Last Call Monday


Hi Everybody!   My poor Mom is cross-eyed from all the work helping me get everybody into the right polls and in all the stuff for the trip – I can’t believe how many of you are coming along on this trip AND have entered the contests.  Seriously.  I’m blown away.

Today is the LAST DAY though for photos – and I MUST HAVE THEM BEFORE NOON Eastern Standard Time…….please…….why?  Well we still have a lot of work to do before tomorrow’s voting polls that’s why.   If I receive your photos AFTER noon my time, it will be too late to be in the contests.   I might be able to talk Mom into sticking you into some of the scenes for the trip BUT too late for the contest OK??  OK!!!


Now, about the polls which will be in tomorrow’s blog.  THEY ARE HUGE……..especially the spacesuit competition…….I am allowing MULTIPLE votes so you can vote for ALL your favorites and I’m also only letting you see PERCENTAGES and not NUMBER OF VOTES for each person entered.   That way there may be a little bit of mystery about who the winners will be at the Awards Banquet at the STARDUST HOTEL on the Moon this week.

There are THREE polls………….

SPACESUIT DECORATING (top three voted favorites will win prizes)

HOTEL ROOM DECORATING (one prize for most votes)

MOON MONSTER (one prize for most votes)

That means it will be a VERY long blog tomorrow!

ALSO, you will have just tomorrow to vote – – – – The post will go “live” at 1AM Eastern Standard Time instead of the usual 3AM Eastern Standard Time…….and I will close the voting at 8PM Eastern Standard Time.   Mom and I will work on Wednesday to tally everything up and get things ready for the awards AND I’m going to REMOVE the polls from the blogs so you can’t peek back and see what’s what!  I want there to be SOME surprises for you on the trip !!!!

You guys have been wonderful about getting your material in on time……I have to say that even though Mom and I have checked and re-checked and checked again, at a point we are so tired we aren’t sure if we really truly have everybody loaded up in the right spots!!!   Mom had a THREE page chart that she used to try and keep track of things but when we ran into problems uploading to the polls or with Pizap to photoshop you all into scenes, who knows whether we ALWAYS remembered to go back and try a second, third or even fourth time.  BUT WE HAVE TRIED…….and I’m just saying this “in case”……..if in the end it turns out you sent something to us but didn’t see it posted, you’ll get a prize too – how’s that for fair???!!!!   I don’t think we’ve missed anybody but you know….I’m covering my furry rear end ! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Before I go and allow Mom to take some Advil for her considerable headache (tee hee), let me show you Miss Layla’s fabulous Moon poster again………….this trip is gonna be SOMETHING ELSE – truly!


All Aboard!! 

(oops – that’s for trains!) 

Countdown Begins Now 

February 27th BLASTOFF

Not space related but sure is cute!  HAHA

Not space related but sure is cute! HAHA

72 responses »

  1. Sammy..i am going to say it right now…your mum is the tops! and the cats pajamas! what a woman….and all I am sure while you rest and relax bwahahahahaa 🙂 we are so excited here ..the guys are even playing David Bowie and singing along….Take your protein pills and put your helmut on Sammy!! hugs to mum too …poor pizappered mum bwahahaha :0 xxxxxxFozziemum


  2. Okay, I’ve got to get Motor Mommy to send in my room decoration photo…. what do these humans do all day, anyway???
    Have a good Monday! You and your mom have really worked hard on organizing this trip and all the contests, Sammy. Thank you both!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Send my meows of thanks to your Mom Sammy. We know how much work it was getting my suit ready and packing enough treats and goodies fur the trip so organizing this, Wow. Maybe make her a nice Nip Tea and give a bit of a cuddle.
    Purrs my furend
    Yay Mom!
    Timmy and Dad Pete


    • Thanks Timmy! What a nice thing to say…..I plan on taking GOOD CARE of her (as soon as she finishes all this work of course!!! 😉 ). Poor Mom…..I bet I have a tough time convincing her next year to do a big trip for me!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Well Bailey we don’t leave Cape Kennedy on our spaceship until the 27th – tomorrow though is the day that everyone can vote for their favorite entries in the contests and when we’re up on the Moon we’ll have an awards banquet and announce the winners!!!! WOO HOO!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Oh goodie! My Mom would like to be able to have the time to photoshop everybody into a spacesuit believe me….but she’s been chained to this keyboard for DAYS AND DAYS now……so I wouldn’t dare volunteer her (again) !!

      Hugs, Sam


  4. Good morning Sammy and Mom Pam, Really hope you got those last two photos from our mom. Since she still has two hours (tee her of our own), she is going to try to finish up the photo of Mau and Allie and send it. And with paws-crossed, you will get it. It is so annoying the problems we have had getting these photos to you. But we are all getting supper excited and cannot wait to blast off. Extra hugs to you both for all you hard work! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Kitties……I did NOT receive any more emails from your Mom – still missing those last two photos I asked her to send to me…… checked Spam too – not there – I’m so sorry you’ve had such a problem with sending your photos and I really am not sure what the deal might be since nobody else had problems BUTTTTTT regardless, I hope we get those last two from you !! I just DOUBLE TRIPLE CHECKED email and nothing from your Mom.

      If we get a photo of Mau and Allie, we’ll try to put it in one of the “scenes” !

      Hugs, Sam


      • Hi Pam, I just got another message that the e-mail with the last two photos bounced. I am so frustrated, I don’t know what to do. I sent the one of Mau and Allie this a.m., but I am sure you don’t have that either. I am going to try all three again. I am shaking, I am so angry as I don’t get the message these have not been delivered until 24 hours after the fact! Going to try again NOW!


  5. Hi Pam, I just resent all three photos using my Google account through Picasa. I have my paws crossed that you receive them. I also just sent you an e-mail. Let me know what happens. This seems to be the only way I can communicate with you and know you will receive the message.


    • Janet I have all the pix and I got all of them from both or all three (I can’t remember now) addresses……all six photos from you are entered…..everything is done……fine……crazy here but fine!



  6. Whoa! I read this at 11:59 so I guess we’re not gonna do the space alien one. Your Mom must be highly trained cos TW would not put this much work into a blog unless she was getting paid. Heh heh. Here’s hoping I can crack the top three so I won’t be moping all through the moon trip.


    • My Mom is a nut-case CK…….or else she WILL be one before this trip is over with – it’s unbelievable how much work it’s been………No worries about not being in one of the contests…..and you’re not allowed to MOPE on this trip!!! NOPE….no MOPE!

      Hugs, Sam


  7. You are a top notch space co-ordinators Pam & Sam, Thanks again for all the fun. I hope they’re serving some strong Moon-tini’s there, you’re going to need one after this trip. See you there!


  8. Sammy, has your Mommy gone cross eyed yet? Yous better gives her LOTS of purrs and mes will sends mine and Kozmo’s and Jo-Jo’s and wes will send hairy slobbery sister’s slobbery kisses to her toos for ALL the work!


  9. Yow Sammy n Miss Pam ya both bin werkin so hard on diz… n Mum are xhausted just reedin yer bloggie!!!
    Me hopez me Hotel Room pic will be in da BEST ROOM contest! Dat iz da only contest me gonna enter…okayz?
    Me needz to go back to Vet tomorrow fer reguler treetmint (Pepcid n Mirtazipine)…barrin sumfing else stoopid happenin me n Mum suud be *good to go* fer Ground Control on Fursday….
    Much lub frum Nylablue n Mum too xoxoxoxo


    • Your hotel photo is in the contest dear girl………it’s fine to only enter one contest. I hope your treatment tomorrow goes well AND that you are feeling good enough to man Mission Control on Thursday!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. I can’t wait! This is gonna be so GREAT.

    Since there are so many of us goin’ on the trip, I’m askin’ that the peep pack me up a basket of treats and nip. I shall share, of course. Just wanna be sure we have enough snacks.



  11. dood…we noe everee one will haza blast….
    on yur trip…..we bee lookin forwerd ta de pollz N tell yur mom her did a grate job…her kneads ta ree ward her self with sum bacon !!!


    • So am I Wally……it’s only two days away – I hope you’re packed???? We’ll be leaving from down where Scout Raz lives in Florida!! I think his family will be waving at us as “Ralph” launches!

      Hugs, Sam


  12. We are sending lots of hugs to your Mom. We know she worked very hard on this trip and we appreciate all of her hard work. We are so excited about this trip!!! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • That is SUPER sweet of you to say that Miss Judy – I know that will make my Mom happy when I tell her. She really has worked a whole lot on this project!! We’re gonna have such fun!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Pingback: Last Call Monday | corkscot

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