

SNOWBALLSPLAT !!!!   Gotcha with a snowball!!

Oh my word has it been cold around here and almost everywhere (except you people “Down Under” and in Florida!!!)……………..our HIGH yesterday was 25 and we have three inches of snow and they aren’t going to go ANYWHERE for a while in this windy, cold weather.   With wind chill figured in they say it’s like 6 degrees out there.   But guess what………….yesterday morning I went outside in the snow!   That’s right………for all of about 60 seconds but I was in the snow and I walked in my Dad’s footsteps in the snow and EVERYTHING.    About the time I got up to the driveway I ran out of steam and my tootsies were freezing so I ran quick like a bunny wabbit back to the basement door until OLD MOM got there and inside we came.   YIKES!    Dad went out later and played with his snowthrower (although “play” may not be the right word!!).


Lots of deer tracks in the snow so I guess they’re taking advantage of the full birdfeeders – they do love sunflower seeds and unfortunately they eat our azaleas which means no flowers in the Spring!  DANG!


Everyone really seemed to love the TOUGH Teaser we had this week…………….I’ll try to give you more of those toughies but sprinkle in some easier ones too – don’t want everyone getting discouraged and after all – NOBODY has take home the “First Right Guesser” or “Right Guesser” awards yet…………….the Big Greenie is everywhere though!  HAHAHA

We’re going to have a “Winter Wonderland” party at Cat Scouts and that got me googling some silly photos………….thought you might enjoy these!


Some of you might remember that I have my very OWN sled – my Mom and Dad found it a couple of years ago in an antiques place!

WOW!  My very own sled!

WOW! My very own sled!

Stay WARM if you’re in a cold place…………stay COOL if you’re in a hot place……….and always stay SAFE no matter where you are!

Love and Warm Hugs,



74 responses »

    • I’m staying INSIDE……..although I did go on the front porch yesterday a time or two for a few minutes but there’s no snow up there so it wasn’t as bad as being in the yard!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Oh Sammy I could roll on your lawn hahhah except I think dad’s ‘toy’ might run me over ! but what a brave guy you are venturing out there…brrr indeed! we loved that teaser and were almost there..close but no cigar as they say 🙂 have fun at Cat Scouts my friend and rug up 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • That snowthrower thing is pretty darn good at keeping the driveway and sidewalk cleared off but it’s one noisy machine! Our front yard is great for sledding…..nice gentle slope but I don’t do much of that these days. I prefurrrr being nice and warm inside!!

      Love, Sam


    • Dad’s an expert on that showthrowing thingie but it sure is noisy! Now our driveway is all fixed up – some other people in the neighborhood still have snow on theirs! “YAY DADDY!”

      Love, Sammy


  2. We’re freezing here in Florida and it’s 44 degrees! We can’t IMAGINE how cold it feels by you. What fun to have a quick play in the snow when you know you can run right back into your warm house!!!

    We love your little sled!!!!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Forty Four is a HEAT WAVE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I love my sled too…..Dad hoped maybe I’d like it enough to let him pull me on it but I just sniff it and occasionally put a toy on top of it. HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. That kitty in the sweater.. Adorables!!! You have SNOW! We do not.. 😛 We do have one, 1, uno degree as I type this… bah. I can’t believe you got your toesies out on that frozen cold snow Sammy and you hoppity hopped like a wabbit back to the door.. I can see it! Sammy and the sled!!!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Yes – the three inches of snow we got is sticking around too because it’s just so cold even with the sun out. ONE DEGREE beats our EIGHT from the other morning….we’re having a balmy 28 here this morning so maybe it’s time to break out my speedo????

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. That is a great seld- you are a lucky kitty. It got down to -7 last night and was even colder with the wind chill. It is still -1 right now-BRRRRR. Glad you got to go out briefly. Keep warm.


  5. bbrr – I so agree with you cousin. It is way too cold to be outside. I think I’ll just stay right here curled up in my blankie on the sofa today where it’s warm. It was 12 degrees this morning when dad cranked up Albert for mom to go to work. That is way TOO cold for any of us. XOXO – Bacon


      • I think you are so right. Daddy said he didn’t want to go to work yesterday… or today. Mommy and Albert would have both enjoyed being at home, inside the Hotel Thompson, all snug as a bug in the rug. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


        • I’m happy to say that Mom and Dad have finished housecleaning so now the rest of today will be spent with me luxuriating in the warm house on Mom’s warm lap (unless she has the nerve to get up to do laundry or some such thing!)…….SNUG as BUGS in/on a RUG!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Well the cold finally made it to Georgia! It’s been in the 50s and 60s, until last night and this morning. It got down to 12 degrees. 12 DEGREES!!!! No snow though. But boy is it cold! So glad we get to stay inside where it’s nice and warm. We are feeling bad for all of the stray and feral kitties out there.


    • I know! Even down south it’s colder than heck………Snow in Tallahassee, Florida for the first time in 20 years says WINTER IS HERE!! We feel bad about the ferals too – we have a heated cat house on the front porch for them if they come by for a visit!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. dood !! ewe could haul a lotta bacon on yur sled….yea, dont let yur mom use de eggs cuse de car wuz too full a other groceriez knot ta buy ewe mor bacon…her can put yur sled on de top oh de car we R thinkin N haul a good 78 cases home ♥♥


  8. Mes already had enough of winter! Mes can’t believe that there is going to bes another 4 months of it here in Calgary -but at least wes has Chinooks….


    • Nellie I was so nervous when you and your Mommy traveled back home but HAPPY when I heard you were back safe and sound. It sure does get stormy and snowy where you are……I shouldn’t complain about three tiny inches of snow!

      Love and Hugs and STAY WARM, Sammy


  9. Wow Sammy, yous very own sled. It looks gweat. Dat’s a lot of snow yous all got there. We can’t believ yous wusn’t an icicle fwum bein’ out in it. MOL Stay safe and warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dexi and Lexi


  10. Mee-you Unccle Sammy iss furreezin here an iss -20 Sellseeuss…LadyMum sayss she not even know hold cold that iss….
    Wee DID have Sun yesterday an today wee izz back in thee blizzerd zone!!
    Yur so brave to even try to walk out…..mee will stay inside inn mee cozy pedestal bed…. 😉
    Luv Neffew Siddhartha
    Pee S: Mee hass good newss on Katurday!


    • I’m glad to hear you have good news on Saturday Siddhartha! I also think it’s WAY WAY better to be INSIDE and warm and watching everything out the window from your bed than out there trying to keep warm like so many homeless animals are right now.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy an Pam Lady can you let peepss know thee lappytop hass died a tragick death an wee not gonna bee able to post fur a week or two here! LadyMum wass inn thee middle of mee blogpost an lappytop died. Allso can you tell peepss to post on their FB wall that wee are offline fur who knowss how long?? Wee can not access FB from nayburrss PC! Still snowin here 😦 Guess LadyMum an mee will bee snugglin ALOT!!
        Luv Siddhartha an LadyMum


        • I’m so sorry about your laptop – I read about that on your bloggy that Ladymum did on the neighbor’s computer. Let’s hope it can be fixed OR you get a new one ASAP – everyone will miss hearing about your adventures!!!!

          Hugs, Uncle Sammy


    • HA! Sam does the same thing……..and it’s even funnier when he’ll ask me to open a DIFFERENT door thinking maybe that one will lead to WARM instead of COLD! Stay snuggled in Layla….BRRRRR

      Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


  11. Maybe your mom can pull you around the yard on your sled, S. That way, you can enjoy being outdoors and your tootsies will stay nice and warm. (No comment about your mom’s tootsies.)

    Love and licks,


  12. Sammy, we hate that yucky white stuff. We had quite a bit of snow, but even though it is super cold, it didn’t hang around. You are so brave to go outside. Did you see any of the deer? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  13. No snow here Sammy, and it has turned very mild the last couple of days. We are getting storm force winds though with gusts of 90-100 mph. It is forecast to get cold again tomorrow.


    • Oh I HATE HATE HATE wind…..I can’t sniff the air and know where all the evil invaders are hiding in the woods……can’t catch a scent on wind that bad! Flynn I want you to promise me that you’ll start eating better….OK? Purrrrrrrlease??? I worry so much about you!

      Hugs, Sammy


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