

I’m ready to be baconized……….it’s been a cold, rainy week and I am ready for my BIG TREAT……..bacon for breakfast.   I took a peekie in the refrig while Mom was cleaning house yesterday and there’s a BIG package of bacon in there so I don’t want any “we’re all out” or “there’s not enough left to cook” stories – no I will NOT settle for that………..I want BACON!

NO - she's not telling the truth!

NO – she’s not telling the truth!

Mom’s not sure WHAT she will make for breakfast other than of course bacon…………….I thought I’d help by giving her this pup’s recipe but not sure she fell for it!




After we have breakfast, I’ll probably have a “BELLY FULL OF BACON” nap……… know…….give that stuff a chance to digest properly while visions of sugarplums bacon dance through my little ginger head!

I'm dreaming that I'm KING of Baconville......zzzzzzz

I’m dreaming that I’m KING of Baconville……zzzzzzz



Happy Caturday

(with a side order of bacon)

King of Baconville!

Wanna be part of my “Kingdom” of bacon?  Grab this badge!


57 responses »

    • At least you know now that some of the people at the shows serve their OWN bacon… excuses when the hotels don’t have it on their menu!!!! You’ll just have to train that human to be on the lookout for it!

      Love, Sam


    • Bacon is my favorite snackable. Saturday is my BACON DAY…..sometimes I get it during the week if Mom is making it for a recipe of hers but mostly SATURDAY IS MY DAY! I’m glad you like bacon too – you should become a member of my Bacon Appreciation Club. I’ll post the badge on my blog again!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Banana is good right? I’ve never had any myself though. Let me know how it is! If I could share my bacon with you, I would! Did you get your new raincoat yet???? I wanna see a photo of you modeling it!

      Love, Sammy


      • The cutest raincoat in the world turned out to be a problem when the Medium was too small and the Large was too big. Mom bought the Large, as if I’d grow into it on the way home. I didn’t! She’s taking it back to Petco and we’ll head to PetSmart next week to try again. Ugh. Humans!


    • Thank you my friend Count Easy (I saw you on Hailey and Phod’s blog!)………you and Hailey do make a most fetching couple. I am proud to be the King of Bacon…..but did you notice that I’ve managed to have a BED for a throne instead of an uncomfortable chair???????????????

      Hugs, The KING!


  1. I love all your bacon graphics- especially you with the I love bacon hat. I hope you got lots of bacon. My cats want lessons in opening the fridge. XO


  2. Happy Bacon Day cousin! Mom/dad are trying to get back to ‘normal’ life here at the Hotel Thompson. You wouldn’t believe the fun they had with you know who’s. XOXO – Bacon


    • It was a delightful breakfast with bacon……………today Mom isn’t making bacon but that’s OK…….I’m going to forgive her because I am the KING and the KING should be merciful! HAHA

      Love, Sammy


  3. Sammy, our dad had bacon this morning, and Lily got a little piece. She’s the only one of us who has ever had any, and that didn’t happen until after you started singing its praises! We adore the next to last photo of you snoozing. Mom says that would have made a great Sunday Selfie. Hope all is well in your part of VA. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Good Morning KB Kitties! It’s Sunday morning and it promises to be a pretty one! Did you know there’s SNOW in the forecast for late next week? YES – I can’t believe it. Mr. Groundhog lied. HAHAHA Seriouslythough, I’m glad that Lily Olivia is a bacon affecionado like me – I really do enjoy a tiny little bit of bacon when Mom makes it. I also was happy when she made shrimp over pasta for dinner night before last – – – I got SIX WHOLE SHRIMP all to myself and all I had to do is sit at Mom’s feet in the kitchen and STARE AT HER…..HAHA

      Happy Sunday…….
      Love, Sammy


  4. Unccle Sammy you ARE thee King of Baconville fur sure!!!! Hope you had a bit fur mee? LadyMum still reefusess to buy bacon at thee present price….**sighsss**
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


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