Moon Walking


Day Two – Sammy’s Moon Trip  


Good Morning Everybody!  Hope you all had a good night’s sleep in your rooms.  I sure did………put my head on the pillow and WHAM BAM it was morning!    First thing is breakfast………….follow me……….


That was nommy – now for some FUN!


Have some fun but be careful – don’t wander off and make sure you keep your gravity belts set on a high enough setting that you don’t float away…….

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Next stop – a wonderful botanical gardens – you can take your helmets off inside this place – it’s just like home.


Now I thought we’d walk over to the Stardust Hotel’s Lunar Luncheonette for a spot of lunch!  Sit anywhere you want and remember we have a big awards banquet tonight so eat light!

Snapping a photo of friends at the luncheonette enjoying a meal together!

Snapping a photo of friends at the luncheonette enjoying a meal together!

….Later that evening after resting and dressing for dinner….


Take your plate and head to the banquet hall!


Nommy food!  On with the show!


I’ve got to say that the contests were TOUGH – REALLY TOUGH – everyone did so well and the winners were based on those who got the MOST votes cast in the categories.  Remember we have THREE prizes for Spacesuit Decoration because we had so many entries!   EVERYONE gets a congratulations for working so hard!







Now for a little surprise for one of our

Space Travelers who is celebrating her

birthday with us during this trip ! 

Won’t you join me in wishing

Space Cadet Lily Olivia




……Tomorrow – Return Home !! …….

90 responses »

  1. Whoop whoop whoop!!! I got an award! I’d like to thank the acatamy …. (five hours later) Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me in the moon suite decorating category!. And concatulations to all the winners. Good job! This is so much fun :))

    Happy Birthday Lily Olivia. That is some scrumptious cake!


  2. Motor Mommy’s cracking up over Austin’s “ACATAMY”! Sammy, thanks again for all the hard work you and your mom did for this trip.
    And Happy Birthday to Lily Olivia! (My pawrents have great nieces – sisters – named Lily and Olivia!)
    Yes, we’ll all be ready to get back to earth…
    Love, Sundae


    • I do hope that you have had some fun up here with me and all our friends Sundae! It’s been full of adventure but kind of tiring too……I’ll be happy to be back home – I’ve missed my lap naps!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Sammy, you sure know how to run a fun trip!!! We enjoyed the gardens and all the food has been amazing. ConCats to all of the winners!! Everyone did a great job!! Thanks to your Mom for all her hard work helping you organize this pawsome trip.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Thanks gang……I’m just happy you’re having some fun. Tried to make it fun for everyone and hopefully we did. I know your Mom and Dad will be happy to have you home tomorrow morning – and you have a SHORT COMMUTE back to your house from Cape Kennedy!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Wow today has been unbelievably amazing! A great day of outings, loved the botanical gardens, tons of pawsome food, and the incredible awards ceremony! Wasn’t Austin’s speech something?! Happy Birthday to Lilly Olivia!!! Sammy and Mom this has been the bestest trip EVER FUR SURE!!!! You have made it an absolute blast! (no pun intended)


    • I’m glad you’re having fun Marty…..that was what this trip was all about………I tried to plan stuff so everyone would enjoy themselves – after all – who knows when any of us will return to the Moon! Tomorrow we’re homeward bound…….

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh happy Birthday Lily Olivia! A Birthday on the moon is a special one! Congratulations to Misaki, Austin, Cathy Keisha, Alfie and the funny piggie-crew! many thanks for the fabulous food, Sammy, think the vet will be impressed when I enter his scale :o)


    • Easy I made sure there were lotsa good things to eat on the buffet line – but then you brought your sausages with you just in case so you were READY! Hope you’re having the time of your life my friend…….tomorrow we leave for home!

      Hugs, Sammy




  6. What a riot, who knew being a ‘space cadet’ was so fun. WOW, there’s a lot of yummy food on these excursions, I think I need to let the seems out on my space suit, LOL It was fun to be in your slideshow, thanks Pam!
    I’m flabbergasted at the neat birthday cake for Lily! That’s really something else, happy birthday girl 😀 Congratulations to all the winners too. All the creativity is out-of-this-world.


  7. Breakfast was super yummy and the botanical gardens are just gorgeous. They are my favorite spot so far. Too bad Mommy couldn’t come (her vertigo would have layed her low at the mere thought of getting in the rocket) but she would have loved the botanical gardens. Congrats to the spacesuit winners, I have to say CK rocks spacesuits. ~Socks


  8. a veree happe birthday two ewe lily olivia !!!! conga ratz two ewe misaki, austin, alfie, basil, buddy, noah, nacho & CK !!!! hope ya rememburr ta bring bak sum green cheese sammy & hope everee one haza one fish two fish red fish blue fish kinda week oh end !!


  9. Whoa! I’ve been having a fun time—more fun than you’d know, Sammy. Sorry I missed the Botanical Gardens. I overslept. Austin’s suite sure is nice. *wink wink* Don’t tell Sassy. Thank your Mom for all her hard work keeping us entertained. Did I miss something. Oh yeah, thanks for the award. SCORE!!!! *ahem* I’d like to accept this award for all the shelter and homeless kitties who aren’t as lucky as I’ve been. Etc.


  10. Wow! I’m glad you guys are sending back photos from your trip. The moon looks like a totally pawsome place to visit. Congratulations to all of the awards winners! A lot of work has gone into this trip 🙂


  11. Sammy, You are one prize kitty! You did an excellent job as emcee and major do everything guy. Your passengers were having an unforgettable time and you my dear mancat were one of the reasons it was so unforgettable. I can’t wait to see the passengers come home tomorrow. Big purrs to Sammy and crew.


    • Thanks so much….it was a huge amount of fun but honestly we’re very happy to be coming home this morning…..I’m so glad a lot of people followed us on the journey – it was fabulous knowing everyone HERE was enjoying us UP THERE!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. What a grand day! Flying over the Moon was such a blast. I do hope wearing my suit at the awards was not over the top. I was glad I remembered to put my ray guns away.
    Congratulations to all the wonderfur winners! There was some stiff competition and they really showed their moon mettle
    I am a tired kitty so I am heading for my room Sammy


    • Timmy you looked FABULOUS at the awards ceremony…..all the girlcats thought you looked so handsome in that special suit of yours. Thanks for not bringing the ray guns – I do believe that might have scared some of the more SHY in the crowd! Home again today…..YAY!

      Hugs, Sam


  13. OMC! We’re having the best time on the moon! Congrats to all the winners! I LOVED Hutch and the other gerbils!

    And Happy Birthday to Lily Olivia! What a great way to celebrate a birthday….it’s outta this world!!


    • Hi Wally! Thanks so much for coming on this fabulous trip – it’s the BEST trip I’ve ever put on I believe……….going to be a tough act to follow next year for sure!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Oh! Wow!! What a great pawty! Sammy – yous the hostest with the mostest! There is nothing like a 3 day pawty!!!
    Concatulations to the winners! And they was winners! Mes never did makes it to Austin’s room though….


    • Hi Nellie! Well, I hear there was some traffic in Austin’s room anyway although a visit from you would have been amazing I’m quite sure! Tee Hee Thank you so much for being with me on this journey Nellie… would NOT have been the same without you, Jo-Jo and Koz!

      Love you tons, Sammy


  15. Wow Sammy, when you throws a Moon Festival, you throws a MOON FESTIVAL! Woo-hoo, what a trip! And my girl CK won a prize–I hope she’ll share (though I am a little worried about how much time she spent in Austin’s room….) I am really worn out though; I might even be glad to get home and see the Human again!


    • Spitty I was wondering how you’d take that “Austin Room” thing….I mean she missed the ceremony and everything! Well, you know best what works for you and CK! Anywho – it was quite a tiring trip and I’m very happy to be home myself……my agenda today consists of only one commitment……….PLENTY OF NAPS!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Sammy, best day ever! This trip was so wonderful. Thanks for showing Allie and Mau out for a stroll, and thank you so much for Lily’s cake and mentioning her birthday. She says that it was the best birthday EVER, and that cake was beautiful and so super nommy. You are such a terrific friend. We really appreciate all this hard work you and Mom Pam put in to make this such a great experience. Mom will do a recap of Lily’s birthday on Sunday. Hope it will be okay if we use the photo of her with her cake. Let us know if it isn’t. See you bright and early for blast off! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Dear Kitties Blue – I am SO happy that you had a good time on the trip AND that you were all able to come along because it wouldn’t have been the same without you! Of course you may use the photo of Lily Olivia’s pawsome cake at the awards banquet and we visited your bloggy for her birthday pawty – she certainly got PLENTY OF CAKE didn’t she? HAHAHA Hope you’re as glad to be home this morning as I am. Naps and bacon are in my immediate future!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Rumbles! The Earth tuna is so much better than the stuff they import to the Moon….trust me on that! Wish you had come with us my friend – – – see you on Scouts!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  17. We didn’t know the moon had such cool botanical gardens. We are having so much fun that we can’t decide what we like best. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater, and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  18. Oooopsss we forgot to say Concatulations to the winners. We loved all of the them. The contests sure were fun. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater, and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  19. Pingback: Sundae Says: It Was A Blast! | these days of mine

  20. Pingback: Thursday Purrsday…This Is Gonna Be Good | Savannah's Paw Tracks

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