Thrilling Thursday


Well, it’s not THRILLING really – just BEAUTIFUL but “Beautiful Thursday” didn’t sound as cool as “Thrilling Thursday”……………SO, anyway, it’s another gorgeous day – that’s the point.  In fact we’ve had FOUR of them in a row – downright spectacular weather……..sunny, cooler than “normal” and hinting of the Fall that is to come.  Weather lady says “don’t count on it staying this way” – she says we’ll be HOT HOT next week……so I’m enjoying this while I can!

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

Ahhhhh……fresh air and sun!

LOVE that sunshine!

LOVE that sunshine!

Mom decided to take a few new photos of me yesterday morning while I was enjoying a sun puddle on our stairs………………she says she forgets to keep her camera handy so it’s been a while since we shared any NEW pix of me……….mostly we “recycle” my photos………but these are “HOT OFF THE PRESS” !

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So I guess now that my photoshoot is over with, I can get back to what I do best……….napping, going out on the porch for a bit of fresh air, and snoopervising by moldy oldie Mom and Dad who I love VERY much……Mom says the feeling is MUTUAL!


Hugs, Sammy the Camera Model

75 responses »

  1. was it a squirrel? or Mr. Bunny…great that he visits you not only at easter :o)
    we have tons of rain and I’m afraid the summer is on the way to Oz now …so Fozziemom and Charlie and Roxy can look for their pawkini’s :o)


    • Funny that they are opposite from our weather and no matter how long we’ve known them, it still feels funny to see WINTER leaving them just as it’s about to arrive here!!!! Hope your Dad is feeling better this morning – it will take him a while to get over that fall………we continue to send prayers and hugs and POTP!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Looking good Sammy!! Make the most of the cooler weather! Here we haven’t really had any hot weather at all and now they are talking about autumn!! I think I blinked and missed it!! MOL xxx


  3. Sammy
    Hot photos of you, hot off the presses…WooHoo. The sun loves you.
    ring a ling..I hear GQ will be offering you a very nice contract too
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. It is nice to see new pictures of you, Sammy! You are looking GOOD! Love the close-ups where you are looking at your Mom. Your ginger fur looks a pretty dark shade of ginger… very handsome. We have had the same 4 days of gorgeous weather with NO HUMIDITY so we have been on the road for day trips… eating, visiting, a little golf, and enjoying the beautiful countryside. AND we are going to be hot too the same time. I AM NOT looking forward to it!!!!!!! Good Morning, Kimmell Family!


    • Howdy Doody Tiny Ten Brigade!!!!! Glad you have beautiful weather too – it’s just so NICE to have “brisk” mornings and evenings and tolerable in-betweens isn’t it? Too bad we can’t have this all the time – heat coming next week for all of us – DARNIT!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom


    • Oh golly shucks….thanks…..Mom tried not to make me look too skinny in the photos but she gets a little sad when she picks me up and I’m light as a feather AND when she feels all my bones when she pets me. I say I’m a LEAN MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE!

      Love, Sam


  5. It is a thrilling Thursday. It got down in the 50’s here last night so the kitties had window whiffs all night. It is going to get hot again this weekend though. You look extra adorable.


    • UHOH……I’ll write a letter to the King of the Internet and complain! You MUST have internet available so you can communicate with your loyal followers!!!!!!!!

      Hugs and stuffed shrimp,


  6. Looking good Sammy! The rain stopped today and the sun has actually made an appearance. Temperature even got up to 62 so I have been outdoors lying in the grass.


  7. How funny! If Mom had come up with an idea to post something today, she was going to call it Thrilling Thursday – BUT she never got around to it:( We just loved your photoshow – the closeup of you in the corner on the stairs is gorgeous.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  8. Sammy, we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the slide show. These are all such adorable photos of you. SQUEEEE! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur Voguin fur thee cammyra!!! Well dun Unccle!! All yur fotoss are purrfect!!!!
    Glad you had such nice Sunshine. Wee did also an today iss cloudy an a North wind! Mee iss snuggled inside with LadyMum. Wee figured wee do sum bloggie hoppin an try an sort out mee bloggie post….at sum point!
    **HI-5’SS** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  10. MMMM sure iss Unccle! Same with mee about fotoss’. Either mee is runnin an playin or mee sleepin. Butt thee past few dayss wee been doin foto shoots. So there will bee new fotoss’ with mee new toy on thee weekend an mee has a new Sunday Selfie!
    Now to get thee fotoss’ to PiZap 😉
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  11. Mee needss to get LadyMum Pizappin…shee iss not lookin too uppy fur it….at leest wee got all week 😉
    Wait till you see mee new toy frum Uncle Bacon>>>it iss berry funny Unccle!
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Dharth Henry xxx


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