Hopping In Late


Hi All……….well, this old cat is just a bit bleary-eyed this morning – last night was the Cat Scouts Sock Hop and the entire night I was being reminded that I am getting older by the second!   All the young Scouts really danced up a storm and I tried my best to keep up………..I guess I must have done fairly well because my girlcatfriend Sundae and I won a dance trophy!   There was a four-way tie for winning in fact with us being one of the couples…..cool?  Oh yeah……..


But there was tons of other fun to be had and I put together a little slideshow to show you some of the highlights………………I have a bazillion photos from the night and couldn’t possibly load them all up but here’s a SAMPLE!

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Just because we partied hearty last night though doesn’t mean I don’t get my BACON fix this morning – oh no – Mom knows that the best way to get over a little too much partying is to KEEP IT GOING!!!   BACON anyone??

Surrounded by it!

Surrounded by it!

Happy Caturday!  I’ll be snoozing it up BIG TIME!

Your Pooped Buddy Sammy

62 responses »

  1. Sammy, that was one fun night. I’m exhausted this morning and I had to leave half way through!! You are one cool dude!! ConCats on organising it all so brilliantly well and also for being joint winner of the dance contest! Now I reckon bacon is calling … oh and I cranked up the coffee machine over at the Campfire 🙂 Have a relaxing day, buddy xx


    • Hi Austin! So glad you had fun…….your Mom was sweet to stay up late to help you enjoy yourself!!! Thanks for being such a good sport and good friend – I still say if we’d had a “coolest dude in costume” award you would have won it paws down with that jacket!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Whew…..here I am, efurryone…I’m exhausted, too. But what a GREAT night! That was so much fun; I’ve never danced so much in my life. And Sammy, don’t sell yourself short: you definitely can keep up with the youngest dudes at the dance!
    Thanks for a “swell” evening!
    Can’t wait til our next date! 😉
    Love, Sundae


    • Thanks for coming with me to the Hop last night Sundae……..we really lucked out with all those great dancers to win a trophy! Today I’m going to rest up…..hope you do the same!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh indeed Miss Pix! You have the “plan of the day” for me down VERY well……I have been lounging around all morning – Mom got my attention briefly when bacon was served but I’m back in my tent and will probably be there most of the day………….LAZY SAM!!

      Happy Weekend


  3. Cat Scouts was so much fun last night. There are a bunch of snoozy kitties at our house. Sammy you and your mom worked so hard. THANK YOU! Concats on your trophy. Lisbeth and Charles tried that move, but they just couldn’t pull it off. Enjoy Bacon Day with a good long rest. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • So very happy that you all enjoyed yourselves last night – it was really fun and I think everybody had a good time……I’m glad we can keep people “engaged” in Scouts by enjoying events together – it’s nice to have everyone come together for a good time!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. That looks like a wild and crazy time, Sammy, and congrats on your trophy! A lot of us are getting too old for those late nights….enjoy your napping today!


  5. Da sock hop wus pawsum Sammy. Meez suwe had a good time. Andy and me danced and danced and danced. Meez gunna be takin’ a lot of naps tuday. MOL You and Sundae looked gweat. Cant wait fur da twip. 🙂 Enjoy da bacon.

    Luv ya’



  6. Sammy…you can’t be old…not the way you danced!! That was a ball last night. Today is going to be an easy day for me too….maybe a bit of garden patrolling and then a very long snooze under the flox.



  7. EEoww sammy ya put down sum pawsum move wif Sundae on da dance floor1 No wunder ya iz pooped! We iz glad ya both had such a grrreat time n happy ya gott yer bacon today!!
    me had tuna-tuna out in Condo so Caturday iz doin just fine by me too 😉
    Lub Nylablue =^,,^=


    • Nissy! Concats on the Petties Nom! WOO WOO WOO (multiply those woos times three and that’s how happy I am for you!!).

      I’ve GOT to catch up on your world – not getting email notices on your blog posts AGAIN………..BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Meowzeers!! That sure looked like one heck of a shin-ding! Glad everyone had so much fun! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!


    • Gosh Travis! Thanks a bunch!!! I appreciate it……..I got the Liebster from two friends this week – I’ll blog about that tomorrow…….thanks a ton and congratulations to you for getting it too!!!!!

      Hugs and Happy Sunday,


  9. Sammy, I sure had a great time at the sock hop on Friday! It was so much fun! Concatulations to you and Sundae on winning. You’ve still got the dance moves of a kitten! Enjoy your weekend! –Sampson


    • Hi Sampson! Thanks for the concats – concats to you too my friend for not only winning one of the trophies at the dance but for the incredibly pawsome Petties Nomination! I’m so so so so proud of you!!!! We’re voting for you every day……..

      Hugs, Sammy


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