Pre-Tease Monday



Yessssirreeeee…………’s that time again – can it be a week already since we last agonized over a Teaser Photo??????? YES it has been……… are you ready for tomorrow?

Remember the post will go up at a SECRET TIME tomorrow so you just better be ready………………….because WHAMMO it will hit your inbox and you will have a chance to be FIRST COMMENTER, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER and of course the much coveted GREENIE/I HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE winner!

I think I’ll have a whole new batch of badges done in time for the new year.    We need some new ones right?    There are a few of you who have the badges you’ve won displayed on your blogs and you’d like some new designs I’m sure!!!!   I’ll work on those in my spare time (whatever that is….we haven’t had much of that lately around here).


SO, I’ll see you in the morning?????????????????????????????   Have your glasses on – have your screen cleaned…………….and most of all, bring along your PATIENCE because examining photos for clues takes patience!

Sleep well………for tomorrow brings a TEASER

Love, Sammy

I'm standing by for Tuesday!

I’m standing by for Tuesday!


33 responses »

    • OH NO!!!!!! I changed my Header to a Christmasy one last week…….I just double checked and it’s THERE but Mr. Cranky Chrome apparently isn’t letting you see it! WHAAAAAAAAA!

      See you tomorrow for the TEASE TIME EXPRESS!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Hope Mom can remember tomorrow to check as soon as she gets up. I see you have snow on your blog as well. C.K. said that our snow was making her computer run slow when trying to upload our blog. How slow can it be? I haven’t noticed any difference. So we know everyone is tucked in and snoozing and your house. Dad’s already asleep and the rest of us and Mom are off to bed. See you tomorrow so we can add to our greenie collection. Love to Mom Pam from our mom. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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