Tuesday Teaser Tell-All


Happy Wednesday All!  Well, I do hope that you enjoyed trying to figure out WHERE these Teaser photos were taken………

It was super fun having a “Guest Tuesday Teaser” this week but now’s the time to give you the scoop…………and in order to do that, you need to watch this video!

Now this is my first time putting a YouTube video on my bloggy so I’m hoping it works……….IF it isn’t working when Mom comes online this morning, we’ll get things straightened out but we DID follow WordPress’s instructions last night.  (you know how THAT goes sometimes! 😦 )

We have a huge THANK YOU to send to our friend Michelle for letting us use her vacation photos from her FABULOUS trip and making a movie for us with the Teaser answers from a really gorgeous spot on the planet!     VERY COOL……….

Thanks Michelle!

Thanks Michelle!

We also have some HUGS to hand out for those who guessed what Country #1 Teaser Photo was taken in, and what City #2 and #3 photos were taken in.  Who gets a BIG SAMMY HUG for getting ALL THREE photos right?  Here they are!



Mollie and Alfie



There were a BUNCH of you who guessed Peru correctly and also guessed Lima correctly so you guys get 2/3 of a BIG SAMMY HUG!

2/3 Big Sammy Hug



Will and Eko



Long Life Cats and Dogs

And Michelle??  You make sure and take one of the BIG SAMMY HUGS too because you made this week’s Teaser so much fun!

Happy Wednesday All……….

Sammy the BIG Tease 😀 😀 😀

50 responses »

    • Oh sorry you couldn’t hear it Miss Caren…..it was a fun Teaser thanks to Miss Michelle at MYTHREEMOGGIES wasn’t it? We had a lot of fun even though Mom wasn’t sure about the video link because we’ve never posted one before.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Sorry Cupcake…..but you were close – right? It COULD have been that field – there is a lot of fun stuff in that field I know! How about a hug anyway???

      }}}}}HUGGY FOR CUPCAKE{{{{{{{{


  1. Wow, Sammy, you are really getting high-tech!!! That was so much fun. The video link worked perfectly (YAY for your mom!).
    Have a good Wednesday – maybe you can get out for some more fresh air…or has the cold weather already returned?
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Mom and I were out for a whole half hour this morning in the dark!! We cruised all over the yard – it was warm enough that I really thought it was SPRING again……It’s gonna get cold again so I figured I’d better enjoy it while I can. Yes – thanks to Michelle at MY THREE MOGGIES mom got the video straightened out – we stll can’t SEE videos but we sure can load ’em up now!

      Love, Sam


    • Don’t feel bad – my Mom says she MIGHT have guessed #1 right as being Peru but the #2 and #3 city photos she wouldn’t have had a clue!! So your Lady gets points for guessing the right continent……Tee Hee……

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I don’t have a clue what Michelle said. Even with my sound turned all the way up, I couldn’t hear a word she said. But since I didn’t even get an ‘honorary meniton’, I’m assuming I was wrong as usual!!! LOL!


    • HAHAHA – sorry you couldn’t hear Michelle Miss June – she said she was standing on a mountain across from Machu Pichu in Peru and that photo #1 was Peru, #2 was Cuzco and #3 was Lima. Funny that some people couldn’t hear it and others could. Of course we couldn’t even WATCH it ourselves due to Mom’s ancient computer! LOL

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Thanks for my hug, Sammy!!! And thanks to Michelle – that was a teaser!!!! First I thought its Mexico and you know what? all cathedrals there were looking similar… and even the trashcan of pic#2 wasn’t helpful ;o) … how looks a 2/3 hug?


    • Hi Easy! A 2/3 hug is a darn good hug but not QUITE as “tight” as a WHOLE hug. Trust me – it feels swell….just ask the 2/3 bunch of winners!! You know what a BIG HUG feels like since you are a winner of the Teaser fairly often my buddy!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Clowie! Doggy’s Dad travels a WHOLE LOT and I think Easy’s parents must as well…..Easy is also an expert in “trash can identification” so I have to be careful about using a photo with a trash can in it – – – apparently they vary greatly from country to country and it’s a CLUE!!! WHO KNEW?????????!!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Dearrest Sammy
    Oh Noes! me entered Lima Peru yeaterday and a smart comment, but my assistant must has got distracted and not pushed the Post Comment button. Sammy does yous know where mes can gets a new assistant? This one is getting forgettful. Keeps telling me its Mentalpause or something….


    • Hi Nellie! Oh dearie me….I think your assistant is rather busy working on her beautiful paintings and not paying attention to your postings! Well, I’m gonna give you a prezzie……..your very own BIG SAMMY HUG FOR TRYING!

      }}}}}}}}}BIG SAMMY HUG FOR NELLIE BELLIE{{{{{{{{{
      p.s. my Mom gets that mentalpause thing too….oh so she claims!


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