Sam-O-Ween is Coming!



Hi everybody!   Your friendly neighborhood ghostie is here to remind you that I’m having a Haunted House for Sam-O-Ween and that’s NOT all that far away!!!   Will you be coming?   Will you be entering the FUNNIEST costume contest for a prize?  Will you be SCARED????


If you plan to enter my contest, please have your photo to me by October 27th.   I know that’s several days BEFORE the event but I’ll need to put a voting poll together, post it on my blog and give you a couple of days to vote before the PAWTY on the 31st…………I’ll announce the winner(s) at the pawty.   There will be a FIRST and SECOND prize for FUNNIEST COSTUME (photoshopping allowed!).   Winners will get a virtual trophy of course BUT I’ll also be sending you a surprise in the mail if you win.

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM.....

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM…..

SO, don’t forget…………….put that on your EVENTS CALENDAR!





59 responses »

  1. Yay another SAMOWEEN party..last year was a hoot Sammy..but boy those fangers of yours are creepy hahahaah 🙂 we will be there maybe with bells on 😉 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  2. dood…sounds like a lot oh fun; we due knot haz foto shop… but if itz sum thin scaree yur lookin for…. we can send ewe a fotoz oh de food serviss gurl when her furst wakes up in de morn…..


    yur reederz wood have nite marez for weekz !!



    • HAHAHAHA…..same here!!!! My Mom looks like something that crawled out of the pond in the morning….. We don’t have photoshop either gang – we use an online thing (no download) called Maybe one of you would be brave enough to let your Mom dress you up in something FUNNY so you could enter??? OR you can just come to the Haunted House NEKKID!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Mom says she might try a real costume on me! She knows I’ll let her put it on. I won’t be happy but I’ll sit very still for her. Once it’s on, I probably won’t move, just like my harness in the beginning, but that’s good for photos, right? Oh, the things I do for her.


    • HAHAHA…..yes, being frozen in place is handy for our Moms – they can use their cameras to embarrass us so easily. They like that…..embarrassing us…..wonder how they’d feel if the tables were turned?!?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Flynn!!!! We don’t have photoshop either – we use the online program which is super easy (which is good because my Mom isn’t the best at that kinda stuff!!!!)…… don’t have to download anything either……….but I just bet you’ll be spectacular even if your Mom puts a hat on your head and a scarf around your neck when you’re sound asleep! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. **tapz clawz on keyboard**
    Me must get da Mum to do me costume Sammy. She haz bin reedin bloggiez all day n meowin on da phone…reelly iz hard to get guud staff 😉
    Lub Nylablue ❤
    Pee ess: Barrin a deesastur or sumfin unfurseen me iz comin to yer pawty…. x0x0x0


    • Hi there!!!! Yes – my Haunted House will be tons of fun……….my readers voted on what kind of costume to be entered in the contest and they wanted FUNNIEST costume so it should be interesting!!!!

      Hugs, sammy


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