Dona Nobis Pacem


Today is the Blog Blast for Peace………….somehow I didn’t realize it was that time again – but I wanted to do my “badge” because there’s nothing on earth as important as PEACE for all……………If you click HERE,  it will take you to the website BLOG 4 PEACE.    You can read Mimi Lenox’s beautiful post for peace and learn about this day that’s been set aside since 2006 as a day to wish for peace on earth.



With Love and Hope, 


59 responses »

  1. Well done, Sammy. You do indeed look as of you are praying. It saddens us that so much unrest and violence is a daily thing in our world. Peace is the one thing that everyone on Earth should want and strive to achieve. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. What a wonderful world this would be if our prayers come true. Thanks for reminding us, Sammy, about something very important.


  3. I am purring for peace too.
    My mum forgot to make my peace globe this year so we are reusing last year’s globe. The sentiments remain the same.


    • We sure do…….most of us who have happy homes LIVE peace on a daily basis (part of being spoiled rotten!)……..we would wish that kind of joy and harmony for humans and all creatures!

      Love, Sammy


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