauma from disasters. Animals know the way to help hearts heal! My furkids come when called too, except when they don’t hear me… sometimes Toby can be very hard of hearing! ;-). They also are quick to come when they hear me opening any kind of food package for cats or humans! I admire your plan to get the house all cleaned up quickly! Those bacon fries truly look delicious!


    • Sammy’s favorite toy (currently!) is a wooden spoon from the kitchen. I swear – we humans buy 87 bazillion toys for them when they are perfectly happy with plastic spoons, combs, clothespins, just “STUFF” from around the house! When will we learn?!

      Happy Weekend
      Pam (and Sam)


    • Tabbies! How would rainbow trout wrapped in bacon and grilled be???? Sound good? Might be………I think anything wrapped in bacon (including fries) HAS to be spectacular……………find something to wrap bacon around and HAVE AT IT this weekend OK?

      Love and Baconizing, Sammy


  9. Hey Sammy!! I love T U N A and S A L M O N treats.
    OMCs not much cleaning here for a while. Come Monday 6/20 demo starts on the master bath and 1/2 bath and dust will be flying so mom said no use cleaning.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • OH WOWOWOWOW!!!!! Madi I hope you’ll be stashed in a spare room somewhere with your earmuffs on – just when you think all the reno stuff is DONE, there’s more to come! You can tunnel your way out of there and visit your buddies but somehow I think you’d rather be home sweet home after B.A.R. !!!

      Love, Sammy


  10. We loved your answers to the Fill-Ins. Isn’t it nice to have a clean house all ready for the weekend? We’re about to get a t-storm so Mom and Dad did their garden stuff early and Mom did her grocery shopping too. FINALLY she stocked up on BACON!

    The Florida Furkids


  11. You did well with the indoor cleaning. I like your fill in answers, Sammy. I used to love Temptations, but I won’t touch them now. Chewy sticks that mum breaks into bite sized pieces are my favourites now.


    • Hi Flynn! The fill-in thing is fun…..I let Mom have a turn answering too sometimes. I’m still eating Temptations and prefer THEM over any other dry food. Chewy sticks are something I’ve never tried – maybe I should?

      Love, Sammy


  12. Love the fillins Sammy!, Wes is taking fridays off. mommy says she needs a day off after taking mes everywhere to campaigns for Smoke and Joe. Mes don’t mind, mes just wishes she would move house cleaning day from Sunday to Friday!


    • Nellie I’m glad you liked my fill-ins this week……..your Mommy works very hard so she needed a day off – that campaigning takes a lot of energy and while I know you never need YOUR batteries charged (!), your Mom might. Enjoy your days off dear girl!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Now you’ve made our mom crave a milkshake, but she wants a mint Oreo shake. She’ll leave the bacon to you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Atsrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  14. I agree with you about therapy animals, and am very proud that Stella is one.

    Better late than never! I always enjoy your answers and appreciate you joining in on Friendly Fill-Ins. Thank you!



    • Friendly Fill-ins is a very fun thing to do Miss Ann – you and Miss Ellen have a good thing going with that one!!!!! I’m sure Stella does a wonderful job as a therapy animal and I admire all animals and humans who are making people smile and forget their pain or sadness for a little while.

      Love, Sammy


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