Weekend Wrap-Up


The weekend with the Cat Scouts Carnival really was smashing……………tons of fun around every corner………….every tent, ride, booth was just plain cool and people really worked their buns off to make it a great time for everyone who came.  Here’s a little slideshow with some of the highlights!

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In other news, tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser and we THINK we’re having a Guest Teaser………….how’s that for “wishy washy” ??!!   I have someone who will PROBABLY be doing a Guest Spot but I don’t have the final word on that……………if my Guest isn’t able to do their thing – I’ll come up with one of my Mom and Dad’s TOUGHIES for you so never fear – Teaser will happen no matter what!



This week my very good friend and hero Merlin, from Cat Wisdom 101, is turning TWENTY.   That’s right……TWENTY.   His Mom, Miss Layla is declaring a “birthday week” for Merlin and I think that’s certainly called for!    His actual birthday is October 2nd so make sure and stop by this week to wish Merlin a very happy and special twentieth birthday.   All of you who know Merlin know that he is rather frail (who wouldn’t be at that age!) and blind but he’s keeping Miss Layla and his brothers Domino and Odin company and hanging in there like the trooper that he is.    This is a photo from Cat Wisdom 101’s blog which I saw this morning – it’s of Merlin when he was a youngster – a most handsome chap.    If you click on his photo, you’ll go to Cat Wisdom 101.


Also, a new friend to me, but an old friend to many of you, Flynn from Two Devon Cats is still doing poorly.   This makes me very sad as he and I started our thyroid medication about the same time and he is doing SO WELL with that but his body is fighting another battle of unknown origin and his doctor is keeping a close eye on him.   He could use purrs and happy thoughts and hugs…………Click photo to visit.


There’s also something BIG happening at Savannah’s Paw Tracks……………it’s going to be BIG NEWS but what will the news be about?  Nobody knows……………….October 1st is when we’ll find out so mark that on your calendar because you’re going to want to visit Savannah that day to see what’s what!

Something BIG coming October 1st !!!

Something BIG coming October 1st !!!

Hope to see you tomorrow here for the Teaser………..remember, it is scheduled at a DIFFERENT time every week – just to keep you on your toes!!!!

Hugs, Sammy

53 responses »

  1. Wow Sammy what a great time you scouts had..you are a daredevil indeed !! and what a wonderful age 20!! my Merlin never made 20 but all Merlins are pretty amazing 😉 we will be sure to visit Miss Layla and wish Merlin all the best! and we don’t know Flynn either but have sent our purs for him to feel better real soon..and as for Savvy..well we are ALL waiting to see what she is up to!! hugs and woo hoo TT 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum…..we loved your roo photos this morning! Merlin made it to 20 and I hope he’s around longer because Miss Layla loves him to bits as she does all three of her cats. Flynn is better I hear so THAT’s great news!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. oh bumper carts and a ferris wheel wow! …and that looping thingy too! (my mom puked once in such a thingy, fortunately her pawrents were fast enough to bring her away, before her “fellow passengers” killed her) The carnival float is great, we should have such floats instead of boring cars…


    • Hi Easy! I think you would have had a blast at our Carnival – and not just because there were a million cats there – there were a lot of FUN things to do! Good thing your Mom’s parents rescued her from being murdered after she had an “accident” on the loop! EEEEK!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Good morning, Sammy, and I’d like to have a little word with you about that Kissing Booth…. Just kidding, of course – I know you were much more excited about the BACON TENT!!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! The kissing booth was fun – all three of those ladies are like sisters to me and they were busy smooching cheeks ALL DAY LONG. The bacon tent was amazing – so was the nip tent! 🙂

      Love, Sam


    • Your Sammy seemed to have a great time at his first Scout event! We have more fun coming up………I hope he’ll stop in the Rumbler Den tomorrow!!!! The next real “trip” we have is a day trip to go fishing at a big lake. October 9th is the day!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Flynn has all the purrs and prayers of this family headed his way. Merlin is 20?? Well, I’ll be bald headed! That is one very long life….concats Merlin and I will try and remember to stop bt your blog on your actual birthdate.

    The carnival was awesome….I must thank Sammy and the whole lot of cats involved in getting this fun weekend underway.



  5. Mousiez dat waz SUM rap-up Sammy!! Lookz like ya all had such a fun time at da Fair!!! So many kewl ridez n da bocon tent n da ‘Nip tent lookz furabuluss….Lub da banana boat ride…
    We bin over to Flynn’z n leeved sun guud werdz; he iz so hansum like ya Sammy….me finkz yer cuss-inz fer shure!
    N Merlin iz 20 yeerz old?? MOUSIEZ!!! WE will pop over n leeve sum conkatz fer him….he shure iz a looker 😉
    Pleeze purray n woof n meow fer Speedy Bunneh too as he iz not 100 purr cent yet either…
    Much lub ❤ Nylablue n ❤ Sherriellen Mum xxxxxx


  6. Oh Sammy da cawnival wuz so much fun. Dat Nibbler did a pawsum job of sponsowin’ it. And yep weez hate dat Flynn be duin’ so poorly. Weez been purrayin’ weal hawd fur hims. And weez fink it’s pawsum dat Merlin be turnin’ 20. Hope yous hav a gweat day.

    Luv ya’



    • Hi Dezi! It was Nibbler’s idea to have the carnival but really Wildcats all did the work. Nibbler wasn’t able to do much of it so I told her that Wildcats would sponsor it. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun! Nibbler’s phone app did the clown pix and they were FABULOUS weren’t they? I had a message from Flynn that he’s feeling a bit better today so maybe his new medicine is working!!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Sammy dat’s pawsum. Weez knew Nibbler wuz havin’ a little twubble, but yes, da cawnival wuz a gweat idea and success, Even ow nip tent wus a hit. All da scouts did a gweat job and yes da clown fotos wuz gweat. Mommy sed e must post mine so dat weez kuld help sumpawdy smile. 🙂

        Dat’s so pawsum ’bout Flynn weez been so vewy worried. Weez been missin’ a lot bein’ off and on so sporadically. But mommy sez weez’ll hav to get caught up after hers gets evewyfin’ in order.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi

        Luv ya’



        • Hi Dezi! From your blog this morning it sounds like things are getting back to normal at your apartment and I know that makes ALL of you girls HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Makes us happy too. The Carnival was wonderful and our next event will be fun too – a Fishing Rodeo!! We’ll go to a big lake for the day and fish from a boat – with trophies for the funniest fish and biggest fish! That will be fun too………

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes Sammy fings awe stawtin’ to get back to a little mowe like nowmal here. It’s gunna take a bit fur mommy to get evewyfin’ put away, but we will get there. And da cawnival wuz gweat fun. Meez never been to a fishin’ rodeo afur, but mommy sez weez’ll figger it out. 🙂

            Luv ya’



  7. The carnival looked like lots of fun Sammy.
    Thank you for your purrs. I am doing a bit better today, still quite weak but I can walk around without having to keep laying down, and I am not in so much discomfort now. My appetite pills are keeping me eating a little food too. Hopefully I will continue to improve.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Flynn I am EVER EVER so happy to hear that you’re a bit better today…….maybe the new antibiotics are working their magic. That would make your parents, me and my Mom VERY VERY happy!!!!!!

      Hugs to you my friend, Sammy


  8. Oh Wow!!! Look at all the excitement yous had this weekend! and all that news. Me was so excited to hear that Flynn was feeling better when me was at Speedy’s.
    Mes happy that yous is doing well with your meds.


    • Nellie I’m PAWSITIVE that your visit with Flynn helped him to feel better……..and no doubt Speedy will too from your visit to him. You’re the BEST “traveling nurse” EVER!!!!

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Cocco!!!! Flynn is feeling a little bit better I hear – he seems to be resting easier and even ate a little bit yesterday. He can use all the purrs and prayers you can spare. Merlin is a wonder-cat! I’m so happy he’s here to celebrate such a milestone birthday.

      Hugs, Sammy


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