Pigtastic Artwork


Hello!!!    First of all thanks tons for all the nice comments about the brand spanking new Teaser Awards Mom and I designed and which we handed out with abandon yesterday.  Yep – that was one wild ride Teaser this week wasn’t it?  Woo Hoo!

I suppose you’re wondering by the title of today’s blog what’s up.  You probably think it’s got to do with my favorite thing in the universe (other than my Mom) which is bacon – right?  You’d be right.  Mom and I worked on that Tagxedo.com site and take a gander at this little gem!!!


Thankfully all my porcine friends are not THAT kind of piggy – they’re not the eatable kind……thank heavens!    I’d noticed that they had a couple of pig shapes in the lineup of “shapes” you could use for the word pictures and what NATURALLY came to my mind?  Of course – bacon!

I’m getting to be quite the little ginger artist aren’t I?  Think I could sell my works?  Maybe I should move to Paris and study art – live in a fabulous studio apartment with skylights and take classes at the Sorbonne or something like that…you know…become an international star in the art world.


Or maybe I should just go find Mom’s lap and take a nap.  I’m getting all worked up aren’t I?  Sorry about that!



85 responses »

    • Just saw your blog with that gallery wrap of Dianna’s photo that you admired….sure is beautiful and what a lovely and serene bit of artwork for you to look and enjoy ANY time now that you have it in that form! She’s a good friend………and always thinking of her friends in special ways.

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Sammy, we are impressed with your artistic talents! We love that little piggy design, and we are glad we aren’t that kind of friend 😉 Don’t go moving though, you’d be missed too much!


  2. Oh Cousin – that is so artistic and beautiful. I think before any decisions are made though, a nap is *always* in order – snorts. After nap time, then hard decisions can be made. I think you need to stay here and become an artist. 🙂 Yep, that’s the ticket. If you ever need a model, my little miniature pot belly is always available – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  3. dood…better yet…tell yur mom ta fry up a few poundz oh de bacon goodness N ewe can snax on samiches til lunch and ore dinner time 🙂


    • You know I tried to talk Mom into doing the bacon thing this morning and she said “wait until Saturday”…..can you believe it? An international artist like me and she turned me down? The nerve!

      hugs, Sam


  4. That pig art is very nice but whee are a bit confused, what sort of pig is that? Surely our snouts are not quite like that and whee don’t even have a tail! The hooman is telling us that it is a “big-pork-oink-pig” whatever one of them is, tehe!
    The Pigs xx


    • Oh that’s a great big pig like a million times bigger than you guys are…..AND it snorts and rolls around in the mud……you guys don’t do that right? Listen to your hooman – you are nowhere NEAR being THAT kind of snorter believe me!

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Mai oui Mess-eurr Sammi’ mon petite chat…oh, la, la….
    MOL okayz dat’z me French…
    We finkz ya iz bery clever doin da Tag fingiez. Mum cuud nott get onto da site…no biggie…maybee she iz a bit ‘all thummz”???
    Much lub frum Nylablue n Mum too xoxo


    • Thanks Nissy……high compliment from my buddy Nerissa! Talk about pigmazing (without the pig) your story just gets better and better……can’t wait for the next “chapter” in the continuing saga!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • You’re welcome Nylablue! Have you seen that Savvy and Brian got the presents you so kindly “forwarded” to them? Everybody seems to be happy…..and that’s because of YOU!!!! WOO WOO!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  6. Oh Oui, Paris would be decadent in deed. You could still nap on moms lap there while dad went out for Americano and croissants. I simply adore your beret, so French.

    Your little piggy art is a feast for the eyes…hehe (get it?) Le Gallerie du Sammy will be a great success. xoK


    • A French Mademoiselle bringing me a bagette and glass of wine for lunch while I slave away over a canvas on the streets of Montmartre…..I can see it all now…….OOPS – Mom says NO WINE ALLOWED!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Those art works are pretty cool. We think you could sell them and make enough money for at least some treats.Our mom bookmarked the page for that cool art buts says she doesn’t have time to try it right now. And we don’t think she should be a copy cat. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh I think your Mom would have some fun with that site……and it wouldn’t be “copycatting” – it would be just plain FUN so tell her to give it a whirl!!! Happy Friday! Did you get the “S” Word in your forecast for Sunday like we did? I’m depressed about it!

      Hugs, Sammy


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