Bacon and Elfvis


YES YES YES it is Bacon Saturday for me and we ARE having bacon – with pancakes…………one of my faves since the bacon tastes EXTRA yummy with just a drip or two of maple syrup on it!   WOOT!

My Saturday Motto!

My Saturday Motto!



I wanted to bring you up to date with the shenanigans going on around here with Elfvis………………he’s really making himself at home BUT I really do have to keep a close eye on him………………he’s already up to mischief and it makes me wonder just how SCARY he will be when he gets his magical powers after Thanksgiving…..because that IS what happens you know – Bacon told me so!

The other day I heard Mom scream when she went into the Master Bathroom to take a plunge in the Jacuzzi……………….I came flying up to see what was wrong……………THIS is what I saw!

See that bit of RED hidden in the green fern?  And he had a TINY LITTLE CAMERA with him - good thing Mom saw him before he "SAW" her!!!!!

See that bit of RED hidden in the green fern? And he had a TINY LITTLE CAMERA with him – good thing Mom saw him before he “SAW” her!!!!!

My Mom has a grand collection of pigs in a case in her studio and a few other assorted piggies here and there and when I saw Elfvis like THIS – I figure he’s just trying to show that all elves love pigs – obviously Elfvis had climbed up on Mom’s cabinet and dragged this little piggy down.   Now you all know I’m too smart to think for one minute that Elfvis is really, truly FRIENDS with Mom’s piggy – he just WANTS us to think he’s “making nice” with the pig… get on Mom’s good side…….

You can try to get my friend Bacon on your side Elfis by pretending to like Mom's pig.....FORGET ABOUT IT!

You can try to get my friend Bacon on your side Elfis by pretending to like Mom’s pig…..FORGET ABOUT IT!

I’ve read on other blogs that some of you ALSO received a special elf for the holidays from Bacon……..I do hope your elves are behaving and not MISBEHAVING……at least not yet…..I have to think I’m in for some BIG trouble if Elfvis is already finding things to get into!!




♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

My Heart is sad… at 2PM our sweet friend

Nylablue is scheduled to leave us all for Summerland…..

please keep her and her Mum SherriEllen in your hearts today

…….she may be gone but she will never be forgotten – LOVE is forever!



76 responses »

  1. Goodness me the Elfvis is causing no end of excitement in your home Sammy! and he has a spy cam…YIKES!….
    We are sending so much love to Sherri-Ellen and Nylablue..we all know this day and we all dread it..Nylablue has been a real trooper..but it is time for her to rest and enjoy her Summerland….I am teary just writing this..much love to all and hugs all around sweet Sammy ❤ ❤ loves Fozziemum xxx


    • We feel as you do Fozziemum…..but Nylablue deserves a rest and a new start in Summerland. She says she will send another kitty to her Mom when the time is right and I’m sure she will. As for Elfvis – imagine what will happen when he gets EVIL after Thanksgiving!!! EEEK!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree Sammy…our lovely ones always send another sweet soul our way..each one teaching us something different and helping to mend our hearts..she does need a rest..she has battled so long.
        And yikes..Elfvis could cause mayhem!! be afraid very afraid! Loves Fozziemum xx


  2. I trust Elfvis is NOT having some of your bacon and pancakes and yum, maple syrup!! That would be taking hospitality too far!!

    We are purraying very hard for Miss Nylablue and her mom today. Soon she will be free, but our hearts are sad ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Austin…….oh no Elfvis gets none of MY bacon….if Mom wants to fix him some of his own – fine – but mine is MINE! Yes, our hearts ache for Nylablue and her Mom today but we also know that Nylablue will finally be truly at rest.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. what? That Elfvis would take photos of your mom while she sits in the bathtub? Bet it was for the next tuesday teaser :o) My heart is as heavy as a rock… and I still hope for a miracle. And if she has really to go today, I send all my good thoughts and the POTP to Nylablue’s mom, when she has to go back to an empty house…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Easy! Yes – that Elfvis was hiding in the fern in the bathroom WAITING for Mom but my Mom has caught on to Elfvis’ tricks so THANK HEAVENS she got him OUT of there ASAP!!!! Our hearts are heavy too today for Nylablue and her Mom……..Nylablue says she’s “ready” but I’m sure her Mum is dreading coming home. My Mom has said before that is the WORST feeling ever and she’s had to do that many times as most of our humans have. We are sending love…..and hugs…..and comfort…..and one day ALL of us will be together again in “Summerland”!

      How’s your Dad doing? I hope you are enjoying taking good care of him at home……….and I hope he’s feeling better every hour of every day!!
      Love, Sammy


  4. Oh, Sammy, it sounds as though you and your pawrents have your paws and hands full with that Elfvis character! Just imagine what he’ll be up to when he gets his “powers”….!
    Thanks for keeping us posted, and oh, please keep him up there in Warrenton!!
    Love, Sundae
    PS….so sad today for Nyla Blue’s family…..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sundae! I never have to worry about you being warm….you stay inside and cozy all the time. I do enjoy brief (!) visits outside even in the cold – this morning the grass looked like diamonds had been sprinkled on it from the frost……crunchy grass was delicious but I was happy to be back inside with Mom!! STAY WARM DEAR GIRL!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. OMC! You should REALLY keep an eye on that elf!!! 😯 He seems to be a very naughty one… MOL 😆

    We’re so sad for Nylablue and her mom. We still can’t believe her time has come. We were so hoping for a miracle to happen. We’ll never forget about her. She’ll forever be in our hearts.

    (((BIG HUGS))) Roxy & Tigerlino ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes…..we’re sad about Nylablue too but just knowing she will be finally comfortable with no weekly visit to the vet for shots and treatments, makes my heart WARM……right in the spot where I’ll keep memories of her forever in fact. As for Elfvis – I’m keeping a VERY close eye on him believe me….he’s getting into EVERYTHING around here and his “magic” doesn’t even kick in until after Thanksgiving!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I think Elfvis looks like a cool dude and he probably knows where the bacon is stashed. We are all very sad that Nylablue has to leave us, but we understand that she is ready. We send love and hugs to her dear Mum.


  7. In honor of ‘Bacon Caturday’ me had sum tuna-tuna diz mornin Sammy!!! next Caturday fink of me when ya haz yer bacon okayz???
    Me iz ready to go; so tired. Yer so rite no more needlez or pillz or pokin n proddin…
    Howeber me nose Mum will miss me turrible….Easy iz rite ;bout da empty house, so she iz goin to Aunti Judith’z til she can face comin home alone 😉
    Da mirackle iz me lived fer 18 1/2 monthz longer den xpected….let’z reejoice in dat rite sammy???
    Guudbye me soul mate furend *wavez at Sammy*
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • Oh Nylablue……never EVER have I seen such an outpouring of love and sadness all rolled into one in the 24 hours since you went to Summerland….all over the blogosphere people are missing you and sharing the love we all had for you………..we are sending all of that love to your Mum as I know her heart is breaking even though she knows you are in a beautiful place and will always be with her (and us). It was a miracle that you got an extra 18 months and I was THRILLED about that………we all were. I saw a bright blue star in the sky this morning Nylablue – just like you said – Mom and I sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to you……..

      Love and peace……..out
      Sammy and Mom


    • Hi Pix! Nylablue was one of those kitties who had the love of everyone who knew her……….she had so much to deal with in her life and her Mom saved her when she adopted her, then kept “saving” her through the years they had together. She had a lot of illnesses and in the end that sent her to Summerland but now she’s FREE, HEALTHY, young and that makes me HAPPY!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Bacon AND pancakes – you lucky kitty!!!

    So sorry about Nylablue. Soft woos and gentle hugs to her family.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  9. Oh wow Sammy, Maple syrup. Weez hear dat stuffs weally good. Least dat’s what mommy sez. Since we can’t taste sweetness, weez’ll hav to take hers word fur it. At least yous got yous sum bacon.

    OMC dat elf wuz gunna do naughty naughty fings. So glad yous mommy caught him.

    Weez very sad ’bout sweet Nylablue too. she will be missed but she will liv in ow hearts furevew.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • I agree – elves with smiles are SCARY. I feel like you do Flynn….knowing those who leave us are again young and healthy and truly NOT gone but reside forever in our hearts makes it easier………….

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Wow that Elfvis sure is a character. We are really glad you found his little camera. We don’t want any of Elfvis’ video’s to end up on You Tube. I think you better keep your eye on that little guy.
    We are so sad that Nylablue went to Summerland, but we knew the day would come. We have known her for a little over a year and she has been sick the whole time. We are sad that she is gone but we know she is finally free of illness and pain. Our hearts break for Sherri Ellen. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.) & Judy


    • Hi Miss Judy…..yes Nylablue had been sick for a very long time and somehow she was able to keep going like the energizer rabbit to keep her Mom company this long. We are happy she’s free at last, in no pain, in endless sun puddles and is keeping an eye on her Mum from Summerland. As for Elfvis – trust me – I’m keeping a CLOSE eye on him!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Elfs! Wes don’t knows about elfs but wes has a house brownie (Llewellyn), but thank heavens, he is in Modway with Jo Jo and Kozmo and Daddy. If your Elf gets into as much mischief as Llew, watch out Sammy!
    PS Mes is so furry sad about Nyla Blue. Mes will miss her furry much!


    • Bacon says the Elf has magic that kicks in after THanksgiving so I’m keeping a close eye on him Nellie……he’s a little sneak! A house brownie probably is VERY much the same kind of little imp! We miss Nylablue too – I think everyone who knew her does………… 😦

      Love and kisses, Sammy


  12. Watch Elfvis so he doesn’t get in your toys or try to steal your noms. We don’t trust him.Today is a sad day indeed. We will do a tribute post to our lovely Nylablue on Monday. She was such a sweetheart, and her final post was so beautifully done. She will always be in our hearts and now an angel who’ll watch over all of us forever and ever. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’m keeping a very close eye on Elfvis KB Kitties – trust me on that! He’s very sneaky – already!!! We were very sad yesterday reading Nylablue’s final post but this morning when Mom and I were outside in the dark she looked up in the sky and saw an EXTRA bright star……I think it was Nylablue telling all of us she’s happy, warm, and free………..that makes ME happy.

      Love, Sammy


  13. Oh goodness. Elfvis is going to be a pawful this holiday season. You know one year, Don Juan went into the bathroom and threw skittles into the shower while mom was taking a bath. Evil – shaking piggy head.
    My heart is so heavy this morning about my sweet girlfriend Nylablue. I had a good cry last night. Today I’m going to celebrate her life and try to do something special for Sherri Ellen.
    Have an awesome Sunday cousin. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon! Yes I hear you brother on the elves in our houses this year…..I bet they will be more than a paw/hoove-ful and you and I and all the others who have elves better keep a CLOSE EYE on them! If trouble is happening already – imagine what will happen after turkey day! Our hearts are heavy too about Nylablue but like you, we are going to remember Nylablue is in a happy place now and let that warm our hearts because she deserved some rest. Sherri Ellen will need all of us to rally ’round – going back to the apartment had to be just awful.

      Happy Sunday Bacon
      Love, Sammy


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