Silent Thursday



Peeps!   Today Mom is WITHOUT the computer (again) all day as it goes back to the “doctor” for an operation.   Brand new CD/DVD drive being installed and Mom will NOT be able to comment on your comments (say that ten times fast) today – or if she DOES, it won’t be until LATE in the day so be advised!    She will probably be like she was last week when the computer was being diagnosed……………….she didn’t know what to do with herself!   She tried reading, watching TV, even resorted to cleaning/laundry, but no matter WHAT, she missed being online to check email and blog comments.   This is the woman who SWORE she’d never get “hooked” on computerizing!   UH HUH.   Tell me another one Mom.

SO – anyway, not much to say anyway except I’ve already received two costume entries for my SAM-O-WEEN costume contest……………also we’ve kind of decided in order for YOU to have plenty of time to vote for the BEST COSTUME before I announce it at my SAM-O-WEEN party on the 31st, we will say the LAST DAY FOR ENTRIES will be October 28th instead of 29th OK?   Got it?

Costume Entries To Me Not Later Than Oct. 28!

YES I did say there would be a prize package for the winner and I meant it…………the winner will be having “Christmas in October”!


Is this a threat?  Well, maybe… don’t want a goblin visiting you do you?   Of course not – so you’d better plan on at least stopping by my blog on the 31st for some snacks and to see who’s won the contest right?  Right!

Hang in there – we’ll be back with a vengeance tomorrow I’m sure………and Mom will have a HAPPY FACE because hopefully we’ll be back in business with the blog and email.

Until then:

CRYINGCATWe’ll miss you today!!!!



61 responses »

  1. If your mom is anything like my mom (which she is) she gets suicidal when the computer is down. She usually passes the time by BUYING A NEW ONE. This is a great solution until the credit card bill comes. Try to keep your mom distracted, S.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sammy, I know that feeling… furst they yell at that computer and give it names and even one day without that thingy they have no clue what to do with all that time under their paws…. my mom bought a sexy devil costume today, butt my dad has to bring it back he said I look like a… well ya know, that girls who take money for a hug :o)


    • UHOH……..The costume your Mom got for you hasn’t been “Dad-approved” ?? He thinks you look like of those “GOOD TIME GIRLS…”??? Hmm… would be a very interesting look for you!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Oh, dear…. you know that your mom and my mom email each other off and on everyday. So my mom will be missing your mom today, too. Sure hope that computer is back soon and fixed up good as new!
    Maybe you could help her pass the time by napping on her lap ALL DAY!


    • Hi Charles!!! Well, we HAPPILY got the fixed computer this afternoon so we’re in good shape – AND Dad got his car back too so we’re ALL happy. If I’m not mistaken I can smell bacon cookin’ so that makes me SUPER HAPPY!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Oh no! I hate that cousin. When my mom tells us all no electronics for the weekend – sometimes I go mad! I’m like your mom – I’ve gotten so used to it. We will be working on costumes this weekend. I’m going to dress up Houdini – it should be good I promise you. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon! It wasn’t easy for Mom to actually NOT work on the computer today but thank heavens about 3PM the call came in that she could go get the computer – it’s fixed – hallelujah! Can’t wait to see the costumes – I love SAM-O-WEEN!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your poor Mom, being with a computer all day would be like a cat not getting a nap all day- awful! I hope it is an easy fix. If she is bored, she could make you some bacon 🙂 XO I need to get working on costumes.


    • It was touch and go today but finally at 3PM they called to say she could come pick the computer up. She smiled all the way there and back………I did too since I knew I could do my blog for tomorrow after all! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy, I think you snuck by and visited without the computer this morning! How did you manage that? MOL We are sending purrs that the computer comes through the surgery ok and is fully back to full health very soon! 😉 xxxx


    • Hi Austin! Thank heavens for being able to schedule a post for a blog right? HAHAHA……..We’re BACK though – Mom got the fixed computer this afternoon so tomorrow we’re back in business!!!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Aaaaaw Sammy we can sure feel fur you and fur yous mommy. Our mommy sed da same fing. And now look at us. Anytime da puter not be workin’ wight or da innernets be down, OMC it’s like da world’s ended or sumfin’. MOL Our mommy’s…gotta luv ’em.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  8. We understand all about the Moms and their ‘puter time. We hope the doctor is prompt in fixing yours and gets it back to full health quickly.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Know now that your mom has her computer. I hope she will catch up on all her emails and stuff. I am looking forward to your Halloween party and also the contest. I will be having a photo session 😦 and send you my pictures when done. Think that will happen next week.


    • Grand! The Sam-O-Ween costume contest is always a blast! I loved your cowgirl costume 😉 last year but I’m sure you’ll come up with something you actually LIKE this year!!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Mom has already got about ten costumes set aside for us. We just need to decide who gets to wear which. Mau’s thinking he will probably come as s’mores man but hasn’t decided yet for sure. He does like that chocolate chip hat! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  11. Unccle Sammy mee has seen LadyMum like thiss without Pee Cee an shee iss a wreck, mew mew mew…..
    Wee hopes pee Cee comes back soon inn one peece an berttr than ever! LadyMum has been tryin to find a propurr Anti-Virus program an shee has been offline installin an then un-innstallin an fingss been ruff fur her, mew mew mew….
    Did LadyMum send inn mee costume foto?? Mee asked her to do that a few dayss ago…
    An yur havin a pawty??? May mee come Unccle? Mee WILL NOT get into any trubble; purromise!!!!!!!!!
    ❤ LUV ❤ yur neffkitty Siddhartha Henry ❤


    • Hi Siddhartha! We got your costume photo so you’re all set. Halloween I’ll have snacks and drinks and fun AND will announce the winner of the costume contest so OF COURSE you’d better stop by on the 31st for that!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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