Scaturday !



HAHA!  Kinda sneaky way to spell Saturday huh?  Well, I just HAD to get the word “CAT” in there somewhere right?

Now – where should I begin?  So much to tell you………………I think the most impawtant thing is to remind you to send me photos and descriptions of any auction items you’d like to donate to the BLOGVILLE AUCTION coming on Monday on Mollie’s Dog Treats blog to benefit Leo – the cat Savannah’s parents are taking care of.  Did you scout your humans’ closets?  Did you dig something out of a cabinet they haven’t seen in years and don’t really need?   Mollie needs auction items and I’m helping her to get them sorted.  If you have something, please email my Mom a photo of it (or them) with a short description and what you think would be a fair “starting bid”.   The highest bidder on Mollie’s blog Monday for your item(s) will donate that money to Leo’s care AND take care of sending the item to the highest bidder.  Seems fair right?  Sure it does!   If you want to catch up on Leo’s story – please visit Savannah’s blog and you can scroll back through her posts to hear all the details of Leo’s rocky life road which led him to the shelter and the vet to be treated for his Hepatic Lipidosis Syndrome.

I NEED YOUR PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS BY TODAY – Mollie has to have time to put everything together so if you have items to donate now’s the time to send them to me.  Need our email?  Tell me in a blog comment and I’ll send you an email right away!


Another FUN thing to benefit Leo is a BLOGVILLE RAFFLE!   Go to Mollie’s or Misaki’s to buy a raffle ticket – and you might win an AMAZON gift card (first prize) or a cartooned YOU on a mousemat (second prize)!

I’ll have a way cool surprise to share with you next week……I’ll probably find out about it on Monday but won’t share it with you (unless I do TWO blogs on Monday which I might do!!) until Tuesday Teaser day.  We’re having a regular Teaser next week BUT I may include something extra if I get details in time.

SCATurday means bacon and if you’ll pardon me – I do believe my nose KNOWS – and Mom’s making a lot of noise down in the kitchen right now – that means one thing (well it could mean two things – like maybe she’s putting the dishes away from the dishwasher….) and that’s she’s starting to make breakfast!  WOO WOOOOOOOO

Hope your SCATurday is a super one………….because you DESERVE it!  Are you gonna do anything special today?????    😀 😀

Sam Loves His Friends!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy


44 responses »

    • Hi Mogs and Mom! Yep – that bacon SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE smells yummy. Funny how it just makes the whole house smell lovely! Hope you have a nice Scaturday too! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Loves and hugs back Sammy. You are doing a great job helping out with this fabulous cause. Sorry I can’t think of anything I could add for the auction (largely because I truly don’t have any money to send anything anywhere. We are currently unable to buy ourselves food, let along post stuff). I feel terrible about it and truly wish there were something I could do. In the mean time, well done to you and Mollie and all the others that are going out of your way to help.


    • Oh Miss Susan please don’t feel badly because you aren’t able to get involved in the auction – not everyone CAN – and that’s understandable but know what? It doesn’t cost any of us a penny to just send a happy healing thought to Leo every single day – that’s what I do….Besides, I’m doing very little really to help – Mollie has the BIG job of organizing the Auction… will be fun to go look at all the stuff people have donated won’t it? Hope you, Pixels and the rest of the gang at LLCD have a purrrrfectly LOVELY weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Thanks so much for your understanding. There is nothing worse than feeling helpless but, as you say, every prayer and positive thought will help as well. I’m about to send out a post with a link to them, so hopefully that helps as well.

        Things this side will change and improve and I will be able to do more in the future. Your love and support mean the world to me.


        • The way cool thing is that love and prayers don’t cost any of us anything – and it means a whole lot!!! We hope things DO get better for you too – I’m sure they will……life is full of ups and downs (and downs and ups!)…..we just saw on Mollie’s blog that you were able to do a Paypal link, etc. WOO HOO! That’s great…….!!!!

          Hugs to you from me and Sam…………. 😀


  2. Oooh! Such a lot happening!! Will have to get mum’s brain cell out of storage, so she can participate! 🙂

    BTW Sammy, you can tell your mom that she (the Staff) is well on the way to finishing the book (slow but thorough reader) and loves the chatty style, the mystery and of course Eddy the cat 🙂 PeeEss, she hasn’t worked it out yet!!! xx


    • Hi Austin! You’re right – it’s busy in Blogville lately isn’t it??? My Mom was SO happy to hear that your Mum is enjoying “Bridge”…..I’m thinking I should do a post next week about Eddy from the book – Mom based him on the cat before me named Eddy!! Mom says a good mystery leaves you wondering until the end…hopefully your Mom won’t work things out until then!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • “Sort of back” is how most trips end isn’t it…you need to get your bearings again – find your equilibrium – unpack the swag (!!) and relax a bit……I’m SURE the boys behaved marvelously while you were gone but I’m equally sure they’re happy to have you back! Hope it was a great BlogPaws event!

      Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


    • Hi Misaki!!! It sure is busy isn’t it? I hope Mollie and Miss Stella aren’t pulling all their hair out (that would NOT be pretty!!) getting ready for Monday. Hopefully it will all be worth it with LOTS of money for Leo! YAY!

      Hope you’re having a good weekend too……………..! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom too……!)


  3. Efurrybuddy is using Caturday, but Scaturday is so much better. You could just fill your blog with all kinds of tidbits that you that she must have been napping ’cause she didn’t even realize one was going to happen until she read this post. Sh’es getting old! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Tomorrow’s the big day at Mollie’s Auction – hope to see you there!! Oh and my Mom wants to know if you got her book yet? Hope so! I wonder if your Mom’s going to read it to all of you???????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • We had a wonderful rainy Scaturday guys – and today – guess what – it’s STILL raining so I suppose I’ll just have to have lots of naps and cuddle time with Mom……which will be EASY for me to do!!

      Happy Sunday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Oh! a New Word! Your Mommy should get a award for making it! Me is thinking me should use it….is that ok?


    • Nellie I would be TOTALLY honored if you wanted to use our brand new word! SCATURDAY is one of my favorite days – I know for YOU it means your Mommy and Dad are out at the markets but I do hope that they don’t forget SCATURDAY should be at least PARTLY Nellie/Snuggle/Cuddle time too!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Pingback: What A Thankful Thursday | Savannah's Paw Tracks

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