Meowy Monday



Hi Friends!  Hope you all had as nice a weekend as I did.  It was purrrfect weather for early Autumn …….. cool ……… sunny ………. breezy ……… and my parents and I spent a LOT of time outside enjoying it.


Sam grazing on the grass in the front yard

Yum….nice crunchy grass…somebody pass me the salad dressing will ya??


Today my Dad’s heading to the airport……..I wanted to show you a photo Mom took out the window of the plane in the Fall – the leaves are so many different colors!  She didn’t go with him today – he’s WORKING on the plane not FLYING it this time. 

Fall Trees

Wow… many tree colors!

Tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser you know………but it’s also my Mom’s birthday.  I’m still working on finding the right photo for the Teaser – I’m TRYING really hard to keep it interesting but not impossible.  Nobody guessed right last week so I didn’t get to hand out any BIG SAMMY HUGS! 

Hope you all have a happy Meownday…………I know I’m going to have one!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀


52 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! I hear it’s quite rainy there – not so here – this morning it’s really beautiful outside….sunny and in the 50s. I don’t think we even have rain in the forecast until mid-week and that’s only a slight chance! Hope you can get some rest after all the travel and trouble young lady! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hmm…..seems to me nobody guessed it was Garinish Island in Ireland but I do remember Mollie copied you!!! Let’s see if that’s the case tomorrow – I would think maybe Mollie might be “laying low” for a bit after getting in BIG TROUBLE!! Just in case I’m wrong about you getting the Teaser last week, how about a “BIG SAMMY FROM SAMALIA HUG” for you Sir Doggy ANYWAY??


    • Hi Coco! Every Tuesday my Mom goes through all of her vacation photos from her trips with my Dad (they take vacations EVERYWHERE) and we pick ONE picture to try and stump everyone as to WHERE it was taken! So, if you love quizzes and mysteries, come see my blog tomorrow for this week’s “Tuesday Teaser”!! Happy Monday in Bali!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh thanks! I’ll pass your wish on to my poor old Mom! Two of our maples in the back yard are getting to be pretty spectacular but many of the other trees are SLLLLLLLLLLOW in getting their color this year. I’m thinking Mom will be posting more “leaf shots” soon!

      Happy Monday!!!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. I am polishing up my thinking cap now…one of these days I am going to guess it right! Glad you had a nice day yesterday…ours was really quiet! Everyone was leaving the campground after the Bluegrass Festival ended…
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! It’s nice when everybody’s gone and you’re staying behind to enjoy the atmosphere in peace and quiet…..hope you had a FANTABULOUS time!! See you for the Tease tomorrow! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Our weather was perfect over the weekend, too,Sammy. Don’t you love Fall??? Are you doing something special for your Mom’s birthday!?


    • Hi Miss June! I do love Fall – it’s just so beautiful and today is yet another gorgeous day. I’m going to give my Mom lots of lap time tomorrow and she and my Dad are visiting YOU KNOW WHO this weekend so THAT’s really her big birthday celebration. It’s supposed to be very “Fall-ish” here all week so I’m one happy guy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Good morning, Sammy. So it’s birthday eve around your house? Motor Mommy sure wishes she lived closer, so she could help your Mom celebrate!! (Maybe later, huh….???)
    Love the picture of you in the sunshine, Handsome. And what a pretty pic your mom took from the plane. I think I heard Motor Mommy saying that she, Motor Man and Marshall were planning a day trip to the mountains in a few weeks. Should be pretty, and I’ll get the house to myself!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I’m sure your Mom, Motor Man and Marshall will enjoy heading up to the mountains to see the pretty leaves……SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many people do that when the leaves are at their peak color. You’ve had a lot of alone time lately but from today’s blog it looked like you were happy to have your Mom back UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL again!!! Tee Hee

      Happy Monday
      Love, Sammy


    • Oh I’m glad you’re enjoying the Fall photos Easy. There certainly will be more to come. The leaves are just beginning to change in my yard so Mom will be out there snapping away soon I’m sure!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. We had a beautiful weekend too but we would take some much needed rain. That is a very colorful picture! Almost birthday time and I am right behind your Mom’s birthday 😀 What would you be giving your Mom for her birthday? OhMyGosh what am I thinking? She is going to get a big old Sammy hug and maybe a head butt and hopefully no hoarking up a hair ball tomorrow Sammy.


    • Hi Miss Pix! There will be NO hoarking tomorrow that’s for sure…plenty of snuggles and cuddles and hanging out with Mom is on my agenda for tomorrow. Daddy and I will give her a card of course AND she and my Dad are having a special trip this coming weekend so that’s the “main event” for her big day. I know you’re a birthday girl too – are you doing anything special at the Tiny Ten to celebrate???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • We will go to the Kinda Big City for dinner and I will have a chocolate Hostess Cupcake 😀 I love them and my birthday is a good excuse to eat one without guilt! CH will get me a card and I already got some good stuff because when you get older you never wait for the special day you just get it when you see it 😀 A special trip for the weekend for your Mom! Dang if I were closer CH and I would kittysit you and give you lap time and tissue paper and play with you. We would even make your tent.


        • YUM! Chocolate hostess cupcakes used to be my Mom’s fave until Godiva came along. HAHA. You’re sweet about kittysitting me – I think you and CH would make WONDERFUL kittysitters – especially if you were willing to make a tent for me! Mom and I hope your special day is full of fun, hugs, and prezzies too!!

          Love, Sammy


    • We had heard from our British buddies that it was pretty dark ICKY over there with rain and cold. We’ve been so lucky to have beautiful weather (although we could use some rain). This week is to be another beauty! I’ve got a big old sun puddle with my name on it (!) in our guest room on the bed so I’m headed there now. Hope you get some sun SOON!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Hi Sammy..LOVED the image from the plane..BEAUTIFUL!! Here’s an early Happy Birthday for your MOM…I don’t want to forget, some HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!


    • Oh Miss Rosemary! My Mom was so happy to hear you singing Happy Birthday to her! She’s pretending she’s not excited about turning 65 that “certain” age, but actually she’s quite happy making it this far…tee hee….Glad you liked the photos from the airplane – Mom loves flying with Dad in the Fall and snapping away at the pretty leaves from UP THERE!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Terrell Gang!!! Mom says thanks for the birthday wishes…..she seems to be having a really LOOOOOOOOOOOONG birthday this year. She celebrated with her sister a couple of weeks ago to kick off the birthday – then tomorrow is her actual birthday – then this weekend she’s celebrating some more. Maybe she needs a LONGER birthday now that she’s LONGER in years??????????????????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miao Family! Thanks for the birthday wishes – I passed them on to my Mom and she smiled REALLY BIG. I’ll have more pix of our trees as Fall progresses – we always have the PRETTIEST trees in the neighborhood!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • WOW! I told Mom what you said and she said she EXPECTED cuddles from me and her annual box of Godiva chocolate (from Dad) and maybe some of that other stuff you mentioned..tee hee)…….but even if she didn’t get chocolate and wine she knew she’d ALWAYS get birthday huggies from MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thanks so much – Mommy smiled real big when I told her you said Happy Birthday. Please tell YOUR peep that we hope her birthday on Thursday is SPECTACULAR too! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I know Nerissa – I know! My Mom’s going to be “Ancient Plus” tomorrow. My Mom says people are as old as they THINK they are in which case she’s still in her 20s…Maybe our peeps are almost sisters! How cool is that – then you’d be my Cousin! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Oh nwow! Your Mommy has the same birthday as Kozmo! Can yous still stop by his pawty? Mes will check tomorrow. After all, mes gots to sing the birthday song!


    • Nellie my girl, we wouldn’t miss Kozmo’s PAR-TAY for ANYTHING! We’ll be there. Can’t wait to hear the birthday song and I know that Kozmo is happy that you made it possible for him to have his Callie there to help celebrate!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo!!! My Mom is a WEEK BEHIND!! Your Mom’s birthday is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? OHHH NOOOOOOOO!! Mom totally screwed up because she was going to send you a prezzie!!!
    We are so upset right now that we can’t even enjoy those gorgeous photos!


    • Hi Cody – PULEEEEEEEEZE tell your Mom not to worry! My Mom is trying NOT to celebrate her birthday much since it’s a BIGGIE if you get my drift. Tee Hee. But seriously – just knowing you love us is enough!! See you at Kozmo’s PAR-TAY tomorrow?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Melanie! Fall is truly a pretty time of the year – I bet you’re out there with your camera a whole lot more during this season!! I’m sure the kitties in SP#1 are soaking up the sun puddles while they can – before winter sets in. Mom and I think about them EVERY DAY – such a special group of kitties!

      Big Sammy Hug!!


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