Colorful Monday


Good Morning Peeps!   We have been having some gloriously “Virginia Fall-ish” weather the last few days……………Mom says the leaves are TIRED of being green and staying on the trees and are “giving it up” and she may be right.  She snapped these in the backyard over the past few days.  Anybody needing a “Fall Fix” – help yourself!

Mom and I worked on the Haunted House a little bit……….but not a lot – she says there’s plenty of time and I say why wait until the last minute??   We also photoshopped TWENTY (so far) entries in my Caber Toss for Kyla’s Highland Games on October 27th.   TWENTY!!!   They’re way cool too – just wait until you see them all in the slideshow I’ll be posting for the event……Mom and I giggle every time we look at them if THAT’s any sort of a hint what you’ll have in store!!   It’s not too late to send me your head shot photo if you wanna be included in the fun.    Just email to me at junekimm (AT) AOL (DOT) com.    Need an update on what Kyla’s Highland Games is all about?  Click below!


Now for the reminder that tomorrow will be our usual Tuesday Teaser………… if you needed reminding.   I think you guys get as excited as I do about Tuesdays and this Tuesday it’s a photo from my parents’ photo albums – not a Guest although we have some doozies lined up for future blogs with Guest Teasers so be FOREWARNED!



SO – remember – the post for tomorrow’s Teaser goes “live” at a random time chosen by my very capable assistant “Mom” – so you just never know when it will pop up – be on the alert – you wanna be first – you KNOW you do!

Mom is ending this post with a little something we did together using FOTOR………….since I had colorful photos of Fall, we went black/white with this…….just for funzies!


Have a glorious Monday – I hope it’s colorful like MINE will be!

Hugs, Sammy




75 responses »

    • Hi Easy! The slideshow will be amazing…….with (so far) twenty animals trying to lift those heavy cabers to toss – well – it will be definitely “wet pants” for everyone I think!!!!!! Tomorrow’s Teaser I PROMISE, will not be impossible for a change.

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Fall is pretty amazing in your neck of the woods (pun intended!) Here we don’t have Fall, we have Autumn!! Autumn? What kind of word is that? MOL Looking forward to the caber tossing 🙂 It’s going to be fun. I hope no one drops one on their toesies!! 😉 xox


    • My Mom actually likes the word Autumn better than Fall but then on the other hand all we have is stuff falling (leaves) so it makes sense to just call it what it is – FALL! HAHAHAHAHAHA The caber toss photos are going to be totally hilarious……….we’re having a blast putting heads onto BIG tossers! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Your yard looks DIVINE Sammy..ah another beautiful Fall/Autumn at Sammy’s house..and we are sre the teaser will be colourful too! we must send a pic for the games..we are so behind..urghhh are you surprised ? hahahaah 🙂 and we love the black and white of you Sammy….but I know that gingerbread man in is there somewhere 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


    • HAHA……The yard is extra pretty this year thanks to the unusual temperature/rain combination. Mom thinks the leaves will fall in one big MESS over a period of a couple of days – she might be right. She and Dad will take care of it though with the big leaf sucky machine!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Shoko! I thought the black/white me balanced out nicely with the colorful leaves………..the leaves got even MORE colorful overnight. Funny how they do their best work in the dark….HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Fall is in full swing here, too. Lots of colour on the trees although we had some heavy rain the other day and lost some of ’em. Lost some of the pretty leaves. Too bad ’cause they were super pretty.



    • Hi Nissy…..the rain and the wind are MEAN when they rip the leaves off the trees early……dang! Whatcha gonna do though. I’m excited about your new buddy Nissy. He’s a beautiful marmie guy… all are so nice to give him a happy home.

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy I think my peeps missed your Glorious Fall colors by just a week. Dang it and next time they get that close to you all they will let you know.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. Looking pretty up your way, Sammy. So far mosty dogwood and maples changing here. We have been lots of high winds so some trees are losing leaves without even changing. The only thing blooming here are the morning glories and mums in other peoples yards, Mom has a brown mum thumb. Happy to see your Mom didn’t make you do the Tocktober thing. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • No – it was bad enough having my tocks on the Tabby Cat Club yesterday for Derby’s birthday post (even though his birthday is today). I like keeping SOME mystery about me after all! HAHAHAHA Mom has some mums that have come back for 15 years like clockwork every single Spring and Fall…..otherwise her thumb is turning a bit brown from lack of use!!!! She used to garden a lot – these days it’s “if you survive fine if not it’s the compost heap for you!”

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Wow Sammy yous do hav lots of color. Weez hav 2 colors here. Brown and gween. MOL Ow leaves don’t make those purretty colows yous leaves do, they just go fwum live and gween to dead and bwown. MOL Luv yous black and white foto too.

    Luv ya’



      • Yous wight ’bout dat Sammy. Mommy gwu up in da desert and sez dat there awe diffewent shades of brown there. MOL But yous leaves awe da kind dat get put on postcawds and such. Vewy purretty. 🙂

        Luv ya’



        • They are pretty….Mom never lived in the desert but has driven through it and for miles and miles there was no color……but then when she saw the painted desert she realized that the desert does have a “pretty” side!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yep Sammy mommy gwu up in da desert and finks it’s gawjus. Hers likes to see da cawds and stuffs wiff all those purretty colows on them, but hers wuln’d wanna see ’em up close and purrsonal. MOL

            Luv ya’



    • Lantana is one of the more popular annuals around here to plant…….Mom actually has had them come back in the Spring…..these won’t though – they’re in a planter box on the deck but they’re been SPECTACULAR all spring and summer!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Your Fall colours are lovely. We don’t get such vivid colours here. We have gale force winds forecast tonight (tail end of the hurricane) so there will be a lot of leaves down by the morning.


  8. Purrty leevez dere Sammy!
    Me iz gonna ask Mum iffin she will send a head shot of me to yer mum fer da Gamez…me wantz to pawticipate fer Kyla…poor gurl…
    N we lub da black n white piccie of ya too!
    Much lub ❤ Nylablue n ❤ Mum too xxxxx


  9. you have no idea how much I wish we had some color here Sammy. We are so deep into our drought, it is just hot, brown, and ugly…even Lake Tahoe is so low that is not able to move water through to the Truckee River so that river is dry below Lake Tahoe…sigh…on another paw…thank you ever so much my pal for not giving up on me…I am coming around I promise/hope to being a full pawticipawnt in blogville again. paw hugs, Savvy


    • Hi Dear Savvy…I’m sorru you all have had such a horrid drought – we hear about it but I’m sure “living” it is entirely different. We have had a lot of rain and that’s made for a particularly beautiful Fall this year. I’ll keep posting some photos – our maples (especially the orange one in back) are AMAZING this year! You are missed but we all are so proud of your work dear girl……….

      Hugs, Sammy


        • Well Savvy when you’re busy it’s tough keeping up…….I know it is. There are only two things I know about right now going on and that’s the “farewell/send-off” for Kyla the Scottie dog that Stuart the Scot and Mollie/Alfie are organizing – that’s on October 27th (Kyla is dying from melanoma and wanted a Highland Games party for her last fun thing)…………and of course my annual SAM-O-WEEN party on Halloween. That’s got a “FUNNIEST COSTUME” contest. If you want to pawticipate in Kyla’s Highland Games, I’m hosting the Caber Toss (there are lots of blogs participating) – all I need from you is a head shot but I think I have plenty of photos of you I can use so just let me know if you want to be in my Caber Toss Slideshow.

          Hang in there – you’ll catch up!
          Love, Sammy


  10. Your trees are pretty. One thing we love about fall are the beautiful trees. We like the cute Sammy puzzle picture. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater & Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • Hi Miss Judy! Thanks – our trees really ARE wonderful aren’t they? We figure it’s mostly because 19 years ago when Mom and Dad built this house they planted a LOT of maples – all colors – now that they’re BIG – they really add a LOT to the beauty of the yard!

      Hugs, Sammy


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