Sunday Selfie

I call this the "pre-sleep trance" position.....

I call this the “pre-sleep trance” position…..

We’re joining in on The Cat On My Head Sunday Selfie Blog Hop!  Click their badge to visit!


84 responses »

  1. Sammy…… you look like you partied too much at Cat Scouts yesterday. Rest up …. Monday will be here before you know it.
    C S Charles


  2. …aaaah the countdown to dreamland :o) I make such a face always when my momma talks to me… hope she takes that not personally hahahahaha. have a great easy sunday with the sweetest dreams :o)


    • The sleepy face is good – usually gets us a big old smack/kiss on our heads right Easy? That’s our “I love you and I promise I’m listening but I’m about to pass out” face!!!!

      Happy EASY Sunday
      Love, Sam


  3. You appear as if you might have been making a big batch of biscuits, Sammy. Am says that he understands if you are tired and sleepy today after another big celebration at Cat Scouts. he says you and Sundae seemed to be having a terrific time. Enjoy your easy today. Thank you dearest friend for continuing to join and support our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Crew! I am one of the bestest biscuit makers EVER so I’m sure I was doing that before taking the big snooze. Dezi really had a grand celebration for all of us yesterday didn’t she? We all know how much work goes into those events and she did a fabulous job. Sundae and I did enjoy ourselves a lot and I think everyone did. Have a great Easy…………..!

      Love, Sam


  4. Tee Hee! Mes has a pre-sleep trance position too!!! Wes should do it in tandem!
    Purrhaps a new event in the Cat Olympics – Synchronized Pre-Sleep Trancing!


    • Oh Siddhartha my little man I am far from perfect and every day as I get older I realize I’m REALLY far from perfect but I do have love in my heart for my Mom, Dad and all my friends who are so POSITIVE – it helps doesn’t it?

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy ❤ LUV ❤ getss uss thru thee werst fingss an ❤ LUV ❤ iss furgivin an gentull…
        Nun of us are purrfect kittiess or Hu'manss butt as long as wee LUV each other an support each other all will bee well. Mee admiress an reepsectss you so-o much an mee hopess you KNOW thiss Unccle. You have helpin mee to leern fingss an hopefullee grow innto a mankat like you 😉
        ***nose kissess*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • Oh Siddhartha you are just too sweet……….I think you have made more friends in the blogosphere (and even OUT of the blogosphere thanks to your Ladymum) than most kitties EVER have in their lives. You are a special little guy and everyone knows it! Just keep doing what you’re doing – you’re growing up to be a wonderful mankat!

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Fank you so much Unccle Sammy fur yur werdss of wissdom….
            You know yur ritte that LadyMum has reelly helped mee make so many new furendss. Befur her mee was just a sicklee barn-born kittie with no purrospectss or hope of findin a furevurr home!
            Then LadyMum came along an thee rest iss hisstery! Even when mee missbeehavess (which mee doess allott beecause mee iss still a kitten) LadyMum luvss mee an cuddless mee. Mee not purrfect an shee LUVSS littul old mee… 😉
            Luv Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Dearest Flynn….you and I are really getting this sleeping thing DOWN aren’t we? I sleep much of the time and love it – Mom wishes I were more active but I just don’t FEEL like it!!!! Take it easy dear buddy…….

      Love, Sammy


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