Silent Sunday




This is ME, after this two-day

Cat Scouts Quest is OVER…….sigh………

47 responses »

    • Brian that site is moving to a new server soon (so says Denmaster) so things will be so much better – it’s so huge and so many of us there at the same time it just was VERY hard. I was locked out and didn’t even get to my own Cougar Investiture…..tonight at 8PM there’s a special prize/award ceremony for the Quest and I’ll FINALLY get to be an official Cougar (unless the site crashes again…haha).

      Hugs, sam


    • Oh Miss Layla I hear you…..we tried to get some rest yesterday but there’s so much to do for our move…… all are getting more snow tonight right? We think it will be mostly rain here and won’t stick to the roads if we do get snow.

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Sammy, Buddy, that whole Quest dealio REALLY took it outta me! Unfortunately, *I* did not have a beautimous LadyCat massaging me this morning. And I needed one too, because the Quest was soooooooooo stressful–we broke the Innerwebs. Plus, I tried and tried to come to the ceremony to install you to your new rank and I couldn’t get there and than I found out it didn’t even happen!!! I need a Niptini and Marlboro, Sammy.


    • Spitty I had TWO Niptinis and a coupla smokes myself… was so disappointing NOT to be able to be at the ceremony BUT I’m getting my own special Ceremony tonight at the Campfire when they do the prizes and awards for the Quest – 8PM – so purrrhaps tomorrow this time I’ll OFFICIALLY be a Cougar. The Quest was harder than the first one FOR SURE. Much harder and not just because the site was so busy we crashed it three times. It was just a tough Quest. Hopefully next time Denmaster will give us a break. We need one.

      Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Nylablue……….Hope you’re feeling good dear girl… really HAVE “gone with the flow” with your health – you put up with so much!!!! Hope today is a good day for you.

      Love, Sam


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