60 responses »

    • Well Sundae, when I saw them coming into the cat room at the shelter I knew I’d get them with my chasing the little jingle ball around my tiny cage….I was right….one look and I HAD ’em !!! Tee Hee

      Love, Sammy


    • I did used to be teeny…..Mom says she used to be teeny too – which, frankly – I’m not sure I can even begin to imagine….especially after two weeks of non-stop eating (including two boxes of Godiva)!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Sammmmmmy …………………….mez kinda back ……..
    i kinda feel like u 🙂
    lots o naps and u know chillin for once 🙂 LOL
    How many days til your birthday ? xxx
    xxxxxx C xo


  2. Awwww your baby pictures are adorable and now you are such a handsome Mancat. Our Mom gets all sentimental when she sees kitten pictures. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  3. Mom is squeeing all over herself with how cute you were as a little kittykin:)

    Hope you had a nice Sunday.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Thanks CK! I’d never heard the term squee until I “got around” in blogville but I have to say I see LOTS of squeeable photos out here in the blogosphere…..something about baby anythings that makes you SQUEEEEE!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


      • I have a few missing phases pics for each one here Sammy…because I was fostering I sort of had my hands full and missed bits in between too 🙂 chubby is good just as Dinnermintz..miss Pluxury 😉 it’s her birthday on the 11th of Jan..she will be half your age exactly 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xx


  4. Dear Sammy, you look adorable when you were a kitty, but you are more and more adorable now, as well. Every age has its own benefits, it is valid for you too. (and us) I hope you’re enjoying 🙂
    I liked your slideshow very much, Your female Human looks very beautiful and your male Human looks sleepy when you’re on his lap 🙂
    My favorite picture is : the one with when you are carrying the paper to the other side of the room. You are so serious about that, you look like a business man carrying his case and hurrying to the annual meeting!!!
    You are the sweetest (now too :-))
    I wish you healthy and happy more and more ages to live with your family.
    Happy Monday!
    Hugs and Kisses 🙂
    Yelloz and Servant Z.


    • Thanks Yelloz and Servant Z for saying such NICE things about my “photo album” of baby photos. I thought it would be good timing to do a big of a flashback – I’ve come a long way since joining my Mom and Dad here and why not celebrate that right? I’ve added some pounds and some more “definition” of my stripes on my coat but I’m still strutting my stuff around here as King of the Hill (well, I’m the only cat here so it’s easy to be King!!!)…..

      I’m glad you all are my new friends…………and I sent you Hugs for the New Year!


      • Nice things are the easiest to say to the nice ones!!
        That’s a great idea to celebrate all of you being together since for a very long time!!!
        Your Humans are very kind that they didn’t upset you in years with a surprise kitty. Every time Servant Z brings a new cat home, we hisss and become demoralized around the house. But me and my siblings know that she does it not only because she’s a crazy cat lady but also she can’t leave the injured friends especially if there’s a stable disability which they can’t survive out in the streets anymore…
        If something similar (a new furrfriend crisis) has happened to you, I’m sure that you’ll be the King as always! You’re born a Star and a King!!! ❤
        Hugs and Purrs


        • Hi Yelloz! My humans had a feeling that because I was so desperately afraid of EVERYTHING when they brought me home and that it took me a while to even trust THEM, I’d have a hard time around other cats. I was found under an old house all alone so I don’t know if I even knew any brothers and sisters I might have had!!! Cats? What’s a cat??? All I knew is that I was safe and warm…..then when I saw my first cat EVER, that cat leaped on me and scared me and we’ve tried a couple of times with friends’ cats but I just don’t do well. So it’s good I’m an “only cat” I think. Besides, that means FOR SURE that I’m spoiled right? HAHAHAHAHA

          Hugs, Sammy


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