Teaser Tell All



Ah ha!   I thought we’d “getcha” with yesterday’s post but not all that long after it went live, we had our First Right Guesser!   Here’s the photo one more time:


This photo was taken in 1979 by our good friend Austin’s Mom Miss Carolyn.  It’s a way cool photo of the Fraser Canyon Railway train running along Fraser Canyon in beautiful British Columbia, Canada!   What a great photo……..thank you  Miss Carolyn.  This is yours for being our wonderful Guest Teaser yesterday!

Thanks Austin and Miss Carolyn!

Thanks Austin and Miss Carolyn!

Now, who was the smarty pants who guessed it right and was first yesterday?  My buddy and pal Flynn from Devon was the First Right Guesser!  In fact, his Mom had been ON a train ride through this very area some time ago while on the “land” portion of a cruise she was on where she snapped this photo and it “looked familiar” – this was the SAME area of the river and Austin guessed it PURRFECTLY!



Wanna know who was the FIRST COMMENTER yesterday?  Hmm?  Well it was my friend Pix of Sweet Days Under The Oaks blog, that’s who!    YAY!  Here’s your badge Miss Pix:


There were a LOT of you who guessed RIGHT along with our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER though – in fact a WHOLE lot of you……………so you all get this!


Those of you who were clueless or guessed WRONG, you know you are in for some GREENERY around your house right?   Here you are!


That was a goodie…………..I just love Tuesdays………I think the comments and guesses are so much fun – don’t you?????

little happy face

If you need something ELSE to entertain you today, stop by the Tabby Cat Club, where there is a “Naughty Kitty” day…….everyone is posting a photo of them at their naughtiest.   I had to confess that I have a “thing” for Mom’s favorite big fern plant.  OOPS!

Hugs, Sammy

74 responses »

  1. Congats Pix!!!! Bet Raz was as puzzled as me as we noticed that we are not the first commenters hahahahaha Congrats Flynn, BRAVO for guessing right… that was not easy :O) …well, so I think I grab my greenie now hehehehehe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Easy…..you guys really ALMOST tied for First Commenter this week but Miss Pix beat you by one second! Talk about being READY for the Teaser – looks like a lot of my peeps and friends are sitting by the computer for the arrival of the FUN every Tuesday. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Yayyy, I was first right guesser!!! Maybe I shouldn’t complain about all the holidays when mum deserts me after all. I’m going to put the badge on my awards page thanks Sammy.


    • Dear Flynn……CONCATULATIONS my buddy – I was so happy you won! Your Mum does a whole lot of traveling and see how grand it is when she knows the Teaser thanks to all the trip time? I know you miss her and your Dad a ton when they’re away though. I do too when my parents desert me. I also want to say I’m sending you a whole barrel full of POTP…..in fact, if I could plug in a cord between you and me I’d give you a POTP “IV” because I want you to feel better and stronger. Sending special hugs…….

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Concats to Flynn AND to Miss Pix (one of my mom’s blogging buddies)! I’ll heading right over to checking out a pic of you being naughty, Sammy!
    love, Sundae


  4. Well done Flynn, buddy! Your mum and dad have been to just about everywhere I reckon MOL.

    My mum visited Canada for two months in 1979 staying with her aunt in Nelson BC and she toured all around from Calgary to Vancouver Island. It’s all so BIG compared to little old UK MOL She loved it! Have a great day, Sammy xx


  5. Congratulations Flynn! And Miss Carolyn you done GOOD with that picture!!! Fun Teaser.. yes yes yes! I will be taking my cool First Commenter badge and put it with my I’m a Fan of Sammy’s Teasers badge that is in/on my footer! Thank you Sam and Pam… I maybe could have said more than “here”… duh. And CH was sooooooo wrong on the guess for Miss Carolyn’s picture but I won’t have a cranky at him.. 😀


      • Dat’s pawsum Sammy. So glad yous snow is gone. Weez purrayin’ hawd fur Flynn as hims not duin’ so good at all. We sure hope hims gets better soon.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


        • I’m very worried about my friend Flynn……..we have the same thyroid condition but I’ve been lucky and not had any bad reactions to the pills like he has – I had hoped the gel would work but I guess not………POTP is a wonderful thing…….I’m sending all I can!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yeah Sammy we know and we awe very worried ’bout hims too. Weez sure been purrayin’ hims wuld be better. And while weez sorry nuffin’ seems too work fur him, weez awe so glad yous duin’ well.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


          • Yep Sammy hims sure duz. Weez been purrayin’ weally hawd fur him. We just wish sumfin’ worked. But God can fix it, so weez’ll keep askin’ him too.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


  6. Congrats Flynn!! Way to go my friend. The logo on the side of the train is for Canadian Pacific…you can tell it was a while ago as the trains n Canada are now VIA trains…..similar to AMTRAK in the states.


    Woo Hooo…LadyMum figured out a Teezer!!!!
    Let’ss do a *happy dance* fur her 😉
    Wee will show thiss badge on mee Katurday bloggie (with purride mee mite add…)
    ***nose bumpss*** an Woo Hoo!!
    Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  8. Furinallee Unccle Sammy…mee wishess Aunty Nylablue was here too…hopefully shee can see frum Summerland! Shee wood bee so proud of LadyMum too! 😉
    ***paw kissess*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • She certainly can see you and your Ladymum and all of us from Summerland……and they NEVER have snow there either! I know she was very happy that your Mum was right on the Teaser (maybe Nylablue whispered the answer in her ear??).

      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. We guessed Canada, so we were on the right continent and in the correct country. Yippee! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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