WHAT??? Already????



Good grief…………………where does the time go?   It’s THAT time again isn’t it………I suppose I need to be ready for it………..it rolls around once a week whether I like it or not.    I’m thinking this week it will be over before I know it.   Why?  We have an arborist coming this morning at 9AM so Mom and Dad will want the house cleaned BEFORE then.  That means it will be a “quick clean” – my favorite kind!

The monster comes out of the closet – does a fast tour of the kitchen, dining room and living room before sliding into the library and bathroom – then back in it goes – all of that is happening simultaneous to Dad upstairs using the other monster to hit the guest room, bathroom, Mom’s office, Dad’s office, the hallway, Mom and Dad’s bedroom AND the master bath.    Whew!   I’m exhausted just THINKING about it all.

Then the house will be DONE for another week………….whew!   I guess my work here is done – all I had to do today is stay out of the way and just LOOK like I was gonna help……tee hee…..I fooled ya Mom!

Alright Mom...let's get it over with.....

Just watching them is exhausting!

Yes Mom....we know how you feel about it all.....

Yes Mom….we know how you feel about it all…..

We’ll let you know what the Arborist

says about our Leyland cypress trees –

remember, the trees the landscape guy said

needed to ALL be WHACKED DOWN??????  

HA!   We’ll just see about that!!!!!


44 responses »

  1. I’m glad the monster is back in his cave… it was here too … but I attacked it with the handbrush…. sadly the handbrush is KIA now… but at least my momma has still the dustpan :o)


    • Yeah that monster REALLY thinks he owns this place……I’m going to have to make sure he knows that he’s gotta learn who’s in charge around here and it’s NOT him!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Let’s hope the arborist knows his job, eh!! Will you be snoopervising, Sammy. He’ll probably need some kind of advice as they are your trees MOL. Have a great day … when it all quietens down!! xx


    • Hi Austin! I hope the Arborist can answer our questions IN THE RAIN because yet again we’re WET over here. There’s a SLIGHT chance (which translates to “don’t hold your breath”) that we may see some actual SUN this afternoon but this morning we’ll be slopping around in puddles when the Arborist is here.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. We hope you get good news about your trees, Sammy! Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
    Be brave; that old monster will soon be put away for another week…
    Love, Sundae
    PS Thanks for letting all your friends know about Motor Mommy’s birthday yesterday. She had lots of visitors who ‘saw it here’!


  4. All that cleaning happened yesterday here because the little bipeds are here on Fridays. As soon as Mom finishes, she says OK, that’s that for today, but I will have to do it all again in another day with all this shedding going on:) We think she might have been referring to us.

    Hope the arborist has better news for your Mom and Dad.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • The arborist was a very nice lady who knew her stuff and she’s putting together a plan that can be over time to fix/address the tree issues. The BIGGEST thing was that she said other than the totally dead ones, the others need some TLC but will be OK for several more years. That’s good news……….!

      As for cleaning – thank heavens it’s done here and because I don’t shed (much) I’ll be able to keep it in decent shape for Mom and Dad for another week…………probably………..maybe…………hopefully.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Some Other Day (and on some other planet!)…………SO tired of rain. Ours has managed to stop for now although it’s still cloudy. That’s a fair compromise…..for now anyway! The Arborist was a nice lady who knows her stuff and while the DEAD trees do need to come down, the others need some major trimming/pruning but she believes there’s no big hurry to replacing them. This is good news! Dad’s happy (so is his wallet)!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. At least it happens quickly. ANd there is bacon to look forward to tomorrow. I am curious to know if the arborist thinks its “off with their heads” too.


    • The arborist was wonderful….she really knew her “stuff”……..she thinks the leylands have more years in them and do NOT need to be taken down – at least now. She recommended removing the five totally dead ones ( which we were gonna do anyway) then doing some pruning/trimming of the others and she did not think they were diseased – just old and huge. The ones on the shady side of the house are in the worst shape…..what we’ll do is EVENTUALLY replace them with another screening shrub or small(er) tree. The plan can be done in stages too so it’s easier on my Dad’s wallet! She’s going to give us an estimate on everything. Mom and Dad were very happy with what she had to say!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Oh my goodness cousin. It does sound like everyone has a full day of work before noon there! Can’t wait to see what the tree guy says about everything. Happy cleaning.. and happy Friday! XOXO – Bacon


  7. Sammy mom’s complaint about cleaning is that as soon as she finishes dusting a room she sees more kitty furs!!! I think since our furs are close to the same color and she has to have corrective lens she is probably seeing her own furs.
    hugs madi your bfff


    • Excellent observation Madi……..AND I think humans forget that they too “shed” ! My Mom’s and Dad’s hair is getting a little “light on top” if you know what I mean!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  8. Go Unccle Sammy Go!!! Yur thee bestest snopervizer!!!
    LadyMum vacuumed a few dayss ago…shee nevurr doess it thee same day each week so iss allwayss a sirprize here, mew mew mew…
    As fur thee Cypress treess wee has all our pawss an fingerss an toesiess crossed they can stay!!!!!!
    ****HI-5’SS*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


      • Mew mew mew yur rite Unccle Sammy it doess make Life berry innterestinn….
        Plus thiss week wee have so much catchin up to do…mee iss glad thee vacuum iss ‘sleepin’ inn thee closet 😉
        ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  9. I want to know what the Arborist said about the trees. The best kind of cleaning…is the quick kind. Noise for not too long and then everything back to normal. I think peeps are too fussy about their houses anyhow. Don’t you Sammy?



  10. Sounds like it was very busy with two monsters racing around. Our monster came out yesterday because we had visitors last night. I hope the arborist has come up with a good plan.


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