


Hi Everybody!    I have a “double” post today – two different memories in one blog post.    It’s 9/11 and a lot of us will NEVER forget that day in history or where we were when life as we knew it changed…………..and back in September of 2011, my Mom wrote a blog post recalling where she and Dad were on 9/11 so I thought I’d give you the link to that post and you can read it for yourselves.  It’s quite a story.    Just CLICK HERE then come back so you can read all about my Mom and Dad’s NEW memory!

My parents just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by taking a short trip only an hour or so away from here to a town called Luray, Virginia.   Luray is home to some absolutely gorgeous underground caverns called (surprise surprise) Luray Caverns.  Here’s a link for the complex at the caverns – it’s got an antique car museum, a boxwood maze, a fun “ropes” course for kids, a reconstructed partial village of the day, and of course the caverns themselves  (CLICK HERE).   The caverns were discovered in 1878 by five men and they had no idea when they discovered the entrance what incredible beauty they would find while exploring the caves.   The oldest formation inside the caves is said to be 400,000,000 years old.   My Mom and Dad had been to the caverns many years ago but had forgotten how amazing they were.   Here are some of the photos my Mom took!

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The guided hike they took was 1.5 miles long and took over an hour……….it was a fun addition to their anniversary trip.

So – an OLD memory and a NEW memory…………..both in today’s blog.   Every day is another chance to make a memory so get out there and make one!!!

Happy Friday my friends……………

Hugs, Sammy


61 responses »

  1. I remember where you were that day… and you had to take an airplane after all the horror to come home… with the widom of hindisght it gives me the shivers to enter a plane after this day….but what can we do…
    We will never forget this day and the people….


    • It was a strange feeling Mom says for her and Dad to get on a plane after what had happened but they were so anxious to get home to ME and to see their family again. Extra vacation days in Paris would have been nice any other time but all they wanted was “home sweet home”……..I know that everyone all around the world has personal memories of where they were on 9/11 and even though the memories fade a bit with time, we truly can’t ever FORGET.

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake…..yes I thought it might be nice to have a mix of memories on this day. It had to be very sad to see the smoke for so long after 9/11……it sure took a long time for things to feel RIGHT again didn’t it?! Have a SUPER DUPER Friday!

      Love, Sammy


    • Beautiful caves……amazing! My Mom and Dad had been on a special anniversary trip back then on 9/11 too – but they had no idea of course it would be truly an anniversary of more than just their marriage.

      Love, Sammy


  2. Nice post Sammy! I am glad your Mom and Dad made some new memories on their anniversary. Can’t ever forget 9/11. Enjoy your Friday! Did you know that National CHEESEBURGER Day is on Friday, September 18th, 2015? Tell your Mom about it… we were born in the BEST month 😀


  3. We remember your day as told to us…so awful beyond words..the world stood side by side and for awhile we all became united..and onwards you all love…to live life without fear..and now you remember those who gave and you make them part of your triumphs and joys…..we are so glad that you had a lovely break and saw beautiful things and enjoyed your anniversary..with freedom and safety…all our love Bev and family xxxx


    • Well it was definitely on my parents’ minds again as they celebrate their 25th – they of course were in Paris on 9/11 celebrating an anniversary too but this one was much more peace-filled than that one 14 years ago. You’re right – the world stood shoulder to shoulder that day – the horror of the acts of terror united all of us and we stood solid as a rock…….that kind of friendship never leaves – it may get rusty with age but it’s enduring!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  4. My mom-person remember that she put on the TV to see the news with my dad-person and his grandma and thought she got the wrong channel on and that it was an action movie , when she saw that plane crash into one of the towers.
    Lovely new memory your humans got there in the caves ❤
    My mom been to a similar cave in China 🙂



    • Caves would scare me I think……..and Mom and Dad kept wondering what the people who discovered the cave must have thought…..all they had was candles to light the way at first…..EEEEK! Yes, the 9/11 thing on TV was truly like an action or sci-fi movie for my Mom and Dad too – My Mom knows some French but not enough to have understood what they were seeing – – – they found a BBC broadcast and then realized it was real……..TOO real.

      Love, Sammy


  5. OH WOW! That cave is so beautiful!! Mom/dad used to go to all kinds of different caves. The last one they did was in Kentucky at Mammoth Cave. Awesome. They haven’t been anytime lately since daddy’s vision problems. But they are so cool – literally. Mommy loves how cool the weather was underground.

    Awesome bloggy about 911. This is a day that will never be forgotten and always remembered. My mommy was on the way to work and heard the news. She just couldn’t believe it.

    XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon…yep – that whole 9/11 scenario was beyond belief for so many – and still is as it was just so HUGE and touched so very many people around the entire world. I think Mammoth Cave and Luray have a lot in common – Mom says the guide talked about the similarities in age, etc.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sammy first happy anniversary to your wonderful peeps. Luray caverns are gorgeous….
    Oh my….yes my peeps remember where they were. I, Madi, wasn’t born yet.
    Mom and Dad had just returned from Budapest on 9/6 where mom was working at a conference for work. Normally they took about 3 or 4 days after a conference to sight see; however,in 2001 they took the extra days before the conference ’cause they had to be home by 9/7 for a wedding. If not for the wedding they would have been in Europe and probably not have been able to get home for a week or more.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh Madi I’m sure that your parents were VERY happy not to be stuck in Budapest while things were in such an uproar back home. I was just a baby – the first time I’d ever been in a kennel while Mom and Dad were on vacation. When they were finally able to get through to home on a telephone after the events, Mom asked her sister to call the kennel and explain……the sisters who run my kennel said “we will watch over him with all our love until Sam’s parents are back home safe and sound – tell them not to worry – God will protect all of us”…………Mom’s never forgot that of course.

      Love, Sammy


    • Yes I think my Mom and Dad realized the global impact when they were in Paris that day and the French people when they realized Mom and Dad were American would come up and hug them with tears in their eyes and say “we’re so sorry”……it was rather amazing – and touching!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy, my mom went back and re-read your Mom’s post from 2011, and once again, it brought a tear to her eye. Such a sad time for our country. So glad your pawrents had a nice trip to Luray for this anniversary, and I know you were happy to welcome them back home!
    Love, Sundae


  8. I think the Anniversary memory is a lot happier one. I’m gonna go back and re-read you 9/11 post. We’ll never forget what we saw that day. Unfortunately much of which was seen up close and personal and not on TV. Prayers to those in PA and DC also.


    • Hi CK……those like you who were up close and saw things from that point of view had to be touched in a different way I’m sure……My parents thought a sci-fi movie was being broadcast on Parisian TV that day until finally Dad found a BBC news station so they were able to know what the images meant that they could see on the hotel TV. We send prayers to everyone worldwide – a lot of non-Americans were killed that day too…..a truly SAD and terrible day.

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  9. Hello Sammy & Pam: What a lovely blog bring old & new memories together & a memory none of us will forget>fateful 9/11…
    It was the day wee (the world) lost its innocence about the Terrorism that had taken hold. It is still a chilling memory for me even tho I am Canadian by birth. Being the child of a Holocaust & war survivors it scared me deeply.
    Luray caves are phenomenal….that lake is very unique. Thank you for sharing it wih all of us.
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen


    • Glad you enjoyed the photos!!!! We liked honoring the heroes of 9/11 with the making of some new memories in the same blog. Nobody who was alive and old enough to remember could ever forget 9/11 we think…….Mom and Dad were touched by the kindness of the French people too…….they were just horrified like everyone was.

      Have a super duper weekend!
      Love, Uncle ammy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. 9/11 will always be in our minds, such a dark time for our Country. I think it opened our minds and hearts to a lot of things which I hope is for the better for us and our Country. Luray is a great place, Chuck and I have been there a few times and enjoyed it very much. Hope to go back again. Have a good weekend.


    • IT sure was a different place (Luray) than 30 years ago when we were last there…….they’ve added a lot of other features…..boxwood maze, more stuff for kids…….but those caverns – just so overwhelming aren’t they?

      Love, Sammy


  11. dood… !!! the fish market !!! we R sew ther ~~~~~ manee thanx ta yur mom for sahrin theeze fotoz…they bee awesum …hope ya get lotz oh bacon two morrow ta make up for de fact ya did knot get ANY while they wuz gone ~~~ heerz two a walkin catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • We thought it was funny they called the formation the fish market but it really did look like rows and rows of fish hanging up!! HAHAHA I got lots of bacon this morning – I was SOOOOOO lucky!

      Happy Tuna!
      Love, Sammy


  12. Good for your Mom and Dad for finding a good memory. Our Dad was in NYC on that horrible day and we will never forget the fear in our family. Dad was very near the Twin Towers but fortunately was safe. It is a day never to be forgotten.

    Paws crossed and heads bowed here in silent tribute to our many heroes.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • How scary to have had your Dad THERE……it’s difficult to imagine what SEEING something like that up close was like…..I’m sure it felt like the end of the world and of course for many, it was. So glad your Dad was alright……

      Love, Sammy


    • Difficult memories but then we think how lucky we were not to have lost family or friends like so many did. My Mom was keeping journals of all the trips she and Dad took since they got married and the account from their trip to Paris on 9/11 is STILL hard for her to read……..

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations to your parents on their 25th wedding anniversary. I am sincerely smilingly happy for them.
    I remember 9/11 terribly well. Seriously. It was a very faery bad week for me as well fee: work.
    Sammy you 16 in January? I don;t believe it.


  14. My dad was working in the garage and shouted in to my mum to turn the TV on as a plane had crashed into the WTC. She was watching and saw the second plane crash into the other tower. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and went out to tell dad but couldn’t speak because she was crying too hard.
    We will never forget!
    Your mum and dad’s new memories in the caverns are beautiful.


    • Yes it was just so unbelievable it took a while for it to sink in……then when it did sink in, you realized the absolute HORROR of it all……..My Mom and Dad were SOOOOOOOOOOO happy to get back home though. I was happy to see them too!!! Aren’t those caverns amazing? It was nice for them to have a more FUN anniversary than the one they had in 2001 in Paris…..when the world stood still…….

      Love, Sammy


  15. The caves are so wonderful. I showed my son who said “can we go?
    I remember every minute of that dreadful day. No one here will ever forget either. Nor will we allow it to make us live in fear. ❤


    • There were kids on the tour Mom and Dad had of the caverns and they were just so excited to see all these HUGE formations. Yes, Mom and Dad remember every minute of that day and the several days after while they were waiting to be able to come home…….the entire plane full of passengers cheered and sang “God Bless America” when the plane landed back here!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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