Pre-Tease Moanday!


Hello!  Hope everyone had a good weekend………….we did at my house although I must admit, my parents were pretty much MIA for a lot of it.   Dance recitals for neighbor’s son, dinner out, cookout next door yesterday AND on top of that we had a BIG trip at Cat Scouts.   We went to Rome and visited Bailey Boat Cat on board his boat.    A lot of you know Bailey – he’s a good friend and he hosted a very nice little pawty on board Nocturne for us yesterday complete with champagne!    Here are a few of my photos from the trip just for fun…………

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Anyway, today your assignment is to look at maps, atlases, geography books, the internet and get  yourselves ready to examine photos tomorrow…………….I’ve got a Guest Teaser for you and I’m thinking it’s NOT an easy one.   SO – BE PURRRRPARED!

Remember the poll I did on my blog a couple of days ago?   Curious to see how it turned out?   Here’s the results!

My Fave Food Is…….?

Answer Votes Percent
I’ll eat ANYTHING! 9 22%  
I like both dry and wet! 8 20%  
I’m a meat eater! 6 15%  
I love chick-hen! 6 15%  
I’m a fan of fishies/seafood! 3 7%  
I like wet food! 3 7%  
I like dry/kibble food! 3 7%  
Other: 3 7%  
Other Answer Votes
grilled chicken 1
Cantaloupe 1
Interesting don’t you think?    Mot of us eat anything and it doesn’t matter if it’s dry or wet – we eat it!!   I love the write-ins and I knew without even looking that the friend who wrote “cantaloupe” was my friend Summer because she LOVES it!   I’ve never had it before.   Guess I’ll have to at least TRY it……I have to admit I’m curious!
I’ll see you tomorrow for Teaser Tuesday – remember there are a lot of “honors” at stake…………….First Commenter, First Right Guesser, Right Guesser and THE BIG GREENIE for those of you who are clueless!    There’s WORSE things than being clueless you know………like being foodless, treatless, toyless, and the BIG one which is homeless…..we don’t wish that for ANYONE……EVER.

Love, Sammy!

50 responses »

  1. Wow! Am I really first 2 Mondays in a row??? The trip to Rome looked fun.
    My mum gave me some cantaloupe to see if I would eat it but I turned my nose up at it. No surprise really, there’s not a lot I will eat.


  2. Good morning, Sammy! Wow, you are SO handsome in your boating outfits…!
    By the way, one of Motor Mommy’s former cats used to eat cucumber peels. How weird is that???
    Love, Sundae


  3. Nocturne looks like fun. I think you and Bailey are very brave to walk around the sailboat and not worry about falling off. Mom would be gripping my leash for dear life!

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! We had a question/answer time with Bailey when we were visiting and he told us what it was like to FALL OFF THE BOAT (which he’s done several time!)…….his Mom and Dad throw a rope ladder overboard and he climbs up but he also have lifevests that he wears. Kinda scary isn’t it???????

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Charlie! It was fun to visit Bailey on Nocturne…..I got to see all the sights in Rome too which was fun……………….I had seen that your Mom was going to Animal Day – I hope she had a wonderful time and maybe you enjoyed the PEACE AND QUIET at home?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. ah now I know why Bailey had so much tasty things and fresh cool drinks in his freezer :o) I’m ready fur tomorrow :o) You said it’s a guest teaser?….hmmmm… how about Maine USA?


    • Hi Easy, King of Tunnels!! Yep – Guest Teaser tomorrow and it is NOT Maine – I promise you that……….but trust me – you need to study up for this one!!!!!!! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Sue!!!!! How are you ???? How’s the gang??? We’re good here – been enjoying some non-rainy days for a change. We have more rain coming this week but I’m going to stay cheerful in spite of that little setback!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Good Morning, Sammy! Sounds like your parents were busy, us too! And both Saturday and Sunday were pretty… Sunday, 90 degrees but no rain! See you tomorrow I hope, we have to leave early to go to the big city tomorrow to have our vehicle’s first check up so I may not be here first thing but I will visit for comments!


    • Hi Miss Pix! It was a whirlwind weekend but Mom managed to get a good cheeseburger in on Saturday night when they ate out at a local steakhouse AND we had ZIP rain and plenty of sun. The comments tomorrow will be interesting I think……….they usually are!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I thought the trip to Rome was lasting all day, so I didn’t arrive until after nearly everyone had left! 😦 To be honest, the human was unexpectedly delayed and then she forgot, despite my meowing at her!! We are poised ready for tomorrow! One day, Sammy, one day ……. 😉 MOL


    • Hi Austin!!! The Rome trip was hosted by the Seacats so they apparently had a different idea of what to do with an event than I’ve done from my Travel Group or out of Wildcats Troop BUTTTT it was a lot of fun. Got to meet Bailey which was a treat……We’ll be having lots more trips buddy so hang in there – we’re planning a trip to the Grand Canyon from the Travel Group in a few months! WOOT!

      See you tomorrow at the Teaser!
      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Me would LOVES to goes to Cat Scouts…glares at Mommy…
    Looks like yous had a fabulishious time! Mes LOVES Rome this time of year.


    • Nellie you would keep the Scouts on their toes/paws that’s for sure! We really do have fun……Rome was great and Bailey was gracious having us aboard his boat. It would have been MORE fun with you there though!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Hmmmmmm dat poll sure is innewestin’ Sammy. And you look so cute in yous sailin’ outfit. Rome was luvvly and da twip was very fun. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  9. Yep, we are meat eaters! We eat dry but its not nearly as good as beef. Kali is wanting to move back to her Fancy Feast flavoured beef…some kitties just don’t know a good thing when they see it. Preformatrim is made in Canada and made of beef…not flavoured. Sheesh! That’s my sister!
    Bailey was indeed a true gentleman and showed us a great time aboard his boat the Nocturne. The questions we had…wow! We are very curious scouts.



    • I think he probably loved talking about is life on Nocturne……we’ve known him for a long time and even WE learned something new about him! My Mom and Dad hope one day to meet him and his parents in Rome. WOW…….wouldn’t THAT be something?!

      I think it’s important we all find something we LIKE to eat……..I have done that but I also know Mom wishes I would eat food that’s BETTER for me.

      Love, Sammy


  10. Sammy you look very handsome in your yacht attire!
    Since my tummy saga inJan-April mom has changed my food to all grain free. She says it is lucky I will eat anything too I adapted well to the new food?
    Madi your bffff


    • Mom has tried me on SOOOO many “better for me” foods and I just dig my ginger heels in and refuse to eat ANYTHING but what I’m currently eating. Aren’t I just AWFUL????!!!!! I loved the RED yacht Raz had in Rome – YOUR color!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody and Miss Caren! It was a fun survey………I enjoyed seeing if I’m the only one who eats both wet and dry and enjoyed knowing I’m in a MINORITY when it comes to seafood. Thanks for pawticipating!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. MOL! When we saw cantaloupe we knew who wrote that one in too! We would have guessed BACON!!! Looking forward to the Teaser tomorrow… even though we probably won’t get it right!


    • Funny how that goes but yes I’m like that too…..Mom was so worried about that when it came to “how to give Sammy his pill” because she thought I’d refuse it in my food and she was right. Only after she tried giving it to me crushed in baby food did I “expand” my food repertoire to include BABY FOOD (especially beef with beef gravy). I’d never eaten meat before now. Otherwise it’s my SAME OLD STUFF!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Mew mew mew mee luvss mee kibbull an mee wet food an mee treetss an fresh grass an fresh nip an thee list goess on an on…..mew mew mew…..
    It looks like you had a pawsum time with Bailey there Unccle Sammy an wee iss so happy you got to go visit him!!!
    **HI-5’SS** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • TW is right about kibble……I know it’s not the best thing in the world for me either BUTTTT, I usually just have a bit or two of that in between “real” meals. I’ve lost a lot of weight with the thyroid “THING” and Mom seems happy I’m eating ANYTHING! Not sure about cantaloupe….maybe if my Mom mashed it up…but not if it’s in chunks. I don’t do chunks.

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Mau was happy to get to go on the yachting trip with SeaCats. He hated that Allie and Raz got locked out by AT&T. It was super nice of Bailey and Mom Lou to spend so much time answering all the Scouts questions. Hope we can remember to check for Tuesday Teaser in the a.m. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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