Tag Archives: purrs

Weekend Wrap-Up


The weekend with the Cat Scouts Carnival really was smashing……………tons of fun around every corner………….every tent, ride, booth was just plain cool and people really worked their buns off to make it a great time for everyone who came.  Here’s a little slideshow with some of the highlights!

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In other news, tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser and we THINK we’re having a Guest Teaser………….how’s that for “wishy washy” ??!!   I have someone who will PROBABLY be doing a Guest Spot but I don’t have the final word on that……………if my Guest isn’t able to do their thing – I’ll come up with one of my Mom and Dad’s TOUGHIES for you so never fear – Teaser will happen no matter what!



This week my very good friend and hero Merlin, from Cat Wisdom 101, is turning TWENTY.   That’s right……TWENTY.   His Mom, Miss Layla is declaring a “birthday week” for Merlin and I think that’s certainly called for!    His actual birthday is October 2nd so make sure and stop by this week to wish Merlin a very happy and special twentieth birthday.   All of you who know Merlin know that he is rather frail (who wouldn’t be at that age!) and blind but he’s keeping Miss Layla and his brothers Domino and Odin company and hanging in there like the trooper that he is.    This is a photo from Cat Wisdom 101’s blog which I saw this morning – it’s of Merlin when he was a youngster – a most handsome chap.    If you click on his photo, you’ll go to Cat Wisdom 101.


Also, a new friend to me, but an old friend to many of you, Flynn from Two Devon Cats is still doing poorly.   This makes me very sad as he and I started our thyroid medication about the same time and he is doing SO WELL with that but his body is fighting another battle of unknown origin and his doctor is keeping a close eye on him.   He could use purrs and happy thoughts and hugs…………Click photo to visit.


There’s also something BIG happening at Savannah’s Paw Tracks……………it’s going to be BIG NEWS but what will the news be about?  Nobody knows……………….October 1st is when we’ll find out so mark that on your calendar because you’re going to want to visit Savannah that day to see what’s what!

Something BIG coming October 1st !!!

Something BIG coming October 1st !!!

Hope to see you tomorrow here for the Teaser………..remember, it is scheduled at a DIFFERENT time every week – just to keep you on your toes!!!!

Hugs, Sammy