Wags and Waves for Forrest



When everyone’s pal from Down Under in Australia, Forrest Green, passed away recently at home with his family on a sunny day, we all felt lost.   Especially Forrest’s wonderful family.   We all know how awful that loss can be.   A good blogging friend, and special Australian friend of Bev Green, Forrest’s “Mom”, Miss Sharon of GENTLE STITCHES blog contacted me and my Mom and asked if we would be interested in helping out an effort to pass on a little LOVE to Forrest’s family in the form of a blogosphere tribute to Forrest………her idea was to have everyone post a photo of themselves “wagging or waving” to Angel Forrest over the Bridge………..We jumped on the idea and have tried to help spread the word with other pet bloggers and friends of ALL FUR ONE AND ONE FUR ALL.    Also my Mom designed the above “badge” so that those who are participating in this effort would use it to show support and/or link the badge to Miss Bev’s blog and leave her a special message.

Mom helped me find a couple of photos to show me wagging and waving to Forrest………….I combined them into one hello and farewell to you my friend.


Miss Bev and family – we hope now that you have Forrest’s Angel Dust back home……..and probably feel his presence in the house every day, that you will recover from your broken hearts.   The whole blogosphere knows how hard it is to lose a furamily member………we love you all!

To further honor our friend Forrest today, and to celebrate my FIFTH Blogaversary, I’m having a Commentathon on THIS blog post today.  For every comment YOU leave on this post, my Mom and I will donate $1.00 to our local shelter which is where I was adopted from 16-1/2 years ago by my Mom and Dad.   Forrest, I thought you’d approve of this way to celebrate my blogaversary on your tribute day…………every animal deserves a wonderful home like you had and I have.   The money we donate will help my shelter continue to serve my County and feed and house future adoptees and others in need.   It’s a great way to honor you my friend.

Be sure to leave a comment!   Every comment counts and Mom and I will let you know how much we collected later this week.

If you’d like to visit Miss Bev and leave a message of love or support just click the badge below.   Thank you for pawticipating in this wonderful day of love in honor of Forrest – thank you Miss Sharon for letting us be a part of it!


Love, Sammy

144 responses »

    • Thank you so much for pawticipating Raz – here and at the TCC too. I know Miss Bev’s family will love that the whole world has come together on one day to celebrate Forrest. Also thanks for the blogaversary wishes – FIVE WHOLE YEARS – WOW!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Oh Sammy what a great wave and wag..you did our Forrest proud! Thankyou so much for this lovely tribute on what is your special Blogerversary! 5 yrars of fun..love beautiful garden pics teasers (ok track record..go for greenie) and love you share…we feel so much better knowing Fozzie b bears angel dust is home and we love you so much for all the love and support…i am hoping the error message on google stops so i can see and comment on some blogs..any ideas ??? Loves Fozziemum and family xxxxx


    • Google gives me a hard time frequently too – I never use my “google” account to comment – always go outside of that so I don’t get a hard time!!!!! I’m glad you like my post – I worked hard on it with Mom’s help – we are so excited that so many are participating in wagging and waving to Forrest today. Today’s TEASER is a DOOZY so watch out (!!!!!)………………thank you too for the blogaversary message. I’m excited to have been here blogging for five years now. Relax and feel the love today – you have it always but today especially!

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • I have never had a problem..but today..well..it will sort out Sammy..Google just makes my eyes googley 🙂 you worked suoer hard on the post Sammy as always..let’s remember you are senior editor!..and i am amazed at all the bloggies i need to visit today..such a great response….5 years is pretty darn awesome Sammy..you have many more to go my friend..on the lookout for the teaser too..oh my..googley eyes here i come 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • We were honored to be asked by Sharon to help out just a bit….we hope we did….Word certainly did spread as we’ve read a LOT of blogs today for Forrest. As for my blogaversary, a commentathon was the best thing to do – – – I know Forrest would approve!!!! Sending you special hugs……….Sam and Mom

          Liked by 1 person

          • We are very humbled..and to help out others is a real honor..once our heads clear here we will find a way we can honor our boy…i know Forrest would approve indeed..he had a huge heart…a special goofy boy 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xcc


  2. Thank you, Sammy, for including this wonder post in honor of Forrest. sounds like he was a #1 friend, guard and everything else. He is enjoying his new life there and is running and jumping with my old friend, Rex, and the furry friends of all of us. Run, jump, sniff and enjoy, Forrest, the West Texas crew, big and small, send their love and encouragement to your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you sweet Miss Layla and kitties for honoring us with a special card for our blogaversary……it’s hard to imagine it’s been five years but it has. So many friends and so much fun – but then we have some sadness when one of us runs off to the Bridge. I always think though that it’s just another special angel to look out for us when someone leaves. We all will one day of course when it’s our time. Forrest was so loved by his family – we just had to help do something special for him.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom


  3. First of all Sammy, let me wish you a very happy 5th blogoversary and many more of them.
    I didn’t know about the day in honour of Forrest as you know me and my mum are taking a blogging break. She is even taking a break from turning the computer on and only checking in now and again mostly for emails. I am glad I am able to comment today for your commentathon in his honour.
    I am hoping we will be back later to have a go at your Teaser.


    • Dearest Flynn…..thank you for taking time out from your blog break to visit…..it means a lot to me as I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and hoping you’re enjoying some special time with your Mom and Dad while you PAWS from the blog! Sometimes my Mom thinks she should do the same thing…..then again……LOL. I appreciate you commenting as it will count towards the commentathon and my Mom donating to my local shelter…..Today’s Teaser is a DOOZY so if you come back, GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND!

      Special hugs and love, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake! Thank you for coming by today as your comment will help those kitties and pups at our local shelter! Also we’re happy you are sending love to Forrest’s family too.

      Hugs dear girl, Sammy


    • Thank you very VERY much for not only pawticipating in “Forrest’s Day” but for the blogaversary wishes as well. We are so proud to be a small part of this day to honor Forrest and his family – thanks for sharing the post too dear friends!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. This is all such a great thing to do for Forrest. And Sammy this is also a great thing to do to help more animals. We will all miss Forrest and sure feel for Forrest’s Mom. You all have a wonderful day.


    • Thank you for coming by Miss Marg……it’s our pleasure to help Angel Forrest’s family feel all the love out here for them while they grieve. We thought honoring him with a commentathon for our own blogaversary today would be the BEST way to celebrate! Happy Tuesday….

      Love, Sammy


  5. Gentlestiches was kind enough to let me know about your anniversary and fund raiser. What a lovely idea and tribute. Congratulations on your anniversary. I have some catching up to do II think..


    • Thank you so much for coming by! Miss Sharon is a sweet lady who set the whole “Forrest” tribute in motion and we were happy to join……..also yes it’s been five years now that I’ve been blogging and I thought we’d celebrate by donating some money to the local shelter where I was adopted 16-1/2 years ago!!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh that was such a special wave with your fabulous paws Sammy! I bet Forrest loves your paws as much as me and he smiled at the little ginger boy :o) Happy Blogoversary… can you believe that it was 5 years ago? It’s amazing how fast the time runs away when we are in blogville… with our friends :o)


    • Hi Easy! Glad you liked my special wave for Forrest – easy to do when you have an extra toesie!! Thanks too for my blogaversary wishes – I’m absolutely amazed Mom and I have lasted five years (!!!!!). Thank you for being our friends……..we love you to BITS!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wonderful tribute to Forrest – it has to make his family feel so loved!
    And it’s so nice that you’re honoring him by making a donation to your local animal shelter; that’s so special!
    Love, Sundae


  8. What a perfect way to honor Forrest, and do some good for other animals in need as well. We definitely know he would approve. Happy Blogiversary, Sammy and Mom, and we hope you have many more!


  9. Sammy I love love love your post!! Your wave and wag are adorable…especially with your extra
    toe!! Happy 5TH blogaversary
    Hugs madi your bffffff


    • Thanks dear Madi! My paws are tailor-made for waves aren’t they??? Thanks for the blogaversary wish too sweet girl and for joining in on this special day all the way around!

      Love, sammy


  10. Sammy we are so excited, so many blogging friends are joining in to honor Forrest today! Happy Bloggaversary our wonderful friend! We luvs you tons!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang


    • It’s really just FABULOUS isn’t it??? We’re thrilled to have been a part of getting it together – I know Miss Bev will be so happy to see all the support for her family!! Thank you so much for being part of it AND thanks for the blogaversary wishes too.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. What a lovely wag and wave. Whee have made a post for Forrest today too. With no tail to wag whee have waved to him over the Rainbow Bridge. And what are great idea for a commentathon.

    It warms our heart to see furfriends coming together like this!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


    • Thanks for coming by! Your comment will help US help our local shelter and we know Forrest would be happy we’re honoring him in this way! Hope you have a FAB day too!

      Love, Sammy


  12. Happy Five Year Blogaversary! It is a beautiful tribute you have done for Forrest and what better way to honor him than to donate to other pups and kitties. Such a big heart you and Sammy have. I know the Wags and Waves for Forrest tribute by you and Gentle Stitches will help Bev and Family heal a little faster from their loss. I would also like to send some healing thoughts to June Smith Thompson and her husband for the loss of their sweet kitty Mouse Girl… ♥


    • Yes, we were so sad about the sudden loss of MouseGirl too……Mom wrote them a poem and sent it to Miss June yesterday…………….thanks also for the blogaversary wishes – I can’t believe I’ve been blogging in the universe for five whole years. Typing my poor toesies to the bone working on my blog every day. Sigh. Oh yeah – thanks Mom! HHAHAHAHA Anyway, we are hoping that Miss Bev is happy with all the wonderful tribute posts there are today for her boy Forrest. It’s a wonderful way to honor him……….

      Love, Sammy


    • Sharon of Gentle Stitches was the one who asked us if we’d help get this done and we were happy to do so – Forrest’s family are friends to ALL of us and he is so missed! Thank you so much for supporting the effort.

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. What a nice way to pay tribute to your friend, Forrest. We were both adopted from the same shelter at different times, so we think this commentathon is a great idea! Congratulations on the fifth anniversary of your blog!!


  14. Pingback: Wags and Waves for Forrest

    • Yes when we were asked to help we were thrilled to do so – hopefully the word spread far and side and Miss Bev will get lots of visitors in honor of Angel Forrest.

      Thanks for reblogging too!
      Love, Sammy


  15. Very beautifully done Sammy. Our mom had to do some cut and pasting on PiZap to get us waving. This was such a great idea. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We loved your WAG AND WAVE on your blog – Mom was going to cut and paste then remembered we had some “close enough” kind of photos we could use!!!!! Thanks for pawticipating!

      Love, Sammy


  16. What an awesome tribute cousin. Our hearts just break for Forrest and his family. And happy blogoversary to you!! Here’s to many more years to come! XOXO – Bacon


    • Thank you dear Cousin……it’s amazing the support Miss Bev is getting from Sharon’s effort – that makes us happy. We still have a big SAD in our hearts though for your family…..we know MouseGirl wouldn’t want you to grieve though because she would have just gotten SO sick…..now she’s happy, HEALTHY, young and running free sniffing the catnip fields over the Bridge……..we are sending you love and hugs for your loss though believe me.

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Bev, so sorry you have lost dear Forrest. He will have flowers planted in our garden here for him. Remember, he is only on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Out of sight, but never far from heart and mind.


    • Thank you Austin…..we wanted to help Miss Sharon of Gentle Stitches as it was her idea to have a special day for Forrest – it just happened to be on our 5th Blogaversary so the commentathon was our way of honoring Forrest too. It’s been quite a day so far. Thanks for sharing the post on social media too……oh – and we had the monthly Cat Scouts birthday party yesterday and you got lots of birthday cards and presents in the Birthday Party Den!

      Love, Sammy


  18. Happy Blogoversary Sammy and your Mom too! I sure wish I had known about blogs 5 years ago so I could have followed you all along. I am thankful that I know about it now. XO and love to you both. Very nice post to Forrest too! And how kind of you to donate to your local shelter.


    • Hi Miss Ellen and Company…..what a day this has been and it’s not over yet! It has proven what we already knew – the blogging community is wonderfully caring and loving and when one of us has a loss or a bad day, everyone rallies round to help and “top up our tank” with love. Thanks for participating – I’m sure Bev is thrilled and I hope Forrest is too!!!

      Love, Sammy


  19. We didn’t know your special friend “Forrest”, but we certainly know about fur-iends crossing the rainbow bridge. So we are sending our prayers to Forrest’s family. We can see that Forrest was a very much loved guy and we hope that his family can take some comfort in the words that are being expressed today. As Winnie the Pooh once said …… “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever” . Prayers from the Sparhawk Scotties xxxx


    • Hello and thank you so much for coming by today – Forrest AND his Mom and other family in Australia will appreciate it! I am a BIG Winnie fan and he’s right spot on about being in a heart forever – and I believe it’s ever so true. I’ve told my Mom that no matter when I join Forrest at the Bridge, my heart will stay with her……………….

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my…….you certainly MADE MY DAY (and Mom’s too!!!!!) It’s been an amazing day so far and it’s not over yet. We are absolutely thrilled that so many are supporting Bev and honoring Forrest – The Commentathon is going to be a huge success too – which makes our hearts sing………..we love all of you too – truly!

      Hugs, Sammy and Pam


    • It was an honor to be asked by Sharon to help…………Bev is such a good friend to everyone and her family and their adventures are things that we look forward to with her blog – she is SO SUPPORTIVE of everyone else, we wanted to do something for her…….and since she is VERY involved in animal welfare in Australia, we wanted to honor that AND Forrest by helping our community too.

      Love, Sammy


  20. This is a lovely gesture for Forrest, Sammy. Forrest was loved and appreciated….that’s all we ask for in this world…other than shelter, food, goodies etc. Happy Blogaversary. I don’t know what we’d do with out you and your mom. Guess we’d be lost on the web somewhere. MOL



    • Awwww…..thanks Shoko! What a sweet and kind thing to say. We can’t believe it’s been five years of posting – – – and fun – – – and new friends. We hope that Forrest is thrilled with all the blogs for him and for his Mom and Dad today – it’s an amazing show of love.

      Hugs, Sammy


  21. Sorry me’s late Sammy. ‘Tween mommy’s doctors ‘pointment and da storms me didn’t get to have any catputer time yesfurday. Happy Blogoversary. And here’s to lots more years.

    Luv ya’



  22. Reblogged this on Sparhawk Scotties and commented:
    We know that you’ve all already contributed and made your thoughts clear to Forrest’s family. We just wish to pay our respects to this great guy, who we can see was very very much loved, not only by his own family, but by blogsville itself. Run free Forrest ……..

    Liked by 1 person

  23. #1 – Sammy, yous and Gentle Stitches has done yourselfs proud with the Wags and Waves for Forrest. Mes knows the Fozzie’s Mum is both happy and sad at helping alls of us tells Forrest’s Family how much wes loves him and them.
    Forrest, yous will bes missed! Mes waving for yous on my blog.

    #2 – Sammy and Mommy, mes been blest to bes your furrend and follower these last 5 years. Yous put up with mes and my fur siblings antics (that wes dragged yous into) and wes had so much fun! Mes is ready to party hardy! (So long as mes can has many naps)

    Loves yous both and mommy and mes is sending yous virtual hugs!
    many many kisses and head bonks
    Your Nellie Bellie


    • Nellie my dear! Thank you for coming by to join in the tribute to dear Angel Forrest – we know his Mum and Dad and furramily appreciate so much support today and always. Also thank you for being my friend for so long – it’s been an amazing five years – you and I have gotten older together and while it’s not always fun to get older, we’ve made it bearable by our friendship and love and most of all FUN!!!!! I’m sending you the biggest possible SAMMY HUG dear girl just for being YOU. Mom and I love you and your Mom to bits!

      Sammy and Mom Pam


  24. dood…high paws two yur mom & sharon for puttin thiz two gether for forrest….we noe him, hiz mum, & familee iz veree much in apurreciationz….thiz iz total lee awesum….. ♥♥♥

    we made a moovee for forrest thatz still sticked in de e mailz bin…. coz sum one { FSG } doez knot noe how ta get in on blogger…..faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~~~~~~~

    all sew…. a most happee annie fursarry two ewe; heerz ta 500 mor, heerz ta ten bazillion commintz & way awesum oh ewe ta give up yur green paperz ta help otherz out….may ewe & mom bee blessed ten fold 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥


    • Dear Tabbie buddies and pals AND to FSG too! Thanks for the support for the Forrest Tribute – we know Miss Bev is happy about it and so are we – the commentathon has been a big success and we will have a nice fat check for our local shelter which I’m SURE will make Forrest happy………..We think the amount of love in the pet blogging community is SO HUGE, Miss Bev can’t help but feel it all the way DOWN UNDER! I can’t believe we’ve been blogging five years but we have – so many great friends like you that we love to bits.

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


    • Thank you SOOOOO much for pawticipating in the tribute to Forrest – AND thanks for the blogaversary wishes too! Much appreciated – this has been a wonderfully rewarding day and we hope we have given Miss Bev a smile!

      Love, Sammy


  25. Pingback: Wags and Waves for Forrest – in my heart 4ever

  26. Are wee too late Unccle???
    Mee an LadyMum want t say thee badge iss purrfect an yur Commintathon iss so sweet! Forrest ood toe-tallee approve. Wee not bloggie today because LadyMum iss still not 100% purr cent butt wee did want to come visit you an leeve a commint!!!
    Wee will all miss Forrest; hee was a reel kewl doggie!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


    • Thanks to you and Ladymum for pawticipating in Forrest’s Day……..it was a big success and I’ll let everyone know how much I raised thanks to all the comments for my blogaversary.

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Brian! Thank you for being part of Forrest Day and for the blogaversary wishes……….I SO much appreciate it and I know Miss Bev is happy about the turnout for her boy too!

      Love, Sammy


    • Forrest certainly did know love – the best kind too – the kind that knows when the time has come to say goodbye with a grand sendoff…..I know I will be looking for him when I get to the Bridge along with so many other friends who have gone before me. Not that I’m in a hurry mind you but I know I’ll be happy there one day. I think his Mom Bev was very happy with the blogaversary commentathon’s success – ME TOO!

      Love, Sammy


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