Sweet Read


“Sammy Sparrow’s First Flight” by Tracy Ahrens, a review by Pamela Kimmell


I recently had the wonderful experience of being offered a chance to read and comment on a darling book for children. I knew of the book because a couple of my blogging friends had read it and done glowing reviews.   I had a feeling I’d just love the book and I was totally correct.

“Sammy Sparrow’s First Flight” is written for the 2-8 year old range and is just perfect as a “read aloud” for little ones.   The illustrations, which Tracy has done herself, are precious – little Sammy’s character has all the wide-eyed wonder that any little one has – anxious to see the world – curious about everything – knowing no fear.   So you immediately feel a bond with him as he’s so vulnerable.

The story is short and sweet and illustrates a number of “lessons” I think but the one that I felt as I reluctantly closed the book after reading it was that children and little ones of all kinds shouldn’t be too anxious to leave the nest….life is so BIG and our time as youngsters is relatively short. We should take our cue from those who know and love us the most and take our time getting to know what we can and can’t do well before embarking on life’s BIG adventure!   It’s just one of those stories that stays with you because the message is so meaningful and one that I think little children “absorb” easily.

“Sammy Sparrow’s First Flight” was released Dec. 25, 2014 by Guardian Angel Publishing. It is Tracy’s third children’s book.  In conjunction with the book, she also created the Sammy Shelter Project to help NINE area humane organizations with the book sales. By ordering through the project website, $2 from each book purchase will be donated to the organization chosen and noted on the form. Use this link to visit that page – tracyahrens.weebly.com/sammy-shelter-project. 


Current humane organizations set to benefit from this project are: It’s a Pittie Rescue (Peotone, Il.), New Beginnings for Cats (Bourbonnais, Il.), River Valley Animal Rescue (Momence, Il.), Cache Creek Animal Rescue (Anna and Joliet, Il.), Grassroots Animal Rescue (Medinah, Il.), Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County (Beecher, Il.), Iroquois County Animal Rescue (Iroquois, Il.), Kankakee County Humane Foundation (St. Anne, Il.) and Because Animals Really Kount (Kankakee, Il.)

You can also find information about the project on Facebook under Sammy Shelter Project.

To donate to a participating rescue organization, you must use the form available for download from the Sammy Shelter Project website. Otherwise, “Sammy Sparrow’s First Flight” can be ordered in eBook form ($5) and print form ($9.95 + $5.95) through Guardian Angel Publishing, http://www.guardianangelpublishing.com. It can also be ordered in print form through a variety of other book order sites such as http://www.barnesandnoble.com and Amazon.com.

I just love the whole idea behind the book as well as the story IN the book and I think you will agree.

Tracy herself is not only a veteran journalist and author/artist, but has three cats and a dog who are all rescues. She knows animals and she shows her love for them in the lovely and most tender “Sammy Sparrow’s First Flight” which I most highly recommend.   I can hardly wait to read it aloud to the next “little one” I encounter!


Thanks Mom!  Mom read this little book to me yesterday and I loved it…….especially the name of the Sparrow………..what’s not to like about ANYONE named Sammy right????    I just wanted to stick this note on the end of Mom’s book review to remind you what tomorrow is (as if you needed reminding).  It’s St. Patrick’s Day of course BUT it’s also Tuesday Teaser!   Will you be standing by?  Will you be first off the mark and get the First Commenter award or will you be First Right Guesser or ALL OF THE ABOVE????    Don’t forget to wear something green tomorrow too – or else you get PINCHED!   Tee Hee

Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)




51 responses »

    • HAHAHAHA….you’re so funny – Mom realized early on that it would be a BIG MISTAKE to use one of her Ireland photos tomorrow so I’m afraid I have to turn on the “WRONG” buzzer for your guess (BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) because it won’t be Ireland!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Aw…that sounds like a sweet book! And we have several young nieces and nephews, so that just may be a gift for an upcoming occasion. If my friend, Pam, recommends it, I know it’s great!
    Have a good day, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae and Motor Mommy


  2. Morning Sammy….My mom will be buying that book and donating it to one of the Pre-Schools here. Loved the review and such a great story.
    Why will one get pinched if they don’t wear green? We never heard that before.
    Paw Pats
    C S Charles & mom


    • Hi Charles! Oh I think that’s a lovely idea to donate the book to a Pre-School. It really is a very sweet story and the author gives some of the profits from sales to shelters!! IT’s a WIN WIN! Mom says years and years ago (dark ages) the big thing was if you forget to wear green on St. Pat’s day people could give you a pinch. She’s gonna see if she can find some kind of reference to that online…..we’ll keep you posted! HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. She did find this: According to tradition, leprechauns and fairies were mischievous. They pinched, tripped, and played tricks on humans when they crossed paths with them. The people who wore green, however, could not be seen by the wee folk, so they passed by in peace. These days, if you don’t wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, you can expect to be pinched by a fellow human in order to keep up the tradition.


  3. Oh that’s like a sign that the sparrow has the same name like you Sammy :o) mabe that means you can go out in your back yard now without getting cold and wet paws? I like such stories, it’s great to learn a lesson that way, it’s in our mind furever& ever :o) I’m ready for tomorrow, I polished mom’s glasses… hope it helps :o)


    • Hi Easy! Yes – we thought it might be why the author contacted my Mom because my name is Sammy and her bird is Sammy. Who knows – it was just a very sweet and cute little book with a message that little ones can “get”. Glad you have your Mom’s glasses all clean for tomorrow. She might need them…..BIG TIME.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHA….that’s funny that your Lady calls your Man that and it’s not his name but I think it’s sort of a “generic” guy name……….my Mom calls my Dad Fred when she’s irritated at him and his name is David! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, looks like a sweet book for the little peeps! Love that name too. BOL/MOL Have a super Monday, my furiend.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  6. Hi Sammy,
    What a lovely book. Thanks for introducing this “big child” here to it. 😉 It would be something for my friend Rhythm of the “Reading with Rhythm” blog [https://readingwithrhythm.wordpress.com/]. maybe he knows it already.
    Have a great day,


  7. That is a sweet book and I love that the author is donating to so many rescues. I agree, anyone named Sammy is wonderful 🙂 My Sammy will see you at the Scouts party.


  8. Thee book soundss so interestin Unccle Sammy!! Ladymum tellss mee to NOT grow up too fast mew mew mew….
    An wee iss ready fur thee Teezer tomorrow…
    Wee will bee late get here on Wednesday tho’. Mee has to go away fur thee day while thee fire alarm iss rung at each apartmint an LadyMum doess not want mee to go crazy with thee noise….
    Shee will join mee at Aunty Sheila’ss fur lunch an errandss an sittin with mee…..
    Not to wurry; wee know Ladymum will probablee onlee get a Greenie 😉
    ***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


      • If onlee thee alarm ‘whooped’ Unccle Sammy! Thiss one screechess an shreekss an it seemss to get loudur as it goess on an on…
        Ladymum an mee iss gonna bee ready to leeve at 8 A.M. an Aunty Sheila will pick us up at 9 A.M. IF they strt testin B4 9 A.M. mee will have to bee out on patio inn mee carrier an it iss BERRY chilley here again.
        Wee just want thiss to bee all over!
        So wee will not bee online till Fursday or Furiday….
        OK wee iss gonna go look at thee Teezer….
        **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  9. Hmmm, mes thinks Mommy shoulf gerts the book and send it to the grand kids.
    And mes can’t wait for tomorrow, me was wondering if there would be rainbow (with pots of gold) in in?
    PS Don’t forgets, tomorrow is finish the sentence day at the Cat from Hell!


    • Hi Nellie!!! Happy St. Patty’s Day my girl! The book would be perfect for the grandkids AND benefits shelters at the same time! May you find your pot of gold today dearest girl…………

      Love, Sammy O’Kimmell


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