Saturday Silliness!





Guess I don’t have to tell you what I’m doing this morning eh??????

Hope you have a fantabulous Saturday…………

Sammy 😀 😀

63 responses »

    • You’re right…….and that chubby fellow is just too cute to munch on anyway. Good thing HE’s not on the menu – just some distant relative that’s now packaged up in yummy strips!

      Happy Caturday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Sundae! My Mom’s a hoot sometimes isn’t she BUT I have to say, this time she has me dancing on stage with my favorite animal….I just hope Coccolino and the Hutch A Good Life Boys won’t take offense!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Absolutely – I’ll be happy to have some bacon just for you Easy!!!! I can smell it frying now….Dad’s in charge while Mom helps me catch up on the blog. What a guy!

      Happy Weekend Dude!


        • Easy all you have to do is go grab the leg of his pants in that powerful jaw of yours and drag him over to the computer and SHOW HIM what my Dad did this morning – – – He made EXTRA bacon while Mom and I blogged. EXTRA!!!!! He’s my hero.

          Hugs, Sam


          • Of course he is – I think one time per week the kitchen should be dad’s kingdom (together with me, because he always drops food down on the floor). That would be great, even when he can cook only one thing: omelets – but they are great (and the mess in the kitchen too) hehe


          • MMMM……BACON OMELETTES!!!!!! My Mom makes those sometimes on weekends. I suggest you try my technique of hauling him into the kitchen then opening the refrigerator FOR him and giving him the “SAD EYES”… might work!



  1. Okay, I’m working on it but what is your secret to the Saturday bacon? How did you get started. I need some ideas of how to encourage The Help to cook us bacon.


    • Well Zena, it all started when I had my very first whiff of bacon frying in the pan shortly after I came to live here. My tiny pink nose was up in the air and I just KNEW something yummy was in my immediate future. When Mum and Dad sat down at the table to have breakfast I sat quietly at Mum’s feet looking totally adorable (it’s easy for me) and Mum gave me a TEENY TINY piece of her bacon. I gobbled it right up so she gave me one more TEENY TINY bit. Another gobble…but I’ve never been a pig about it (no pun intended) – just little bits and I never jump up or meow or BEG….but I’ve got to tell you – it is so super delicious!!! Good luck in your BACON CAMPAIGN.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well it sure does around MY house Miss Layla! I’d say SUNSHINE makes a happy Caturday for your boys – – – they look SOOOO comfy on your porch! Happy Caturday to all of you….

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. Such a cute cartoon! Happy Bacon day Sammy 😀 I don’t actually eat meat but found a really yummy fake bacon called Morning Glory when we were holidaying in the States. Unfortunately, they don’t sell it here 😦 So I’ll have to come back real soon, cause it’s the yummiest.


    • Hmm….my Mom says she’s never heard of Morning Glory… it something you can mail order???? Well, I’ve never had anything but the REAL THING which I know isn’t all that good for ANY of us but it certainly tastes yummy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Bacon! Nes LOVES BACON!! Mes can’t remembers the last time wes had bacon… are yous sure we had it Thursday Mommy?


    • Hi Nellie!!! Bacon is very good for a kitty with sick eyes – tell your Mommy that and maybe you’ll get extra!! Tee Hee (we have to be devious sometimes!).

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • It’s been grand thank! Sunny after initial rain – kinda watered Mom’s gardens for free (!) but not enough rain to make it too soggy out there. I’ve enjoyed playing in the grass and feeling that nice warm sun! Hope you’ve had a good weekend too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


      • Me understandz Sammy!! dere are sum lubly little G-Pigz n Hammysterz dat we met here n me iz furendz wif dem…but me can not bee in da sme room wif rodentia or me ‘killer instinct’ kickz in!!! So we both gotta bee carefull what we sayz!!!!
        ~~head rubz~~ Nylablue xo


          • MOL Sammy Cheekz tried to run thru da Condo again today!!! me did knot even try to paw him….me iz kinda gettin to like him scampurrin about da place!!! Stay tuned fer a WW blog tomorrow frum us feeturin Cheekz in photoz!
            Lub Nylablye n SherriEllen xo


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