Moaning on Monday


UP AND AT ‘EM EVERYONE!  Monday has arrived again…..time to start another week. 

Yesterday was a really delicious day……it was cold and sunny and Mom and I spent a bit of time out on the front porch enjoying the sun.   Since I have a fur coat on, I was comfy but Mom sat there on the cold step in her parka, hat, gloves, and boots while I felt free as a bird in my fur coat! 

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

This is from early Fall when the mums were still blooming but you get the idea!

I did, however, witness a murder while we were out there. 

WHAT???????????????????????  DID SAMMY SAY MURDER??????????


Yep – that’s exactly what I said.   We have a LOT of hawks around here – gray hawks, red-tailed hawks, ALL kinds and sizes of hawks.  Remember we have a woods behind us and all around the neighborhood and a TON of birds including owls, hawks, turkey buzzards and tons of smaller birds too. 

So, there we are sitting on the steps and I hear a hawk – I know their sound !  Mom and I see a small hawk land on the lawn right by our driveway and then a lot of “squeaking” – like a vole, mole, or field mouse would make if it had just been grabbed……the hawk had his wings out and down on the ground sort of “trapping” his catch to keep it from getting away.  In about 15 seconds the squeaking stopped and the hawk flew up and away with his prize.   MURDER – right there in my front yard! 

Such is the way of mother nature…….and of course the hawk got a meal and maybe he shared it with his family too (although it looked pretty small to me whatever it was!). 

Never a dull moment around here……………….even on a MOANDAY!

Hope your day isn’t dull………

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

Pee Ess……..tomorrow’s Tuesday Teaser and boy do I have a WHOPPER for you!!

58 responses »

  1. I think my mummy is jealous of my fur coat too though it would be easier if I could take mine off when it gets wet! Oh dear poor little squeaky thing I hope the hawk enjoyed its meal though nothing like something small and crunchy for lunch bol xox


    • Fur coats WOULD be nice to take off when they’re wet….or when it’s super HOT outside…..but they are very elegant aren’t they??? I love mine….all gingery and white…..Anyway, the hawk probably was able to feed his family with that little squeaky thing so I’m trying to focus on that possibility. It makes having seen the MURDER at least more bearable!! 😦

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I know!!! Scary huh? This was a very small hawk BUT we’ve seen some biggies around here. They are pretty sometimes – like the red-tailed one….but they hang out in the big tall trees and grab chipmunks, voles or field mice for munchies. They WILL attack cats though so I’m careful!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Murder right there on the front lawn!!!! I hope that hawk got one of those nasty moles or voles. They are all over our Tiny Ten and CH is waging war with them. Yesterday was a beautiful day here too after a cloudy morning with a little rain. I will be here in the morning for The Teaser Sammy. Enjoy your Monday! We are going to be over 70 degrees today and while that is very nice, it is kind of freaky for January and you know what’s coming next… t-storms and I will be in the basement Sam!
    We NEED the dang rain!


  3. I think that small squeaky thing should have stayed hidden where it was warm!!!
    it’s raining here this Moanin’ Monday. Are you getting freezing rain, Sammy?


    • Hi Miss June……I’m sure that small squeaky thing wishes (briefly!) that it had stayed hidden too…….! It’s sleeting here Miss June – Mom and Dad are staying HOME. YAY!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Charlie! Mother Nature provides….sometimes in ways we don’t necessarily want to SEE (or hear!) but she does her job. It’s sleeting here – and very cold – but tomorrow we’re getting almost sixty degrees! Crazy weather continues……

      Happy Monday!


  4. Aw….Motor Mommy feels sorry for the little prey. But such is the way of nature. Glad you got to spend some time outdoors, Sammy! Stay warm! We hear you may have more bad weather heading your way!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..yes, we felt sad about the little mousie thing but these things happen in nature and I know that. We do have bad weather this morning – ice/sleet mixed with rain… I’m glad my parents are HOME and staying there!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Mommy and one of my three human bros are good amateur photographers of nature scenes and they love hawks bunches! As you said…nature is just that, nature. Hawks gotta eat too. XXOOXX


    • Hawks are beautiful……I like to watch them flying from tree to tree – I know they are “tracking” something on the ground…..with a woods behind our house we see LOTS of them.

      Huggies, Sam


  6. That looks like a really neat front porch there, Sammy. I bet it was kind of interesting to see that hawk flying away with his prey. I knew you were probably scared by the looks of things. Good thing that hawk didn’t eat his prey next to your driveway though. That would’ve been a gruesome sight. My human has to go to school today, but I will be comfy staying home by myself. Can’t wait for the teaser tomorrow!

    – Kitty hugs, Poka


    • I have a surprise “GUEST TEASER” tomorrow! First time ever…..will be fun I’m sure since usually I’m showing photos from one of my parents trips – this will be different.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Easy it was a scary moment witnessing a murder but at least the hawk didn’t mistake yours truly for a vole!! I do hope it wasn’t Fievel and unless he was taking a very LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG detour from Nevada to visit that “ranch” (tee hee), I don’t think it was him. We may be old and retired around here but NEVER A DULL MOMENT !!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Miss Katie and Cocco I have to confess that in my younger days I would have given Mr. Squeaky a run for his money BUT I only once caught something like that – a chipmunk – and the minute Mom said “SAMMY!!” I dropped him and he ran off. Some BIG BAD CAT I am huh???!!!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Clowie I am ALWAYS on the watch for hawks, bluejays (they’re MEAN!), and foxes (although we don’t see them as much as we used to). I’ve heard of hawks swooping down and carrying off little kittens – now granted I’m not LITTLE, nor am I a kitten, but – well – I’m not taking any chances!!

      Special Hugs to Clowie, Sam


  7. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award « Pig Love

  8. Oh… do be careful, my friend. That hawk is lucky. My peep would have probaby been right out here rescuing the mouse. She rescues mice from us whenever we catch one. Snakes, too.



    • Hi Nissy – before I answer your comment I gotta say I’ve had a tough time getting that danged comment box on your bloggy – please know that I’m READING it OK??? ALWAYS!!!! Now – the mouse thing – probably if there had been time to scare the hawk off my Mom would have run over to do that but it was pretty far away – we saw it happen in the space of about 15 seconds!!! I have to say my Mom wouldn’t have done Mr. Snake that kind of favor though……she’s deathly afraid of the boogers!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Fifteen seconds… that’s not a lot of time.

        Yeah… the snakes give me the heeby jeebies, too. But my dad and my sister Constance are really into snakin’ so the peep has had to learn to save ’em. She says they’re kind of cute in their own kind of way but really, I think she just appreciates their eatin’ of the bugs in the garden.

        Funny thing you should mention ’bout the comment box on Blogger givin’ you problems. Today, when I went to leave a comment on your blog, WordPress gave me back my name. Switched it from orientallily to Nerissa’s Life. But then it made me sign in and wouldn’t let me leave a star thingy to like your post. I think Blogger and WordPress are in the midst of a battle or somethin’. purrs


        • Hi Nissy! Well I’ve never had a run in with a snake myself but my Mom lived for two years on the island of Taiwan where supposedly there are more types/varieties of snake in the universe (at least when SHE was there in the 60s) and she saw PLENTY of ’em and hated every one of them! LOL Sorry you had WP problems – frankly (Scarlet) I think all of these sites are in league to cause users as much heartache as pawsible! Yep – that’s what i think!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Better him than you Sam, you watch from the distance.
    An eagle could carry me and eat, I’m petite you know, I’d be a terrible meal tho. Just bones and tough meat, mostly muscle, no file mignon in here, sad but true.


    • Hi Mr. Leo….yes I agree – better the mousie than the kitty. Gee….I guess if the eagle or hawk or buzzard had good enough eyesight to see you didn’t have enough meat on your bones for a decent meal, you would indeed be safe. I hope so – who’d take care of Doggy?????

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • I knkow Misaki……I felt bad for Mickey (or Minnie) Mouse but better HIM (or her) than ME! The Teaser may or may not be tough…..but one thing I can guarantee – it’s DIFFERENT!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie! It was interesting that my Mom and I saw this together. After it happened I took off like a rabbit towards “the scene of the crime” but changed my mind about half way to the driveway – – – I decided maybe I didn’t want to see any “evidence” the hawk may have left!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sam


  10. Me haz not witnessed ‘murder’ but dere haz bin sum dead birdz on da patio n Mum buriez dem in da wee garden!!! We once had a hawk fly down on da patio…dat waz 2 Winterz ago! me was sittin by da door n me waz frozen just starin out at da Hawk,,,,Mum didn’t move either…da hawk looked in at us n pecked at da seedz n den flew away!!! It waz a greyish color….
    Me finkz it waz best you stayed away frum da ‘crime scene’ 😉


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