Rub A Dub Dub


Remember that nursery rhyme?  “Rub a dub, dub…..three men in a tub…..” ???

Well the “tub” I’m about to talk about is far from that kind of tub – it’s a beautiful and wonderful home afloat for one of my best buddies and his two devoted humans.   Who’s the buddy?  Why it’s Bailey Boat Cat who has one of the most fun and interesting cat blogs we follow.   But he’s not just a pretty face – he’s also a published author and Mom and I just read his book for the THIRD time!   Three times?  Well that’s how good it is – you want to go back and read it over and over because it’s full of fun.


From the first page to the last you learn about what it’s like to live on board a sailboat from Bailey’s perspective – and surprisingly we learn that there are a lot of cats (and dogs) who live full-time on boats like he does.  Lucky them!    Bailey and his humans recently started living full-time together as a family on board Nocturne, their lovely boat – you’ll see lots of great interior and exterior shots of Nocturne in the book – and get to explore all the hiding spots, cubbyholes and interesting napping places aboard Nocturne thanks to all the photos in the book.


Bailey’s beautiful home…..”Nocturne”

Bailey talks about safety and what’s important to have aboard in case of emergencies……….in fact you can see how Bailey handled his OWN emergency when he learned (accidentally) that he could swim!   His parents cleverly crafted a rope ladder for him which probably (knowing Bailey) will be well used in the future since he loves adventure.

The book is wonderful for people of all ages to read and learn from – certainly anyone who has a boat or is lucky enough to live aboard a boat – particularly if they have a pet.  Children will love Bailey’s adventures and hearing about his life and “rules of the water”……..the book is full of beautiful photographs, cat wisdom, fun and charm and you definitely WILL want to keep it handy for a smile or two when you need it.


I had the occasion to share the book with our next door neighbors recently at a July 4th cookout.  They have two little boys aged seven and nine and the whole family enjoyed the book cover to cover.

I’m ever so proud to know Bailey and his parents – they are truly “living the dream” and having the life many of us would love to have……….sailing into the sunset to see the world one adventure at a time.   We do hope Bailey has more books coming and wish his “Mom” Louise Kennedy much luck in all her writing endeavors in the future – she definitely has “the gift” of writing – this book will be treasured in this household always.

If you’d like to pre-order the book (which will be released in hard cover September 2 in the USA), just CLICK HERE .   It’s also available on Kindle.    One thing is for sure – we can guarantee you will be glad you did……….


Your Friends Forever

Sammy and Pam Kimmell

65 responses »

  1. I’m sure it’s a great book for all pups and kittens. And for all people who still dream about adventures :o) I’ll second your Happy Sailing with dad’s rival Rod:I am sailing, I am sailing
    Home again ‘cross the sea
    I am sailing, stormy waters
    To be near you, to be free… :o)


  2. Pingback: Purrfect end to the week! – Bailey Boat Cat

  3. Nice review. We know our brofur appreciates it. We think his book is so pawsome and really hope he and Mom Lou have many more in their future. We too encourage efurryone who loves cats, a good adventure our beautiful photography to order a copy. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’m sure you’ll do a better job with the review than I did – you’re WONDERFUL at them (!!) – but I couldn’t say enough positive words for Bailey and Louise on this little book full of fun.

      Hugs, Pam


    • Thanks Layla… was one of the most charming books I’ve read in ages and so full of great info for those who are lucky enough to sail the seven seas with their pets!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Oh SNAP NO! All that water?? ::shudder:: I’m glad he’s living the dream and all, but me, well, I am a landlubber. I don’t even like to be near the kitchen sink! Eek! To tell you truth, I’m even a little worried about the riverboat trip!


    • Oh Spitty you can have TWO liftjackets to wear full-time on that riverboat! And we’ll ALL pitch in and protect you from the swampwater down on the Bayou too – Promise – cross my extra-toes and everything!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Furabuluss reeveew Sammy! We haz a copy of Brofur Bailey’z book n it iz a gem fer shure!!! Dey are livin dere dreem which iz bery inspirin to old kittehz like me…
    N Mum too!!!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum ❤ ❤ ❤


  6. We did not know Bailey’s mom was an author. Excellent….as there is another book for story time! We recently started following Baily and his adventures. He lives a lot differently than most of us and we find it fascinating. He is so brave to live around all that water.

    (((Shoko and Kali)))


    • He’s quite a nice guy too…..lucky to live on a boat. Only recently did he begin living there full time but he always enjoyed being on the boat anyway. This is Bailey’s Mom’s first book……she wants to write a Young Adult novel next…..I bet she does it and does it well!

      Hugs, Sammy


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